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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Lasica

  1. Did anyone notice about an hour before the shut the Servers down I found I could see scavenging points on the map and found them but then could not mine them?:(


    I had this problem in the beta as well on occasion. It wasn't every node, just a few of them (both scavenging and slicing nodes). Not sure why, either they are not active or just plain bugged.

  2. I agree, and make /say and /general appear in different colours in the chat-bar, to make it easier to differentiate.


    I thought you could customise the colours? I'll look when we get back in, I'm sure I bought up a colour wheel at one stage when playing around with the chat settings.

  3. Add this to the dozens of other missing key features that every MMO has to have but BioWare some how forgot to add.


    Guild Banks

    LFG Tool

    Toggling on all Map Tracking options

    Movable & Customizable UI

    Target of Target

    Mouse over healing




    There is so many things missing. So I guess that's what we'll have to look forward to for the next year while they finish the game.


    Nothing on that list was worth delaying the game over to include though. What is in works, stuff like these features can be added in time.


    And yes I miss chat bubbles as well. Playing on a RP server and having people RP in party chat just isn't the same.

  4. I found AA to bit of a fps hit in beta, so didn't bother with live. At the moment I'm getting around 50 fps on average with everything else turned up to full though, so maybe I'll take shadows down and put AA on and see how it goes.
  5. There were 45 or so new servers that briefly appeared on the list this morning (my morning, your last night) but they vanished after a while.


    There was another RP-PvP, 4 other PvP servers and 20 PvE ones for North America from memory... might have been a RP-PvE one as well

  6. while I hate the term myself, the term toon is derived from before WoW; can't recall the specific game


    D2 had me using the term char and I think I'll stick to that


    Definitely been around a long time, back to the early days of MMO gaming.


    There is also "rolling" a new character when we don't actual roll dice and half a hundred other little phrases like this that have crept into the language over the years.


    It's quite fun sometime trying to decipher what people are actually trying to say... :)

  7. Read around the forums, look into the classes in a bit more details.


    Both the bounty hunter and agent are very fun classes to play. If I was to pick one I'd take the bounty hunter because the cover mechanic can be a little difficult to get used to at first and isn't for everyone. That's my personal choice though, you might find you prefer the agent.


    Try them out, see how you go. If you don't like one it's not the end of the world, just swap over to a different class.

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