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Everything posted by symke

  1. Cartel market is here so you can forget about any old promises. This next few months they will be working on an idea of Makeb, since considerfing the amount of info they gave us leeds to the conclusion it's in it's very early stage of development. And of course all those new shiny things to buy in Cartel market. Every thing else, including old and new bugs is put on side track. For now. It could get better some time next summer.
  2. I don't know about beta testing pre-launch, but they have proven time and time again during this past year, that they value bugs and bug reports even less than they value their communication to us. Which is very low indeed. And even if there is any beta testing of Makeb, we can all be almost sure that many bugs that beta testers will report, will still make it live. Cartel market and other quick cash methods are the only things they are interested in.
  3. Why would you want to know that? You don't care about this community on all other fronts besides milking us for more cash, so it's really mind-bogling why would you need us to tell you which threads to read. Instead of spending time to write this thread, you should spend ti by helping one (just one for start) question, cry for help, bug report or any other one of numerous threads that go unanswered.
  4. Apparently the lack of information and what that means is something that some people here do not comprehend.
  5. Of course. they are trying to bury it among other old threads. Damage control when they are trying to sell as many pre-orders for Makeb as possible.
  6. Why not now? There must be some parts of Makeb whose purpose, shape, color or smell you have already decided to be. Or is what you have told us the only thing that is known to not change?
  7. Surprise us. Gives us more information now. Or don't you even know yourselves?
  8. Nice. You'll continue to answer questions. So why don't you tell us more about it now? I don't mean every little detail, just a bit more. You know, you don't have a very good track record for delivering on your promises, so I would imagine you will understand me for being slightly worried about the lack of information. What is set in stone and what could be changed by the time Makeb goes live? What changes (if any) Makeb will bring to various parts of the game (CM items Vs GTN)? How this new gear will be incorporated into the game? What changes (if any) will it bring? Do you actually know this stuff at this moment or is Makeb still somewhere in the clouds (no, not cloud computing) at this stage of development?
  9. I've tried many different classes and builds over this year, but Watchman is still at the top of my favorites. I think it's the combination of burst damage and DOTs and I also find it more engaging to play than either Combat or Focus builds. DOTs are essential to Watchman and as it turns out, almost useless in PVP situation. Don't ask me why this didn't bother me before as I don't know. I just played it and found it the most fun. Now, after I have been told ingame that I am not good for a PVP group, the situation has become more serious. I am not talking about recent healing nerf, even though that could be the reason for my beautiful Jedi to not be wanted. It's cleansing of DOTs that bothers me the most. Every healing class has a cleansing skill which they can use every 4-5 sec to remove DOTs. Every 4-5 secs they can just remove almost half of our damage and the entire reason for us being Watchmen. I would understand if resolve would helps us not get cleansed to often or CDs of those skills were longer, but it almost makes our burn damage useless. How do you think could Watchman become more viable for PVP? This is a MMO and like with all others, buffs and nerfs happen all the time. So maybe, with some good suggestions and enough voice, we could make our beloved samurai come back to the fields of PVP glory.
  10. This. And all those that are preordering Makeb are contributing to it even now. I don't believe my desire for playing SWTOR will last until "sometime in spring" and even if I would want to wait I don't see a reason for playing a bug ridden add-on for the game few days before everyone else. Unless I was some sort of samaritan who wanted to experience new bugs before everyone else so I could alert them to it.
  11. They are a bunch of inbred and overpaid monkeys whose only intelligent thought revolves around quick cash. Not even "a year from now" holds any interest to them, only "next week" or "next month". That is the range of their capabilities and it doesn't look like it's gonna change soon. So any kind of feedback that doesn't revolve around new things to sell on CM, is gonna get ignored.
  12. Thanks I find that strange. I thought resolve was supposed to prevent things such as that. Both burns take 6 sec to finish which makes them practically useless if you have an opponent which uses this skill regularly. In case of OS it takes even longer to set up 3 stacks of burn which is the idea behind OS in the first place. Does every class have a skill which helps them to negate half of the basic damage of the opponent's class? Sents and Maras have a lot of defense or mitigation skills, but they are on a high CD which makes them useful only occasionally. This is mitigation of our basic damage all the time. 4 secs is a very short time in PVP considering I have to use my OS before I can apply my burns. Sents and Maras were supposed to be a healing class destroyers, but this makes us nothing more than a nuisance to the healing classes.
  13. I play a watchman since I like doing DOT damage. But healer classes have a "cleans" (purge, ...) skill which removes 2 negative effects. How does this work in PVP? How are those 2 effects determined if there are more than 2? Example: I use my overload saber and cauterize but since I have inflammation which slows my target whenever I use cauterize, my target has 3 negative effects on (two stacks of burn and slow). I fight a sorc who uses Purge to remove 2 of those effects. Which two? How is that determined? And one more question ... can this sorc use his/her Purge skill every 4 sec or does resolve somehow prevent him/her from doing that to often? Thank you
  14. Thanks ... that's an interesting idea. So cleansing tries to cleans two different conditions? If I first apply OS and then cauterize (with slow) will it cleanse my OS stack of burns because they were first to be applied? If I fight one healer ... how often can he apply his cleanse on me? Every 4 sec (every time his "purge" is off CD)?
  15. Thanks Does that mean they can cleans my DOTs every 4.5 sec, or is resolve somehow preventing this from happening to often?
  16. Which classes can cleanse DOT's? How often can they do it?
  17. What about those that don't have either money or time? Don't you think this system should be good for them as well?
  18. The idiocy of this idea is still something I don't understand well. Why was it necessary? PVP in this game is great because it gives you an added feeling of growth. With each level you get stronger, survive longer and are of more help to your group. With each of my characters I started playing in WZ's with level 12. I knew I will not be the best, but I also knew I will become better. Isn't that what leveling is about? What did they think to achieve by giving level 10 an item which takes much, much higher level to craft? If they want to cuddle those that don't like PVE, give them an option to become 50 from start. Level requirement is one of the basic principles of the game. Now they have invalidated this system.
  19. Your idea of celebration is an insult to every player of this game. Simple as that.
  20. Thank you for this simple but highly effective info. You are communicating to us and I think that you have no idea how much that means to us. You made a mistake. It happens and will continue to happen in the future which we all understand. And that is the reason why we need this kind of communication from you more often. So we know you know. So we see you trying. So we can say to ourselves "Ahhhh, they are working on this. They really are .". Maybe it's a professional disability of your line of work (CS), but even small updates, notices and messages of progress and your work are doing a huge improvement in connecting you with this community in positive way.
  21. +41 exp crystal at level 10! Is this the beginning of "start your PVP at the same gear level as 50s"? I am not so experienced with all the gear so correct me if I am wrong, but I had an impression that you couldn't use such a powerful crystal at level 10 before F2P? I like SWTOR PVP. You have a true feeling of growth during you ascent to 50. Every few levels you can notice the difference in survivability, damage and overall usefulness of your character. You grow. Now it looks like GW2's philosophy is creeping it's ugly head into this game. I may be just exaggerating, so please, correct i I am wrong . I know this crystal is not as good as some others at higher levels, but is this the start of a new approach to PVP gear? Is this just a first step in changing our PVP experience?
  22. I understand your situation and agree with you. You have a right to play the game in whatever way you like. But personal preferences are not question here. Why can you, at level 10, buy a crystal which crafter can't make at level 10? Correct my if I am wrong as I don't have an artifice character, but +41 Exp is something an artifice crafter can only craft when he/she is at much, much higher level? Right? This is the problem with CM. They are invalidating crafting and destroying market economy. I've just read their explanation regarding this and it's such a bunch of poop, I can't imagine they have even one single developer who is working on this, with IQ higher than room temperature. Link to this verbal diarrhea of one called Damion Schubert : http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/22126-bioware-outlines-cartel-market-crystal It looks like they are trying to make this game into GW2. Please don't. I came back here because I couldn't play that crap of an RPG.
  23. My mistake and I apologize for it. I tend to over dramatize things when I am upset . What I meant to say was "work done". All those new shiny things are not necessary, bug fixes are. Adding new items every few weeks is less important than communicating. Helping players is more important than selling to them. Agree?
  24. The only bugs they are really trying to fix quickly are Cartel market related ones. Others have to wait for weeks before they even acknowledge them. So far I've never been worried about new content, as I still have some parts of the game to do so I am not so impressed with 1.6. But tell me something ... what kind of future do you see when CS department does not communicate to almost anything else but Cartel market issues? When phone support is only working as an idea? When tickets are almost never answered with meaningful responses which makes entire ticket system almost unusable? Where the entire focus of the game has change in one month. And it has changed towards cash shop. How many updates do you see in the future? How many players do you see staying in the future? How much money are you willing to spend besides your sub? The most damage will be done by subs who pay extra cash in CM. Besides almost complete ignorance of their players by EAware, subs who pay extra are imo one the main reasons for a very bleak looking future of this game.
  25. Bad! And getting worse. Instead of getting more experienced and able to help, CS is getting worse by the month. Fixes that are not related to CM get side tracked.Tickets not working. Phone support is there only as an idea. Communication is non existent. Old bugs are still rampant, new ones are resolved in weeks instead of days without any official words or help to those that suffering them. The state of this game is terrible and future looks very bleak. Cash shop alone cannot save it. Quality is needed.
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