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Everything posted by karnyboy

  1. As an interrupt it works fantastic (when the animation syncs correctly). The problem I have with it is this, I have it on a 6 second cool down, I can interrupt a Sage/Sorcerer heal, let's say they start casting the big one (3sec cast?), I interrupt, now I have nothing to stop his next heal if say my stuns are on cooldown. he can spam his fast heal for the next 6 seconds and do this while he has a shield on him and be full health again. Making me bust out MORE button presses just to find another way to keep them for heal botting their self to victory. Frustrating. I'm not asking for god like stats, but the Sage/Sorcerer get an interrupt with a 3 or 4 second prevention of casting in that school just to kind of mitigate the cooldown and spam casting ratio? Anyway, I'm not whining, I'm just thinking kick could be more effective than it is. inb4 - you're doing it wrong, etc.
  2. Except without expertise they guy that can run OPS and Hard mode groups as often as possible will be the top dog. You need expertise or some type of pvp stat in an MMO to balance the play field. without it you have the hardcore PVE players dominating all aspects of the game which oddly enough is more unfair to the masses than the apparent "plight" people are having with expertise.
  3. I hit 50 and finally got a full champion set...guess what...I don't know what problems you speak of. You start hitting 7% Expertise and you will start noticing a difference.
  4. If you're still sucking at pvp with centurion or champion gear and REALLY REALLY need that battle master gear immediately rather than having it as a nice way to keep the carrot in front of you, then by all means Republic or Imperial players (whichever side you play on) will be better off without you playing in warzones and for that fact, staying away from Pvp all together.
  5. When George Lucas dies...eventually his rights to the product will become free to the directors...But knowing George he is going to have some stupid 100 year copyright on his product...so we may never see any more.
  6. I'd have to agree, I didn't start gettign anywhere decent in pvp until I got around 5 pieces of pvp gear. NOw with the Expertise boost I actualyl feel like I am a useful portion of the team instead of a butter knife swinging retard.
  7. I find most Jedi gear in general is ugly as sin. Space Samurai's, Boggle Head Wizards, head bands for sweatin to the 50's, robes upon robes upon robes, stuck with a hood, male dresses
  8. That was one of the easiest fights I ever did. I'm not sure what everyone does differently, but I could not open the loot chest to upgrade T7, so most of the gear he had on was from the low 30's range. All I did was turn off T7's high threat attacks and put him in dps mode. I took the brunt of the damage, popped valorous call when it came time, t& died stayed focused on Emperor and bam. Ignore his clones and go just for the Emperor and by th time you kill him, pop Guarded by the Force if need be or Saber Ward. Just out last the bugger.
  9. Thank you! While many of the people were ready to call me stupid, learn to play, etc. I know there's something wrong with the class just can't explain it because I'm not some technical guru.
  10. I would love to have a bolster effect in Ilum pvp so I can at least have fun in there when outnumbered 4:1 Plus the Sentinel "fixes" are not addressing the problem. The problem is we actually only have 1 viable pvp tree, Combat with it's Ataru form buffs from you would basically make Combat the go to tree and leave Watchman in the dust, only moving the problem from one tree to to another.
  11. Between chain healing and chain stunning, and two different advanced classes, I know there's a difference. But really in the end like I said, between the chain healing and chain stunning, it's a little out of hand.
  12. Because I don't want to have to quest in a PvP area and be flagged for PVP if I don't have to be. It's a freedom of choice, and you have to appease the choices made by the majority (PvE players)
  13. Basically put, the majority of these Inquisitors are Champ/BM geared too, try killing one with 2 others healing him and even with focus attacks. Not going to happen. In my experiences throughout the years there is a very close commonality between an OP class and the amount of people playing it at any given time. These Warzone's are not fun, it's a chain stun lightning shocks snare into trip into hell with one side guaranteed victory. Out of probably 100+ WZ games approximately I have had 3 fun ones, the rest is just a crap shoot slaughterhouse feeding the Imperial machine.
  14. I did. It's actually really easy to kill people by comparison.
  15. http://s233.photobucket.com/albums/ee20/karnyboy/SWTOR/ And these are the few I have taken. There's been more where I've been so rage induced I frantically wait for the Exit Warzone button to light up. My server is disgusting to play on, Imperials outnumber Republic by an approximate ratio of either 3:1 or 4:1, Ilum PvP is based on what ridiculous time of night can I log on at.
  16. Plus the fact that we have to spec into 3 different talents just to keep Focus up which is our bread and butter.
  17. Yet another whiny baby Imperial player. Nothign to see here folks. I may suggest to him if he wants life tough then maybe he should try out playgin Republic on my server. Lord Adrass welcomes you with open arms. If you'd think that with all that whining there's be some cheese. I am pretty sure you get Centurion Comendations 100% of the time no matter the bag, so just make a Centurion set and progress naturally. So many *****y babies since WoW came out that think every piece of gear shoudl be handed to them just because the person pvp. Well news for you jack, PvP shouldn't be based around just getting gear. PvP is actually fun for competition, yah I know you're a ***** who can't understand this, but then again like I said, you want a real challenge, come to Republic side on Lord Adrass, then you'll know the meaning of a hard life.
  18. I've seen this happen outright disgusting. a level 50 which no doubt had many pieces of pvp gear would not drop below 50% health, even with 6 of us attacking him. Shields always up, probably guarded and on top of that no amount of trauma seemed to affect his ability to full heal or heal more than the incoming damage.
  19. I hate young people who think they're always right. Stereotypes are awesome!
  20. How are others that seek random groupings in pvp being faltered by my choice to do the same? How is asking for a segregation of organized player groups and un-organized solo unfair? You're skewing my words into an attitude you seem to see fit as a whiner. Apparently no matter what I say you can't see the difference between a team of random people and a team of people specifically grouped for the sole purpose to either a) compete effectively or b) faceroll. I know what a team is, and I know what a difference planning makes over the unprepared. I never said once it wasn't possible to win against a premade, I just remember stating that the advantages all side with the premade in the majority of cases and as a result should be separated to accommodate two different types of player style.
  21. I choose not to join those ladder clans in the FPS too, I play on a very large community of mixed player skills in my FPS games, it's friendly and not serious and fun. I see the games shift on both sides because the skills and teams constantly get mixed up. I don't rage in this game either, i just happen to see the bigger picture. It seems many of you appear threatened by the thought of losing your premade group in pvp facerolling chances should a system ever be implemented.
  22. It doesn't discourage it at all, when first attempting something like pvp you should be able to soak your feet with a random group for as long as you want. The natural progression should you choose to stick with it these people serious about it will find their own ways to create groups (premades). That decision should be left up to the player. That is unfortunately not the case, if I don't want to face premades, I don't get that option, EVER. This is called an unfair advantage.
  23. lol you beat me to it. I was going to say pay attention.
  24. You can't always find people to play with, time restraints, my guild doesn't always play when I play, some guild mates don't want to pvp, the list goes on. I shouldn't have to be punished play against a premade if I don't want to, but yet I am being forced to. Honestly, you don't make a premade to find a bunch of unorganized randoms, you want to play against other premades for good competition. Right? Right? Be honest now.
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