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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Lasica

  1. How would that work with premades? Because that's really the main reason players are seeing so many 50's. 9/10 times if you see an abundance of high level players on the other side then you are seeing a premade team.


    Premade vs. Premade = good contest

    Premade vs. Pug = very unfair


    You'd think game developers would have learned this by now but oh no... yet another game where they let premade teams farm pugs.

  2. Mostly it's premade teams on the empire side that are causing the problems. Of the games I've played tonight pretty much all of them have had a premade team on the other side. The one that didn't we won.


    SWTOR is yet another game whose PvP is ruined by allowing premades. Soon it will be all premades and solo players will stop queuing.

  3. each area is also broken down into zones, so drommund kass could have 2 instances running.


    Yes I'm aware of this, that is why I counted by player level. That shows players no matter where they are or what instance they may be in. For example, level 45 at the moment has 4 players, 1 at the Imperial Fleet, 1 in a flashpoint and 2 playing Huttball.


    I'll also point out that the server had a queue to enter when I logged on. That would suggest it was already at it's max population so the time of day wouldn't matter if it was at max when I did the count.


    i sat in a que on one of the servers i play on i was 2790th in the que on an already full server so cap must be higher or needs to be adjusted.


    It is possible that the player cap on some servers has been increased to handle the queues. The largest queue I've had on Ajunta Pall was 150 and that took me around 15-20 mins before I could log in.


    This is current players on the server, the actual server population might be 10,000 but not every one of those players is online right now. So there might be 2 million players in total, but not all of them are going to be online at once.


    I guess it won't matter once more people hit max level and when you get say 200-300 people at level 50 online at once instead of 10.

  4. As an experiment this morning I used the in game search function to search for player by level 1-50. This is on my server, Ajunta Pall which has a queue to enter when I logged on.


    On the Sith side, which was more populated than the Republic side, I counted a total of 1093 players.


    This seems very low, but I also checked the republic side and while I didn't take the time to add up all the numbers a second time, the total I'm seeing very similar number per level (lower in most cases).


    Which suggests to me that the total concurrent players per server is approximately 2000 people which helps explains why there are so few players on some worlds and why it is so difficult to find a group.


    Thoughts/comments (happy to be proven wrong).

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