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Everything posted by Eurynamous

  1. I get the exact same thing with the freezing on the loading screen where an alt-f4 is the only way to resolve it. Except there is a bit of a difference when I monitor all my devices. First thing that goes down is my network connection but then my modem reads fine. If I was for a few minutes, online goes off, followed by ds and us. This always occurs when I am playing after midnight. My modem doesn't come back on unless I power cycle it. The issue only reoccurs when I play TOR. So I am not sure what would cause the failure, the term modem flapping comes to mind but again, this only happens under certain conditions. I also know it's not a bandwidth cutoff from my ISP, because I have a TB of bandwidth per month. I have no router interference as I have swapped out my Cisco modem for a sb5500 and it made no difference. It's also not a driver issue since the modems go offline, it could be a trend in the area or maintenance, I also know that my ISP is doing a chassis convergence and removing the private network nodes in order to create more bandwidth. So that could be a leading cause of the issue. But I doubt that since they tend to send letters to clients who are about to be upgraded.
  2. The warrior set doesn't look too bad at all, it's got a simplistic battle armor look to it, so I don't hate that. But the rest is ****, maybe it's the colors they used that make it worse, but it does look silly... You poor ***********.
  3. I would go with vitiate, since consuming Sith Lords and worlds are his speciality. Straight saber fight, probably the group, since numbers do account for something, though not so much in the SW universe. Revan and malak don't really stand a chance since they were bent to vitiate's will before and revan never stood a chance during the final encounter before he was imprisoned.
  4. It does not diminish your gameplay experience at all. How you play the game is all that should matter, not what anyone else does. That and you're lumping in the people who grind dailes and avoid the CM like its the plague in with the said people who sell CM gear on the GTN. I have some 63's wedged into my bracers, belt, saber and offhand. Because you need the crafted 63's to actually upgrade that gear. I got my stabs/matrix from HM TFB, SM TFB, HM EC and some NIM EC. But I bet you would automatically assume I sold crap vanity items and bought my way into those items. This whole pay to win argument is fail, since it literally has no impact on you and makes the guilds who completed the content wealthy through crafting. This phrase will continue to be misused and over exaggerated, as it seems that some people really want this game to fail. Now commence with the generic, canned rebuttal's.
  5. Haven't seen it in the live client, which is too bad because it's a nice helm.
  6. They could also do the reclaiming of korriban, starting with op space mission to break the defenses and then board...
  7. Probably because its not considered a balance issue, but perhaps a player countering failure. I don't suffer from the issue or have any complaints. Oh wells.
  8. This is lulz. This game plays fine for a lot of people who move around, jump, skip and look at their shadows on max settings. I was one of these people, I am no longer. There is an issue somewhere, but what we have going on here is a witch hunt. Somebody wants to burn something at the stake and it's just like all clients calling into tech support, it's the companies fault and all my **** is perfect. We all know how to test against other programs that are more intensive so we can benchmark and compare logged data. But much like the idiot who chews gum with his mouth open, we can't be bothered to do anything about except get angry and think about ways to punch said human in the face. Now, I never had a problem until the release of TFB. That's the honest truth, not a single issue. TFB hits us and now I get a CTD every couple of days, which is temporarily resolved with a repair. On the fleet, I had max viewable and shadows maxed, it was fine but now it's a bit stuttery. So yes, there is an issue. Usually these issues are code related, since everything is code in the software universe. Posting in the general section of this forum will only get a pile of individuals who are uneducated in game design and coding spouting their foolish assumptions backed with weak proof that the average joe can believe as solid evidence. If you have experience in this industry, and are posting what you see wrong, then you would know what the industry standard is for criticizing peers, there is a format that is used in the documentation. If you want them to look at what you're saying and see what you're pointing out. Write that document and post it in CS. Otherwise this is just an exercise in fingerpointing with people backing it because they have similar problems but have no idea how to identify the actual source of it.
  9. Here is what you're not getting. I didn't suggest anyone was asking for tanks to be equal dps. I wasn't saying tanks shouldn't do any damage. I was saying that damage, though it needs to exist for leveling reasons, shouldn't have anything to do with the role of tanking. Yes you should have it, but no it shouldn't be calculated into tanking. The fact that a tank needs to get impale in order to hold aggro is a joke. You're grabbing an ability to use in a rotation that another class uses every 9 seconds. Paired with shatter, scream and ravage. What's happening here is that damage equals greater threat, when it shouldn't at all. Threat should equal greater threat, end of story. A difference of 200 dps isn't even on the radar and wouldn't make tank A more desirable than tank B. what should is who has better mitigation and control. Asking for a damage boost is a bandaid fix to a larger issue, which is, why do tanks need impale to do their jobs? As mentioned before, the changes to an ability caused the point migration, which didn't fix anything but created a larger issue. Keep in mind, we are talking mechanically and not what is preferred, but how it's design is flawed. If you can't look at it like that, then I can't discuss it with you, because you will just want more damage regardless without trying deduce what's wrong with the current threat generation. If you want to try and discuss it, act as of damage is a non-existent factor.
  10. This whole issue then reeks of poor design. If threat is a measurement used to keep the attention of a target, then it should be the sole form of measurement used to keep attention. To challenge that attention, the target should have abilities to wipe it and swap to the next highest. Each class has its primary focus outside the tank role, those classes have their own measurements that they need to follow. Healing and damage. To challenge control, damage/healing abilities would build up smaller amounts of threat that take a long time to stack. Where a tanks threat should stack faster, then level out to be maintained and slightly lost here and there for challenge. These variables should all be separate. The boss mechanics and gradual build of challenging threat makes tanking the most dynamic class in the game, because you're fighting the monsters and the players. In that regard, damage focused attacks should have less of a threat build than the tanking abilities, regardless of base damage. Now if the system doesn't operate like this and damage is the only way to build superior threat, then jugg hybrids should be the only viable tanking tree and that's wrong. If this is the case, then I support the request for a damage boost. But I would much rather see the threat system operate the way it should. Damage should never be a tanks concern, survival of the party should be.
  11. Because it's the NA servers for NA players that they're focusing on? Because it was something a lot of people asked for as well?
  12. This topic has been discussed at great length and has beenade the way it is for a reason. Reason 1: promote alt investment Reason 2: AC's are different from each others, some significantly more than others. Reason 3: Design philosophy based on "your choices define who you are and you have to live with it". Reason 4: Cost of switching (gear, mods, purchasing skills you never learned) Reason 5: Uselessness of players who just switch ACs and think they can raid when they don't even have the base rotation understood, let alone executed. Reason 6: whether you like it or not, FOTM. Reason 7: The AC's are the real classes in the game, you just choose them in game after learning the basics, instead of on the character creation screen. Reason 8: Each AC has 2 unique trees and 1 shared, which further sets them as their own unique classes. So AC switching, while convienant, will always be a bad idea that goes against the design in place. They already gave their version of dual spec through legacy and that is hopefully as far as it goes.
  13. It's the something else that this game needs, more layers for activity is a good thing. Hopefully it's not as brutal as I hear panda lands format has become. I don't mind rep grinds for cool looking items, because anyone can do it with whatever time they have available. I see this optional format as a way for the seriously casual player to get something cool looking. It's not for everyone, this is true, but it's something that's there to do when you got nothing but time or barely anytime at all.
  14. Keep it as is, that's how I feel. The other option is make a purchase to support the game and become preferred or sub.
  15. Because they don't truly know what to expect, but fear complete disappointment because the first two iterations were a **** show. So with little faith, they wonder just what the **** is going on with what should be open pvp.
  16. That and the furies, Erinyes. -edit: tried to get it to sound like "eur-ina-mess".
  17. Interesting proposal, what kind of impact would that have on the already damaged crafting aspect? While the suggested system does keep that "look as you wish" level of pregression and investment intact. How would you implement it into the new reputation system? (It wouldn't be hard at all) But the bigger question would then be, how do crafters who don't raid stay relavent when all of the great stuff drops in ops? A gulf is created when it becomes a those can and have over those who don't and can't. So, while your idea is bloody fantastic, how do you implement it without further invalidation of borderline useless skills and new features?
  18. Look at this **** right here... We've got the creepers, we've got the desperate and we've got the self righteous. A third of you think a woman saying hello or being polite is code for "she wants a pounding from me". The second third of you don't know what to say at all and act like d-bags and the remaindered assume girl in the online community means Guy In Real Life. If you get creepers who want to cyber simply because you said hello, report them for sexual harassment in-game. You got a d-bag being a dirty d-bag, ignore the ****er. For the rest of them, just let them assume, saves you the trouble of having them mutate into the first two thirds that are actually problems. The rest of you fools should pipe down before a staff member comes and suspends your **** for being sexist and discussing things of a political sort. Talking about being alpha males and all that ****, bull, your mothers are your alphas and when they tell you to sit up straight, you do it. I bet you punks still live with your mothers, then get all passive aggressive towards them and spew stupidity on the forums. Except for that one guy, the poster who talks about war, he is the living version of Ron Burgundy.
  19. Lol really? I said equalize the stats... How does someone with equalized capped stats one shot anyone? Everybody is at the same stat cap the moment they enter the zone, you can't outstat anyone when you're all at the same level. It works, you just didn't read what I said right. If all stats are leveled and expertise is removed, then everyone is on equal footing.
  20. Disable expertise and cap stats for the zone? Equalize the playing field similar to their bolster system for lower level pvp? Or would that make the people who want that elite crusher stat standing to keep them apart from greens? Frankly, it's the only way I see PVE/PVP hybrid zones working without much gear stat disparity. Both should earn rewards towards their respective goals, able to fight and defend on equal terms excluding numbers. I know this wont be a loved suggestion, but it's halfway instead of one or the other.
  21. Good post, but what if this event is designed for pvp and only has pvp objectives. The events could be pvp based events and the challenge inside the ship could be the only PVE aspect. Granted mingling the two gets a very small group of people that like pvp and PVE together, that's why I play on a pvp server. I do agree that at this time, it appears that the "meaningful open pvp" group are being ignored in an attempt to bridge two separate game types. At this time, it looks interesting to me, but painful to others. At least I have a reason to get all my WH gear and some EWH.
  22. As many have said, no, no they can't. If they were going to, they would have to create a code to check the hypothetical "if" statement on characters and weed out "if done: no get quest again" as a way to see what's completed and what's not. Waste of time considering that it would be pointless to introduce a new feature to this game, just to give everyone the rewards. Especially since it is a new incentive to play the game for varied rewards that aren't from the cartel market.
  23. The slot machine bags have got to stop, reskins need to drop in cost. They are gear pieces you can get for free, with different shades. If they were to release a dye pack, that would sell exceptionally, especially at a not so stupid rate. The class stories need to return, in a big way and Makeb isn't the "expansion" to do it. If class story doesn't make an appearance by 2014, you can bet your *** that there will be a dip in player count. People love this game and have hope for it, they just hate the state it is in and how there are no signs of improvement. It's only year 1, so it's not doom time yet.
  24. Mox is your best bet, it's real time and goes off your logs as they're updated.
  25. TBH this game is simple enough that it doesn't even need them, you can customize your UI placement already, there are dps and threat charts already. There is an inventory sorting system implemented just recently and there isn't much more that people really need. If you're thinking about lame things that assist in raids and warn you when something is about to happen like DBM... I would say, it's easy enough that you can skip noob assist and learn the boss fights.
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