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Everything posted by karnyboy

  1. I like the game too, but the "problems" this game has is that it's missing MMO features that have become staples in the past 10 years. I can't even have character specific or universal keybindings for gods sake, that's annoying enough having to remap my keys every god dam time I make a new character. When the standard is set by other MMO's it's up to the game companies to meet that standard especially when these standards affect the quality of life for an MMO gamer.
  2. Sorry, have to. I hit 50 too...I bought recruit gear. Problem solved, stop ************.
  3. karnyboy


    An Additional problem with Juggs/Mara's and their Republic equivalent in my opinion is that the last stand buff (Guarded by the Force I think on Republic Knights) is a little too powerful. a 99% reduction in damage and able to receive a full heal within that time frame is an extra life for them and they typically mop the floor of all who stand as opposition thereafter. There need to be some sort of offset to using it, where as it should actually be a last shot to kill not a guarantee. I stand beside my healer as my Knight and mow down people all day, pop Guraded by the Force, have full stacks of Juyo buff and reap the benefits as I go through my rotation. Don't even get me started on how op it is on a Guardian?Juggernaut though. It should have a 25 or 50% healing reduction while active. There's going to be many problems in this game and a flood of forum qq's when rated hits. You'll see, you can't honestly have a decent rated system in an MMO when you're constantly altering specs, changing abilities, etc. It just follows an ebb and flow of FoTM group specs. Not worthy of any sort of rating system in the least.
  4. Really!?!? REALLY!?!?! REALLY!?!?!?! Go away troll.
  5. I liked most of the changes made to pvp except for 2 unnecessary ones. The PvP daily sub lvl 50 at lvl 40 is only worth 7800 XP (used to be 20k) combine that with a losing streak where in you no longer get ANYTHING at all for losing, I see little reason to enjoy playing PvP (which like many others loved doing so). I don't understand how you could let an employee you work with let the idea pass that losing and getting nothing was a better option than losing and getting a low fraction of reward. This is a game, and while many will contest that you should not get anything for losing, my time is more valuable than a game. If I have time to sit here and play then I should have at least a minimal amount of accomplishment even if I lose 6 games in a row lets say. Now due to this issue we see rampant rage quitting, loading into half over wz and no reason for people to try and win. I come from a server where there is more Imperial players than Republic (big surprise) and more often than not the discrepancy of skill between the two factions is large. I didn't mind losing before, it sucked but at least I made progress, the way it is now, I lose and no progress was made at all, I'm not asking for a handout, I'm asking for some slight forgiveness on the current communist pvp system. Frustrations beyond all belief. This should be looked into, even if it's a 15% reward factor to the % the winning team gets is better than 0's across the board. Sincerely, A Frustrated Gamer.
  6. Some of us had an account before the game released.... /thread
  7. I dislike the trap changes to Huttball. Unless there's 8 people on their team pulling 8 separate targets into a pit of acid to kill them then one death shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Many people need to learn positioning and opportunity.
  8. A large scale WZ would be nice, but the game engine cannot handle multiple people, which Ilum had proven many times. I had to upgrade my whole rig to run it at an even frame rate. Which is sad.
  9. It's not even close to Madden though, stop being such a Negative Nancy.
  10. Totally Huttball with different stadiums is even good enough. I concur!
  11. I am not sure why there's so much hate on Huttball, I personally love it and I am not the only one, most people I talk to love it. I love the traps, I love the atmosphere. It's fun exciting and different to the norm in an MMO pvp. It keeps it interesting other than the boring zerg, node defense that usually happens. Any plans on more sports like warzones Devs?
  12. Ok, I read most of your posts up until this point and you just need to stop. Reason being is you have no idea WHY the numbers fluctuated, you assume you know. I can tell you a different perspective, PvP needs to be differentiated from PvE because without Expertise it then becomes a "Raid or die" mentality. Like one of your first posts said, top guild were kings of BG's in WoW until Resilience came in. I remember that time, I remember being in a BG with a Warrior taking as opposition in Tier 3 right before TBC came out, life was not fun because I could not raid, but I had plenty of time to pvp and I HAD TO RAID TO GET GEAR...that was way more hours then I could physically put in and as a result I lost out on what I enjoyed of the game because someone else could raid top end pve gear? See my point? Expertise is a PvP stat, you want to PvP you play PvP to get PvP gear. I further encourage a gap between PvE gear and PvP gear. If you want to kick *** in PvP get a team, get expertise, get what you need to succeed. Like wise for PvE. I'm out going to work, this thread is closed.
  13. I do like to play a lot and also play on a very active server. I do not welcome a cross server pvp queue. Never much cared for it in WoW too, once they implemented that it was downhill from there.
  14. The gains are not worth it in my mind, I like logging in to pvp and playing against people on my server and recognizing names. I think there should be an option to WZ without a cross server (for those of us that liek pvp with regulars) and WZ in a rated against all servers which would make more sense since the rated system is a ladder type system anyway.
  15. Because you forum trolls complain about anything. They could; a) tell you what they are doing and don't come through you will all ***** and moan b) not tell you and you all ***** and moan c) Say they are fixing class A and class B will ***** and moan d) some players are just never satisfied
  16. Not sure what that has to do with this....details please.
  17. I dunno, first time I played through KoTOR it was a way more entertaining and awesome experience than 3 prequels. I think good movies comes down to script and direction and then of course acting.
  18. I know right, playing a game for competitive spirit means nothing compared to gear, am I right? These people complaining need to stop complaining I think. The time they spend grinding and feeling they "wasted" their time and deserve some sort of compensation makes me feel like they're new to the MMO genre.
  19. 700k? I call bull **** until I see some pics.
  20. Is there any plan to implement a 64-bit client for SWTOR? additionally is there any plan to implement a client that takes advantage of 4-8 core cpu's? Any info would be nice, I'm not looking for promises, a simple it's something we may look into for the future is better than no answer at all.
  21. While I won't really defend Bioware saying that this is a fantastic game engine for MMO's (we know it's not) ever since I upgraded my ram to DDR3 1600Mhz and a new cpu FX8120 I have had little lag that I experienced with my old quad core 2.8ghz cpu and DDR2 ram at 1333mhz, so basically put the trade off to get playability and less headaches for a few hundred bucks wasn't worth it, but it's the sacrifice that had to be made to make this game enjoyable on Ilum and messy warzones. next on the docket is a GTX 560 Ti OC card to really ramp up my game play graphically.
  22. I'm thinking there's a bunch of complaints because some people grinded to valor 60+ and grinded to get their first level 50 and grinded to get their full BM set, and it turns out that all that time they wasted having no life was only ruined by their sick desire to matter in a pixel based world.
  23. You are putting your time and grind on a pedestal, and thus my point is proven. Had you played the game at a leisurely pace from the beginning we wouldn't even be having this conversation. Adapt to change, things happen, when I played wow I spent 7000 gold on epic riding, then 4 expansions later you can get 7000 gold like nothing, you can get epic riding like nothing. My PvP titles are obtainable again, do I care? No it was never an issue. I know from a personal stand point I had all this first, regardless of what happened down the road. At any rate, stop trying to match your ***** length with everyone else and play the game.
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