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Everything posted by halorix

  1. Because at this point they don't HAVE to, that's the part you're missing. down the road i expect to see a free month, but at this point? even though the guy says he gets nothing out of it he still did it,why? because he wants to play with those people! So its working for bioware to do it this way, they would of course get more people to send out trails if they offered a free month, but apparently they weighed the pro's and cons and decided that at this point it's more profitable to do it this way.
  2. Everyone should be cool like me and just not invite anyone till they give us a free month! Actually i haven't invited anyone because all my friends who want to play it are already, maybe once 1.2 or something, but seriously they don't have to give you anything, and don't you WANT to play with your friends? no one here heard about word of mouth?
  3. People are more likely to leave a flashpoint or warzone if they don't have friends in them and they are going badly, especially when its not penalized.
  4. So I'm assuming you are discounting the time it takes you to get your warzone daily done right? i mean it would only be logical. They are not going to let to complete two daily's for the same amount of effort, at that rate they should just roll everything into one quest and call it a day. If you don't have the time to complete the daily quest, you can certainly do it every other day yes? each warzone should be under 20 minutes to join and complete, assuming that it should be just over 3 hours to do, you said it takes about 4-5 to complete your warzone daily, on average you are doing half of the armaments already, taking you about 1 hour 40ish min, assuming that even by doing the rest of the warzones your total time played only goes up by about 40-50 min and that's assuming worst case and they all take 20 min, and you don't have to rely on people being in ilum. If ilum is deserted its because people didn't want to go there but felt they had to.
  5. Step one, do warzones until daily is complete. step two go to ilum and finish up however many you need. step three buy a cow. you could also just avoid going to ilum by doing it through warzones every other day, and then you could spend more time with your lovely children! see bioware DOES care!
  6. Not true it can only be solved by creating a triforce and using it to bring peace to the land!
  7. This guy is mad, MAD I TELL YOU! I mean who wouldn't love the new icon? it's so cute i just wanna lick it!
  8. so if they post higher numbers (i doubt they include trials as account) you would blame it on the fact they are successfully advertising and bringing new people into the game? Hope they post retention rates so one side or the other can finally shut up, because both sides are grasping at straws until the quarter is over and numbers are posted.
  9. And even then if someone knows your name on the internet you would have to give out a lot of other information, such as where you live down to the state level at least, unless you have a really rare name.
  10. Geez going outside and talking to people could have the same effect, do you avoid having Irl friends? That being said no i wouldn't invite EVERYONE but id invite the people i actually like, as they are the people i wouldn't mind knowing my irl name, and not people i just met two days ago.
  11. If i read it correctly you can buy the unlocks through credits or something else ingame, so even if you don't level up a chiss you could still pay to unlock it and then make one.
  12. Guys i cant tell, is he being serious? I'm totally only questioning it because of the amount of smiles in the post, should be more if he was super duper serious. I love orbital stations too, every now and then i see someone come through and I'm like "NO MY ORBITAL STATION!" and then i bite their ankle.
  13. Well you don't have to deal with traffic so ill say "you win some and you lose some, you just lost some."
  14. ha I'm part of the 62% IM IN THE MAJORITY! in other news, i would like a threat meter, so then i can tell how much I'm annoying my tanks.
  15. you realize that even if someone play's with friends there are still 4 people who wouldn't be able to hear right? Of course i already know the answer.
  16. if you're not having fun go unsub and do something else till all the content you think is mandatory for you to have fun, then come back, complaining that everyone should be in at launch is silly because then the launch would have been delayed to april at least, if not later due to all the things you deem are mandatory for a mmo to launch now.
  17. coming from the wow forums its "OMG YAY NEW STUFF!" talked about for a day then its back to normal largely, seems to happen like that in every mmo I've played since wow.
  18. Honestly i went to play the beta and was surprised how short it was, didn't expect it to finish before the first act as i hadn't been paying attention to it for awhile, but yeah had issues with latency while playing with my friend, though it could have just been my connection to be fair, solo was better but i doubt ill play it much solo anyways.
  19. D3 is not a mmo, and "free to play in 2 months" has been said since before the game came out, still not f2p. Jesus these forums are almost as bad as wow's, except there its "WOW KILLER INC!"
  20. So marketing to get more customers is a sign its failing? guess we should tell that to everyone who advertises that they just look pathetic in their death throes.
  21. Part of the problem is i already have toons that i have been working on leveling, as well as a 50 sniper and operative, at the very least 4 more slots would fix a majority of the issues most people would have, even as much of a alt fanatic as i am i cant see myself leveling all 16 advanced classes, but id assume there are people out there who are and then they would want 4 more.
  22. You seem excessively mad good sir, i wasn't the one correcting people.
  23. How is that a insult? is the Sith pureblood that jedi knight's get as a companion a insult? Lets just get rid of that companion, its totally not something a sith would ever do, i mean defect and go over to the republic? PSHAW!
  24. Figured with how few words he had in there he could at least get them right eh?
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