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Everything posted by Ich_Bin

  1. Add "ninja operative buffs" to your signature!
  2. It is true. I can pretty much do whatever I want to a Sorc when I am playing on my Tank Sin. Two stuns, knockback, force speed, pull and of course force shroud give me more than enough utility to completely control a sorc. However I don't think the problem is that sorcs are too weak... It's more that Tank Sins have too much CC and do too much damage.
  3. No that is not what I meant. Your rating seems to be based on 1v1 performance which I said should not be the basis for our ratings. The term "food chain" was probably a bit misleading. I would just pose the question "What class would be the strongest to pick for a random warzone with 7 other random classes in it?" and base your rating on that.
  4. In before everyone tells you: The Fatman
  5. Ich_Bin

    Buff Operatives

    With my Assassin in Huttball I can either 1) carry the ball myself. Force Speed + Force Shroud = guaranteed score in most cases 2) protect the ball carrier with guard, taunt and knocking enemies off the ramps or pulling them into the fire Good luck trying to root my Assassin (and heal yourself) while I have popped my def CDs. Force Shroud nullifies your root. And I have five different ways of interrupting your heals. Two of them having a 30 m range.
  6. You placed Operative DPS at the top (your reasoning: "ridiculous burst") and Marauders at the bottom (your reason: "melee sucks") Both are melee burst classes. So I fail to see how your argument makes any sense...
  7. I don't really think that medals can be taken as an indicator of success. Tanks have always gained medals very easiely while healers have a much harder time to do the same. So are tanks more important than healers in general? I don't think so.
  8. If there are classes that can do well enough to keep 2 or 3 other players busy, that is a huge advantage for that team though.
  9. It's only my personal opinion. I don't claim to be "right". Please go ahead, post your own!
  10. I remember in January we had a thread on this forum where everyone could post their opinion on which class was the strongest and which was the weakest in PvP. Fun fact: Back then the classes that were rated the weakest were Sniper and *drumroll* Marauder . It just shows that most people had not figured out how to play their class well and did not even have full Champion gear. Now I think it would be fun to start a new thread to see what the general consensus on class balance is right now. I'll go first. Top: - Tank Assassin (dps gear), Marauder, Juggernaut (dps gear), Powertech (dps gear) Middle: - Sniper - DPS Assassin, DPS Sorcerer, DPS Mercenary, All healers (Operative > Sorc = Merc) Bottom: - DPS Operative, full tanks (tank gear + tank spec) Disclaimer: 1. Please keep the insults and QQs to a minimum. This is supposed to be a fun thread and everyone should be entitled to their own personal opinion. 2. I enjoy PvP in this game and think the class balance is fairly decent (even though I think we had the best balance at release and it has gotten slightly worse with every patch since then) 3. My rating is based on my opinion on "high level PvP play" in a warzone (not 1v1). For example when unexperienced players compete with each other the value of a DPS Merc would go up and the value of a Marauder would go down.
  11. This. They only notice when someone kills them fast in a NOTICEABLE way. They noticed Operatives/Scoundrels and QQed enough for Bioware to nerf them repeatedly. They are noticing Marauders/Sents now and are trying to do the same thing to them. What they don't notice as much is when a Sniper kills them. What they also don't notice is all the utility that a Juggernaut brings to the table and how much impact it has on the outcome of a warzone. Juggernauts are one of the strongest PvP classes in this game along with Marauders, Assassins and Powertechs.
  12. I think we need both: Server merges AND cross server Qs And I agree that we need them asap
  13. Ich_Bin

    Marauders Offhand

    You can crit craft shields, focus and generators with augment slots that are also moddable (meaning you can put WH mods/enhancements in them)?
  14. LOL thanks for making me laugh
  15. Ich_Bin

    Buff Operatives

    I am glad that since the days of stunlocking Operatives are finally over, the game is now flourishing and the servers are populated more than ever.
  16. Yes, unfortunately you lose 2 augments, I think the only way around that would be for you to gain two pieces of T4 PvE equipment and take the armorings from them into your augmented gear (on T4 gear the armorings carry the set bonus) but it is a lot of hard work for little gain. And you would also lose some expertise of course. In my opinion the 2 piece PvE set bonus is worth much more than the 36 cunning and 24 endurance that you would get from the two augments. And yes, the 5 extra energy is very weak. If you compare it to the set bonuses that other classes get the word "crap" describes it pretty well. I think the four piece bonus of the Gunslinger Field Tech set (+5m range on your interrupt) would actually be worth more than the 5 extra energy from the Enforcer set.
  17. -if you have less than 900 expertise and are not a healer
  18. Ich_Bin

    Marauders Offhand

    Right, they are dual wielding too. I forgot about them. But the question remains: Do you think that this is fair?
  19. Ich_Bin

    Marauders Offhand

    Not trying to jump on the "Nerf Marauders"-bandwagon here, but I have a question: Why is it that Marauders can actually have their offhand weapon augmented and all other classes can't? Seems like an obvious imbalance to me... Yes, I know that they are technically equipping mainhand weapons in their offhand which is why they can be augmented. But still it is not fair and should not be allowed.
  20. The two piece PvP Enforcer bonus is garbage. By far the best solution right now is to get the two piece PvE Enforcer set bonus and combine it with the two piece PvP Field Tech set bonus. For the PvE bonus simply buy two pieces of Tionese gear and put the armoring+mod+enhancements from your battlemaster gear in them. HF
  21. Thanks for sharing. Now I probably need a new keybind for cover that is easier/quicker to reach.
  22. Thanks for posting the video. It was fun to watch Btw: Your spec is stuuuuuupid
  23. Yes I noticed the exact same thing. My Operative is in full BM with 3 pieces of WH (mainhand, boots, head), everything is remodded and augmented to gain optimal Surge and Crit numbers. I also have an Assassin that is almost full BM with 2 pieces still only being Recruit. Nothing remodded which means lots of accuracy still on the gear. Now my Assassin right now is specced into the (supposedly weak) Deception tree. And she is still much stronger in PvP than my Operative is. She can burst targets down faster, survive much longer (Force Speed and better def CDs) and obviously has much more useful utility for PvP (Taunt/AoE Taunt is much more useful than Channeled, expensive heals). Now if I play her in the famous tank spec it's not even a contest anymore as my Assassin is just miles ahead of my Operative. You just know something is wrong when my main class (that I have been playing since release and that is very well geared) is doing worse in warzones than my twink class (that I have only been paying for a few weeks and that has below average gear). And all of that is happening in a spec (Deception) that most Assassin players think needs a buff.
  24. I have defended this game for a long time and I still enjoy playing it. But I have to say that I agree with most of what has been said in this thread (even though it was a bit exaggerated). They released a pretty good game that wasn't as polished as it should have been. Everyone thought that with 1.2 this would get better. Now there seem to be more bugs than ever and the PvP class balance has gotten slightly worse with every patch since game release. What really annoys me is the lack of communication or you might even call it ignorance that the people in charge are treating their player base with. Georg Zoeller even mocked people on this forum that had expressed serious concerns about class balance. That's the opposite of what he SHOULD be doing.
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