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Everything posted by hankart

  1. The easiest option would be just to give the underdog team a warning and an option to quit this queue. Something like "The other faction has 2 more players on thier team at this time" "Continue or Drop". If you continue you may or may not get backfill players. But at least you would have a choice to play or not. There would be no point in whining about it then!
  2. hankart

    Limited attendance

    Wow, I thought they just fired all those guys! LOL
  3. QQ, rinse, repeat! I love it!
  4. Open world might get the stale taste out of my mouth of the same ol' same ol'!
  5. Sorry spell check won't help on this one!
  6. hankart

    Undying Rage

    Interesting point, but without this tool tell me what the Mara/Sent is going to do besides stand and become a victim!
  7. With my luck, my companion will see who's on the other team and head off to Walmart....
  8. Just a thought, I read that there will be no new gear sets in 1.3. If thats so then those who have a full set of augmented WH gear will stagnate with nothing to upgrade to. While everyone else will continue to upgrade. So by the time rated WZs come around everyone should be fairy equally geared. But I could be wrong!
  9. I used to Love Wookie Life Day. The Tree of Life was cool I thought. This game could use some of that Magic!
  10. Make War Hero Gear a Requirement to Queue
  11. Dude I got 30 days for free, yippeeeeeeeeee!
  12. This could get ugly LOL!
  13. Wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, wait for it, wait...............................................................
  14. VO/story has put me to sleep and/or wore out my spacebar, PVP is broken, POP is falling. Forums a QQ fest with threads being closed right and left. The question is what has SWTOR done for you lately. They have given me another 30 days to play for free. Then unless some great magic patch comes out, its over!
  15. Was that a flush I just heard?
  16. I share your dream, but my station still has a few toons lingering. Maybe BW can whip up another plague to get rid of the rest for me.
  17. I always wanted this game to succeed, but with the attitudes and the inability to fix this game my clock is ticking. My sub info looks like this: "You have 30 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code." Unless something changes dramatically, I will not resub. I'm to old to wait for these Devs to get their act together. I played SWG for over 6 years and really enjoyed the relationship between the Devs and the Players. It was a true Community. I have yet to find that here! I was ready to go a few months ago but got into PVP. It lit my fire a little bit, then 1.2 and all its issues, server size dropping, queue time getting longer everyday and its all getting stale. So how long do you have? As I know I'm not alone!
  18. Because someone would rather see you suffer than save you butt early.
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