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Posts posted by i_am_sancho

  1. You can afford to skip a couple of the more intensely romantic ones, i did. But if you've selected a flirt option in the past, as long as your affection with her keeps rising you'll keep getting flirt options. Just don't skip too many more if you can help it. But you'll most likely have to complete another part of the JK story and get her affection past the next 2000 before she'll speak to you again.
  2. Don't be too worried about the options, Kira's not like other Jedi, that's a compliment :p She doesn't like the whole Jedi-don't-have-families thing so much. As long as your affection with her is high enough, you do choose the flirt options when they appear and try not to displease her, romancing Kira is easy. Remember though, it's very story dependent so if you're not up to a certain stage in the game you won't be able to continue her conversations.

    The only way real ways you can ruin it permanently are by romancing another companion or skipping too many flirt options. If you're still getting flirt options, then you haven't skipped too many.

  3. Mate if you're going to use a Defense spec then stay right away from Shii-Cho and Shien forms. Being a tank in Shii-Cho would be awful, you'd do almost no damage at all and your armour rating and damage reduction would be worse than any other Sith Warrior. Please use Soresu.


    Tanking is fine and all, but it's boring as hell. If you're going to tank though, use Kira. You need someone who does damage, Doc does almost none so fights will take forever. Your job as a tank is only to stop or limit any damage going to your allies. Not to do any damage yourself. Once you start trying to do damage, you're heading into Hybrid territory. Don't go hybrid until you know your way around Juggernauts first.


    If i was you, i'd try out Rage spec. Use Soresu form with it so you get the armour/damage reduction bonus as well as being able to tank a little tiny bit. Make sure when you're filling up your skill tree that you avoid anything with "Shii-Cho" written in it (you'll be in Soresu form, so Shii-Cho abilities are useless).

    That way, you'll be able to get a feel for Rage spec in all its Smashing glory, do massive damage, and still be able to provide light tanking when it's necessary, or if you just feel like it.

    Gear yourself for DPS (power and surge).

  4. If you want to absorb more damage stay away from Marauder. They wear medium armor as opposed to a Juggernaut's heavy armor. Honestly, it seems to me that you'll want to choose Vengeance or Rage Juggernaut. Good survivability and really good damage output.


    Marauder can be really good, but it's harder to get right if you've never done SW or JK before. All the different specs have different roles to each other as well, so it really all depends on what sort of play style you have and what you'd like to be doing that will determine what you're best suited to.

  5. I never thought about the twi'lek thing. That would really suck, having to look at the clipping all the time.

    Best chest piece seen on a female guardian was one of the white republic smuggler chest pieces, i think. But it has pockets all on the front and it looks really out of place. It looks like Victoria Beckham going hunting. It's nowhere near as good as the stuff the Empire players get for heavy and medium armour. Admittedly, i don't think they get robes at all, only capes. But why have no variety? It's cutting one of the biggest personalisation options in the game, and there doesn't seem to be any point.

    I suppose you could argue that Jedi aren't supposed to wear anything but normal robes. But I don't remember the council ever saying Ahsoka Tahno and Aayla Secura had to change clothes because they were dressed inappropriately.

  6. I use Focus spec myself, but i run Soresu form and i do a lot of guarding etc and i read a lot in these forums about people doing hybrid specs based on Vigilance, and i always wondered if it was possible to do a viable Focus-based hybrid spec. Here's what i came up with while having a cigarette a moment ago:




    Before i start explaining stuff, you should all know that i hate Riposte, so i don't even buy it and i would never put points into any of the skills based on it. It's offensively bad. Also, as i said i'm using Soresu so i haven't put points into any of the Focus skills based on Shii-Cho. Pulse and Dust Storm i had to put points into to advance up the tree.


    Obviously you would be more concerned with tanking using this build than doing lots of damage, as you can't reach Force Exhaustion to get the extra Singularity for Force Sweep. I can already see a few flaws in it. Like not having Backhand....that will make it a bit tougher to control threat, and it's also a great attack. Not having Focused Resonance from the Focus tree cuts your Sweep damage by that 30%, so you're doing even less damage. Command is also missing, so you have to wait 15 more seconds for the KB. Missing Cyclonic Sweeps cuts your Focus generation, and not having Inner Peace means you miss out on that nice Enure buff and hence more survivability lost. Maybe having the BM War Leader set and adding some power/surge mods would somewhat counter the squish?


    I'm not going to suggest that this build is all there, because as I just explained, it really isn't. And i've said before in a similar discussion that i didn't think it would be easy. But is anyone else feeling it at all? Is it possible to do a Focus hybrid spec?


    Thoughts please :) and specs too, if anyone else has any ideas

  7. To get war hero gear you need to trade in battlemaster gear.

    Put it this way:

    Critical- how likely your attacks will critically hit

    Surge- how much more damage your critical hits do

    Power- increases bonus damage

    Defense- your chance to parry, deflect or dodge an attack

    Shield Rating- how likely your shield is to absorb damage

    Absorption- how much damage your shield will absorb

    Alacrity- how fast your abilities channel


    Remember Smash has 100% critical chance, so you'll want Power to increase the base damage that all your attacks work from, and Surge to increase how big of a chunk of that base damage goes into your Smash crits.


    For a full Battlemaster set you're going to need to find some mods/enhancements with some Surge in them and put them in up to 4 of your armour pieces. No more than 4 or you'll lose too much power and too much expertise. And use the weaponmaster implants, as they have both Surge and Expertise.


    If you're doing it right, your expertise should be around 1000 (or just under), power at around 300-350 and your surge at least 250. Should be rockin' then

  8. AllanGand is dead right. You don't need to be a tank to have survivability. I do all those things as well, but in Rage spec. Remember Juggs still have heavy armour no matter what spec, and basically all the same defensive CDs. I've seen some pretty impressive tanks out there who for all intents and purposes were almost impossible to kill, but they also didn't do any damage at all.

    It really depends how you want to do it, but it sounds to me like you're still interested in doing some damage.

    Try using Rage or Vengeance spec (Rage is probably better for this) with Soresu form. That will give you the extra armor rating without sacrificing damage output. And being in Soresu form means you can guard, and that's just about the most useful thing you can do in any PvP. You won't be able to fully tank properly, but you will be able to distract for long enough to give the tanks a break if they need it, and you'll still do mad damage.

  9. They're all pretty slow before about L30, but probably the best during the first 2 chapters would be Vengeance spec. It's the least slow of them. But the best way to kill mobs (in my opinion) is Rage spec and Jaesa. Things die without you even realising.
  10. If you're going Focus spec, only use T7 or Doc if you're having trouble staying alive. Put it this way, my Guardian is L24, Focus spec as well and Kira as my companion, and after a 1-strong 2-normal mob my character is usually between 70% and 90% health, with Kira on 100%. Mind you, i'm very well outfitted due to credits from my L50 Juggernaut, but you shouldn't be below about 50% health minimum after taking on a mob like that.


    The idea behind Focus spec is that you jump in, kill the entire mob in 2 hits, then quickly heal if necessary and move on. Very fast gameplay once you get a grasp of how many mobs you can take out before needing to heal. But i would definitely be taking Kira with you....Focus spec + Kira = very dead everything, very very fast. Just make sure you manage your threat level and you won't have a problem. Focus rules!

  11. -I love that i can play this almost 6 months after first starting and it's actually more engaging now than it was back then

    -being part of a team to take down world bosses

    -my team winning a warzone

    -the general chat on the fleet....it's nearly always either disturbing or very funny

    -helping people get through tough stages of the game

    -finding ridiculous places to "show off your moves"

    -the storylines of the main and companion characters, and definitely the voice acting. especially the female Guardian, male Inquisitor and male Warrior. "Just show me where the fun is" is my new favourite quote

    -Kira and Jaesa. Well done, Bioware. I thought they did well with Bastila Shan in KotOR. I just wish they'd brought back the teasing options like you used to have with Bastila ("i caught you staring. see anything you like?" lol...)



    there's many other things i love about SWTOR, but there's no chance i could think of them all while typing this between calls at work :)


    it's just an epic game, full stop. i always disliked WoW freaks for being too obsessed with an MMO....now i pity them because they're not playing TOR

  12. The problem with using Focus and Defense together as a hybrid is that Focus is too dependant on a specific rotation. Vigilance tends to work better because once you get past all the Defense part of the tank builds, there's really just normal melee attacks left. Which is what Vigilance spec is, in essence. So it kind of goes hand in hand better than Focus does. That said, i use Soresu form with Focus spec (8/2/31) and although i am significantly squishier than a proper tank, i have just enough to off-tank when needed in ops or flashpoints etc. In warzones the ability to do huge AoE as well as guarding and taunting means Medal City.
  13. Hang in there bro, takes till at least L30 before you see any results from Guardians.

    Doc isn't necessary. All he does (so i've found, anyway) is slow you down. Even having to stop and heal after fights takes less time than the whole fight takes with Doc. It's up to you, but i reckon Doc makes things too slow and far too easy. If you're a tank too, don't go with Doc at all or your fights will take 100 years.

    Early on, none of the Guardian specs are much good. Most of the key abilities are learned post-L30. What spec you play is really dependent on your style. If you're like me and enjoy wiping out mobs in less than 5 seconds, Focus is great. Vigilance is better for 1-1 fights. Both of those specs have the same defensive skills. Focus probably has a slight edge due to the 3% damage reduction from Shii-Cho form, and if you're keen you can use Soresu form with it without too much penalty (i use it constantly). Best by far for survivability though is Defense spec, but you'll have to rely on your companion for nearly all of your damage.

    Quick fixes if you're in trouble: Soresu form, interrupts (Force Kick, Force Stasis, Force Leap, Force Push), use Doc as companion, threat management

  14. If you're DPS then go for either Vigilance or Focus, probably Vigilance at mid levels though. As said above, Focus doesn't really heat up until about L40. As far as mods go, make sure the primary stats are endurance and strength, after that you'll be safe with power, surge or critical. If you're tanking go for Absorption, Shield Rating and Defense.

    Don't go near anything with Cunning, Aim or Willpower.

    This part goes for anyone having trouble fighting a boss: use all your defensive abilities and all your stuns and interrupts. Any time Angral starts channeling something, use Force Kick, Force Stasis, any of your interrupts will do. Stopping him from hitting you with big channeled attacks will cut his damage down by a third. Just by popping defensive CDs and interrupts, you'll find most bosses will do much less damage to you. Another tip is to send your companion in to fight first, and don't jump in yourself until they've been smacked around a bit first. I usually jump in when the companion's around 85% health.

    If you're having any trouble levelling (excluding facing L50 story bosses) then there is something more you can be doing or wearing that can help you out some.

  15. It's not just the hood, it's the whole down-to-the-floor robes thing that irritates me too. Not as much for male characters but definitely female ones. It's about as fashionable as a spiky helmet in Poland.

    I'd just appreciate the option of not having to wear either an armor plate with a backpack or a full jedi robe...sith can.

  16. I can't stand that all the heavy armor for Jedi Knights is Jedi robes with the damn hood up. What's the point of choosing a hairstyle if you never see it? This has been pointed out before, I know. But until something gets done i wouldn't mind if half the threads in the forum were about this. They're all ugly and all horrible. Even in the movies, all the Jedi remove their cloaks completely before fighting anyone. Never mind the hood. So why don't we get the same choice here? It just seems daft that Empire players get a whole selection of different things to wear and all we get Republic side is robes. You can't even tell if someone's male or female unless you look right up close at them.

    It's not a big deal. So why can't it just be fixed? Introduce some new armor or change some existing ones, just do something. It can't possibly be hard. Please, Bioware?

  17. Zenblend, i don't disagree with you there. It's not the damage so much as the cooldown period. I've worked out a sort of rotation that seems to be pretty good for when sweep is off, you just have to try and time it right. I'm finding the biggest issue is when sweep gets interrupted, because it will nerf the damage completely but still put it on cooldown for the full 12 seconds. Which kind of ruins the point of being Focus spec.

    The reason i don't really notice the nerf anymore is because i've switched out of using Shii-Cho form and forsaken all the crappy Shii-Cho skills in the tree. Instead i have points put into some more damage and survivability and using Soresu form. In warzones i play more of a tank role, basically supporting healers and sentinels/marauders instead of just doing damage. I've found it can be a really key role, especially in Voidstar, Novare Coast and Alderaan, particularly when the other team decides to launch a mass attack on a node or door etc. Focus spec with Soresu form really can turn the whole warzone around if you use it right and everybody works together. Keeping a healer alive long enough and being able to do huge AoE damage at the same time really is cool.

    Drawbacks include not always being able to use a good attack during cooldown periods, and being a MASSIVE target for everyone. And no amount of armor bonus or buffs can keep you alive when you have 4 people attacking you at once while you're stunned. But even that has its benefits...who's looking for the guy bombing the door when there's a Focus Guardian going around taking off a third of everyone's health in one hit?

    Remember too, Guardians have many ways of getting out of trouble again.


    I know that this isn't going to work for everyone, and i would never suggest that it should. I'm also not for a moment going to suggest that this doesn't have any flaws or anything, because everything does. But i would definitely encourage people who are thinking of respeccing to Vigilance or Defense after 1.2 to give Focus Tank a try. You don't even have to tank, just use the Soresu armor bonus if you like. You only lose 3% damage output, but you gain 3% damage reduction and 60% armor rating.

    It really is worth a shot. Nothing is more annoying than a Rage Jugg or Focus Guardian that seems almost indestructable. Except maybe being infinitely stunned by a Gunslinger :D

  18. I don't know what warzones you've all been playing but i remember every time i've been beaten in damage output by an inquisitor/consular. It happens that rarely. They make excellent tanks, but that's not enough in a warzone. They're no better at tanking than any other class. And despite what most people seem to think, it doesn't matter how good or bad a class is. The majority of the performance comes from your skill and your skill alone. And guess what? No tank spec - NO tank spec at all - has a decent enough set of skills enough to match ANY dps spec. It can't be done. That's why it's called a Tank tree. It's full of defensive buffs, not offensive ones. Any player rolling a DPS class that gets outscored in damage by a tank is quite clearly an average player.

    Tank Shadows in tank stance doing more damage in WZs than Vigilance Guardians in Shien Form and War Hero gear.

    Rubbish. Tank Shadows cannot do more damage in a WZ than a Vigilance Guardian unless the Guardian joins halfway through or the player is unbelievable bad.

  19. Doesn't sound too different to Rage tree having Sundering Throw and 10% of the Smash crit bonus removed. Seems daft that these skills can be put into a skill tree after being proven to be utterly useless on PTS.

    If Sweeping Fury made the abilities cost less instead of refunding, and possibly increased the damage a little, it'd be really great. But instead.....

  20. Dude as a friendly tip, if english isn't your native language it might be best to get someone to proofread your posts before you commit to them. Makes it easier for us to understand and help you out.


    From what I can tell, your problem is with Juggernauts not producing enough rage, not holding their aggro, not having any interrupts or defensive cooldowns, not doing enough damage and not being good tanks.


    1) There are plenty of rage building abilities in the juggernaut skill tree. Here is a list of all the skills in the tree that can either reduce the rage cost of an ability or award you rage in a certain situation:


    Immortal Tree: Enraged Sunder, Battle Cry, Lash Out, Intimidation, Sweeping Fury

    Vengeance: Unyielding, Deadly Reprisal, Ruin, Rampage (Vengeance)

    Rage: Overpower, Endless Rage, Gravity, Through Passion (Rage)


    Also don't forget Enrage, which instantly gives you 6 rage.


    2) Aggro is something you have to manage, same as any class. As a tank, you will need to either use taunts or certain abilities to hold your aggro. It won't do it automatically just because you're a tank, you need to use your skill as a player to make sure the game responds the way you want it to.


    3) Juggernauts have 4 interrupts: Disruption, Force Push, Force Charge and Force Choke. That's a lot. Even though Force Charge isn't really a true interrupt, it can still be used as one. And Disruption is a on an 8 second cooldown. That's not long. Juggernauts actually have a lot of interrupt abilities.

    As far as defensive cooldowns go, we have Saber Ward which is brilliant, as well as Endure Pain which is also brilliant. Between those two abilities and a pocket healer, you should be nigh on indestructable.


    4) Damage output is HUGE on Juggernauts. Rage spec and Vengeance spec are both ridiculous. You should be averaging 100k-150k damage in a warzone as either of those 2 specs. Any less than that and you're either sleeping or not playing it right.


    5) Juggernauts make excellent tanks when done properly. There's one guy on Master Dar'nala server (Aussie server) who is an Immortal spec jugg who i don't think i've ever seen killed. Can't remember his name but his tanking is unbelievable. It's all about how you're playing the game. Don't blame the spec.


    I'm pretty sure i just wasted my time writing all that. But in the off chance that someone who speaks english and has the same concerns as this bloke happens to read this, then you just hit the jackpot son. Either way, it's more interesting than work :)

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