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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Lasica

  1. I look at it this way.


    In the first week @ 50 I opened 16 bags and got 5 pieces of champion gear (weapon, offhand, chest, gloves, and helm).

    In the second week @ 50 I opened 14 bags and got 2 pieces of champion gear (wrists and legs).

    In the third week @ 50 I opened 10 bags and got 3 pieces of champion gear (Implant, wrists and gloves).


    So in total I opened 40 bags and got 10 pieces of champion gear (2 duplicates).


    Now under the current system those same 40 bags would get me 280 champion tokens or enough for the weapon plus what... one more piece?


    So 40 bags = 10 pieces of gear under old system

    And 40 bags = 2 pieces of gear under new system


    10 > 2


    Therefore old system wins.

  2. Same with AoC, if your server is active. Constant warring cities? Yes, please.


    Speaking of Age of Conan, they have just sent out e-mails to old subscribers offering 30 days free subscription if you reactivate your account... seems like they sense and opportunity.

  3. TLDR - Once you hit 50 things get boring fast


    Exactly, and this is why I cancelled my subscription today.


    I'm a healer yet I find it impossible to get a group for any of the group content on my server, so I'm reduced to doing PvP, running a few daily quests and redoing the space missions, which is pretty bloody boring after the first couple of times.


    I already have a full set of champion PvP gear, I could I guess push those extra few valour levels to battlemaster but what then, another gear grind in the same 3 warzones and the fail that is Ilum. Nothing to look forward to there.


    There is nothing to explore at 50, just a short couple of quests you can do on Ilum and Belsavis.


    When will developers learn that the only content that really matters is endgame and focus on making a game that gives everyone something to do at max level... well I guess The Secret World might do that so that's a hope for the future, but SWTOR isn't going to last long unfortunately.


    I'll use the remaining time on my subscription to play an empire alt and hopefully find that better, but don't expect anything different at 50.

  4. Well actually for me PvP was about the only bright spot in the game after hitting 50 as it was about the only thing I could do. Making a game where it's almost impossible to get a group for any of the 50 group contents is a really poor idea.
  5. I've been 50 for 3 weeks now, I have done one 50 flashpoint and one 50 heroic quest. I never did any of the world heroics from Alderaan onwards, it just wasn't possible to get groups for them. Somehow I have managed to find groups for the raids, so I have done both of those on normal and they were semi-interesting. But that was a once-off, never to be repeated moment.


    So at 50 my choices are bad PvP and daily quests and I already have a full set of PvP gear. Is it any wonder I haven't logged in all week, it's just a waste of time.


    Now compare that to wow.


    If I play that game I can queue at any time for a dungeon. I can queue for raids even and I'll have a group in around 10 minutes at most, or instantly if I'm a tank of healer. So instant on-demand content vs. no content isn't much of a choice really.


    I still have a subscription to SWTOR for a while longer yet, so I've resolved to stop playing my 50 and try a character on the empire side (warrior probably) to 50 and then quit playing because really the endgame on SWTOR isn't fun.

  6. The reson PvP is considered broken is actually pretty simple.


    Its player versus player witch means roughly 50% of the times (youre expirence might differ) you are going to loose witch does not fall in good taste with the majority of mmo players these days. It has been made pretty clear by the massive random QQ'ing that everyone enters PvP expecting to be rambo shredding the opposition apart single time.


    Guess what! Even if you're mama says so, you are not really that special.


    Tips. JOIN a freeking PvP guild and play with premades.

    If youre premade is contantly beeing beaten, find another guild-

    If you loose no matter who you play with, maybe YOU are just that bad.


    reson = reason

    Its = It's

    witch = which

    times = time

    youre = your

    expirence = experience

    loose = lose

    witch = which

    enters = entering

    youre = your

    contantly = constantly

    beeing = being


    Your point is made a lot better it it doesn't contain so many basic spelling and grammatical errors. Might I suggest you start using Firefox which has a spell checker.

  7. I am in 2 minds about this.


    On one hand I haven't done any of the 50 dungeons yet despite being 50 for 2 weeks (although I have done Eternity Vault... so go figure).


    On the other hand I've made a lot of friends while levelling and constantly get people inviting me to PvP groups because they want a good pvp healer.

  8. Age of Conan in the early days before everyone left and the servers merged. My guild used to lock down Keshetta for hours at a time by camping out of the entrance, forcing huge pvp battles against rival guilds. And then in Atzel's Approach on the way to the raid, we could camp out there on raid nights and take down guilds heading to kill the dragon.
  9. There are also daily and weekly quests. Daily quests give 1 champion bag, weekly quests give 3 champion bags.



    - Daily = 30 kills/armaments

    - Weekly = 150 kills/armaments



    - Daily = 3 wins

    - Weekly = 9 wins


    That's probably the easiest way to get champion bags which may contain gear. Then every 800 commendations you can buy a bag as well which is just a bonus.

  10. Hmm my server has 132 in the fleet at the moment and there are a few people looking for groups, mainly low level stuff, certainly no one looking to pug higher level content like 50 instances or hard modes (note: I haven't done any of the 50 instances or hard modes since hitting 50 but have done the raids).


    I found it better once I joined a guild as far as grouping goes, although I joined a pvp guild so we are mainly focused on premade groups for PvP and Ilum with weekend raiding.

  11. It has become near impossible to complete the Ilum Daily. I'm currently playing on Sword of Ajunta Pall, which for discussion sake is a high-population server.


    The solution is to leave Sword of Ajunta Pall and roll a character on Ajunta Pall, which unlike the other servers has an relatively even population... even if the cowardly sith did run off today rather than face my guild in fair combat... maybe next time they'll bring healers.

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