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Posts posted by Lasica

  1. A fine example of a weak troll, I must say.



    I honestly think they'll be loosing about 70% of the APAC playerbase with this option. You think that's not gonna get noticed? lol, People that aren't effected think this won't happen to them down the road huh, well just you wait and see in a years time or two when they start shutting down US/EU servers. Just you wait.


    70% of 103 people (the number that have voted for a server merge in the poll) isn't going to be noticed.


    How many people were actually playing on the APAC servers? I know I went back to my old character on one of the servers 2 months ago and found 14 people on the republic fleet in peak times. I moved to The Harbinger, a US server and there were 140+ in their off-peak time. And on the starter planet it was around 20-25 vs. 90-100, again this in in the Australian peak time, which is off-peak on the US servers.


    Playing on the Harbinger for the past 2 months I can get into Flashpoints and Warzones without a massive wait during my peak time playing, compare that to not being able to get a FP or WZ at all on the APAC server I had a character on.


    That I think the main reason why the servers are being shut down, there just isn't enough people using them. In my opinion it's probably got so bad now on those servers that merging to US servers will probably save more subscriptions than they would lose keeping the APAC servers up and having people quit because there is no one to play with.

  2. If you don't know by now that you should never preorder anything... well then I can't help you.


    I will just point out that it is unlikely that the servers will not be shut down prior to the release of RotHC isn't it. So you should get some time at least at the lower ping.


    Also, every other MMO in existence has US based servers and we have played for years on them with no difficulties. While it would be nice to maintain one Australia based server, we can't really expect EA to spend addition $ to keep one running with a ever dwindling Australian player base using it.


    I imagine the real reason the servers are being shut down is a lot of Australians have already made the move back to US servers (I know I did 2 months ago) and there are just not enough people on the Australian servers to keep them running. Even in peak times the Australian servers had around 1/4 or less what was on a US server in offpeak (US night) times. That's not sustainable.

  3. I'm already playing on The Harbinger at the moment. When I came back to the game a couple of months ago I found 24 people online on one of the starter planets during our peak time. I went over to the Harbinger and there were more than 100. So 4x as many online compared to an Australian server during the Australian peak times.


    The only problem I have with this is I had 9 characters on Balborra and so will end up with something like 20 on The Harbinger, some with the same names. Is this going to be possible?

  4. I'm not sure where you think you live but for the Australian Eastern Seaboard you are incorrect.


    In QLD it will be 8pm-10pm (AEST)


    In NSW and VIC it will be 9pm-11pm (AEDT)


    It will be 6pm-8pm in WA (AWST) but that's not what was being referred to above.


    That is assuming it all goes to plan as stated, which it never does....


    BUT SERIOUSLY? Friday night...? I'm a geek (i know i'm not alone here), I'm not going out. Supposed to be running Ops at 8pm on a Friday night...




    What about SA? You must be from Victoria I'm guessing.

  5. I went out there today at level 47 and got half a level is about 40mins. All I did was do 3 of the quests solo and skipped the pvp and heroic quests. The XP from mobs isn't that good (approx 550xp/normal mob, 4500xp/elite), but the XP from the quests was about 30K/quest.
  6. Well apart from being the homeworld of the Chiss there isn't really anything to set Csilla apart from other potential worlds. After all, any new world would have to have a reason for both Empire and Republic to be there and Csilla is too far from the republic to see them venture there.
  7. So you chose to be evil half the time, and good the other half? That doesn't make you neutral, as you still perform evil deeds among good deeds. It just makes you chaotic..


    Not necessarily. I am currently playing an operative who is generally good but will choose whatever serves the empire which may be evil or it may be good. The end result is that by level 27 I'm 1800 light and 1800 dark.

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