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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Lasica

  1. A far better idea would be to have multi-role medals.


    For example,


    In Voidstar

    Plant a bomb = 1 medal

    Defuse a bomb = 1 medal

    Interrupt a bomb planting = 1 medal


    In Alderaan,

    Capture a Gun = 1 medal

    Interrupt a Capture = 1 medal

    Interrupt 5 Captures without dying = 1 medal


    In Huttball

    Score a goal = 1 medal

    Pick up the ball = 1 medal

    Pass the ball to a friendly player = 1 medal

    Intercept the ball = 1 medal


    The huttball ones should be easy to implement seeing the game already vocalises when these occur.

  2. Age of Conan removed the premade option after premades killed off PvP.

    World of Warcraft made premades queue vs. premades back in BC after premades were killing off PvP.

    Rift made premades only queue vs. premades as well.


    SWTOR will be forced to do the same before long.

  3. To be honest the 50's in battlegrounds aren't the major issue at the moment. The major problem is premade teams of 50's dominating.


    Remove the option to have premade teams vs. pug team and you'll get a much fairer game. EVERY MMO made has failed at this, Age of Conan was the worst and it went on for 2 years before they fixed it by which time no one did pvp anymore. WoW took 5 years to realise the problem... SWTOR can get off on the ground floor right now and fix this.

  4. 1/10


    2nd worst PvP in a MMO I've seen.


    Major issues,

    Premade teams of 50's. (Apparently this will be fixed... yet to see it while the 50's just get more and more gear so will be miles ahead when others reach 50. A month of farming lowbies in warzones will make an unsurmountable difference).


    Class Balance. (Or lack of. There is no reason one class like the agent can take someone down in the duration of a stun. Or sorcerer where lightning can take 50-75% of someones life in one spell).


    Warzones. (3... boring, badly designed.)


    Basically PvP is a complete waste of time in this game. It's so unbalanced, laggy, and unfair where Sith always win every single game that people just are losing interest. On my server it's hard to get a warzone because so few republic are queuing up, most have gone sith.

  5. My best is around 120K credits at level 33 with no treasure finding or slicing. On my treasure finding character I had 120K by level 24, but spent a lot after that so am down to around 50K now.


    That was basically, get treasure box, loot epic/orange, sell epic/orange on GTN, collect credits. People will pay good credits for a low level orange lightsaber that is worse than the one you get from the first flashpoint or commendations. Weird, but I made a lot of credits that way.

  6. Oh ya just from the looks of items and the lack of love on republic planets you can easily tell the developers favor the Imperial side, therefore soon every warzone will end with "Not enough players, Warzone ends in 120seconds" gg.


    Nah, you'll just get all huttball 24/7

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