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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Lasica

  1. Personally I'd much rather my team win so I can finish the daily quest for 3 wins rather than focus on how many medals I get. After all it takes around 10 wins (800 commendations) for a champions bag, but only 3 if you are doing the daily.


    I can usually get

    2.5K heal

    5K heal

    75K healer

    1 killing blow

    10 kills


    Occasionally I can get

    300K healed

    1K defence

    25 kills


    Rarely I can get

    75K damage

    3K defence


    So I have a possible 10 medals, but usually I only get 5.

  2. Sorry fella but resolve seems to be working fine for me and im a Shadow. A full stun filles it up about 2/3 of the way. A knockback or a smaller stun like a knockdown fills it a litte less amount. When is full, boom, CC and knockback immunity. Excellent for Huttball.


    It doesn't work if you chain CC on someone.


    Take this scenario from a game I was just in. I used knockback on agent with the ball and he dropped off the ledge to the ground. As I dropped down I saw he was stunned. Someone else then stunned him and I was then able to stun him again and because mine when off before the previous stun wore off he remained stunned.


    So he got knockbacked then CCed until he died.


    That sort of suggest to me that resolve is pretty worthless.

  3. I'm a half geared imp on a server with a fairly balanced pop (Illum is fights, not base invasions).


    I'm on probably the most balance server there can be an Ilum is still base invasions mostly, just sometimes it is theirs instead of ours.


    Though it worked out ok this morning when I did my daily. We did a for feints at them, worked out who their healers were then all came out of the base, killed their healer and rolled them back halfway across the map before they reinforced with more numbers and we had to give up once it got into a 2:1 situation.

  4. Empire gets 70-80% Huttball, on a GOOD day. if you are on Republic and getting alot of Huttball then something is wrong.


    Well on my server very very late at night we get only republic/republic huttball. There is the occasional republic/republic class during the daytime but its very rare. There are more empire on our server though so I guess they all have to go to bed early which is why we get the huttball late at night.

  5. Ive opened up 16 bags n i still only have 1 piece of champs its getting really old


    Yet I have opened 16 bags since hitting 50 on Friday night and 3/5 armour and a lightsaber + offhand + relic.


    This is the problem with any type of RNG system like this.

  6. Yea, sorry for not leveling slower bro.

    I am sorry that I am a hardcore dedicated player, and I play games for competition, and because of this I also choose to be as far ahead as I possibly can be.


    You are contradicting yourself there. You say you want competition, but at the same time you want to be as far ahead as you possible can be... which means what you really want is faceroll content.


    Most of the real competition at the moment is in the tough 1-49 bracket where gear is less relevant and every game is a close challenging contest.

  7. If you are having problems cancelling, press the help button in the top-right of this screen. Type in cancel in the search box. Follow the link and log in to your account. Press subscription, then press cancel subscription.


    If you try logging directly into your account using the My Account button above it won't work, follow the method I have outlined and it will. Don't know why, that something for someone smarter than me to figure out but there you go.


    Or you can sit around and whinge for the next 3 months.

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