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Everything posted by Hardsteel

  1. You do realize that when SONY changed SWG, almost over night everyone jumped to WOW.. Now with that said,, Most Companies have a 5 yr plan for development anda Gant chart for delivering improvements thru it's 5 yr plan... Since this a computer base system technologies raise/die fast and most players want good product relatively fast or they leave.. 15 bucks a month adds up pretty fast and so does other sells on game products, that what drives the gaming Market.. bioware miss handle their opening for launch.. failed in delivery... If you can keep Timmy on the couch playing long enough he will eventually pay more for that plus +1 sword.. Bioware has achieved that by making this a grindfest of no end to nothingness..Then lost its direction... "deathstar approaching" And suddenly a milloin people cried out and there was nothing..The Emperor says I guess we had the wrong planet move on...lol"
  2. Questoin how was it suppose to really work? I wondering cuase if there ranked warzones and normal warzones that would divide the populatoin of pvpers on a given server... Since msot server are experiencing problems with players? I can only see alot of warzsone ending due to not enough players maybe except ranked with 8 man premades, but normal it destroy the solo players chance of playing in a sense that no one avaible.. anyway just a thought
  3. Thanks for answering that questoin , unfortunely this is a game breaker for me, beta had a system for exchange.. it pretty much a slap in face for all new 50s currently trying for their gear, as long the line with cent/champ comms another useless currency,, I say keep the venders actives until they fix the dailies and let players still grind their token..
  4. My questoin is the current cent/champ gear tokens that we have for currency saved up? what happen to them? I know there alot of pvpers right now that have alot of them? Is there going to be a way of exchange for gear etc ?
  5. I currently just hit 50 and tried a hard mode,, I can only say wow,, My questoins is what gear is needed to run a hard mode,, I currently have level 126 gear rating,, and most of the group i was in was above that.. I not really seeing what is the point in even trying cause 140 is the best gear you can get as a rating and that suppose to be in operatoins and dailies and pvp.. I dont want go around killing frogs etc for collecting this and that for some high end mods and such when hard modes are suppose to be a group based missoin and level 50 content... kinda brings me to think of WOW You have have to be level 60 and have tier 2 to run a heroic strat are something pre expansoin... and that just a matter of speaking
  6. I say remove expertise all together,, I play witha mix of cent and champ gear atm around 545 expertise,, I went from not having any to 545, it makes all the difference in world when pvping at 50,, i went from barely hitting other players to normal hit as i would on a npc in pve content... For me I say remove the expertise and just have beefed up health and defense stats with set bonuses,, I looked on a ear piece for bm gear its about 40 more endurance and other stats as well.. which is nice as it should be , but do you really need the expertise,, I think any good pvper would have expertise removed and just keep the stat bonuses other day tried and down a sage with their force bubble, buddy told me it's about 9k of health for one ,, which i fired off grav round and high impct bolt and still didnot remove it,, then dead in about 4 shots from them ...lol..
  7. Apparently your new to forums, This been posted like 600 times..lol Caused i posted 1 last week on the very same tropic Since they announced a buff to mara/sent that what all the bandwagon players are jumping too.. its the latest and great so they gotto get on top so they can ego boost about pvp..lol.. I been checking around severs and the general starting classes for beginer worlds are sent/maraduars last nite on a server 19 players in Corscaunt 13 sent 2 shadows and 1 gunsligner, 2 troopers, and me
  8. True, I rather not grind at 50..lol i dont do the dailies,, and very seldom do hm flashpoints, The game pretty much over for me and same goes for WOW,,, END GAME is at 60 O wait its 70 Sorry Its now 85,,, see the point... Another thread started 1 thru 84 dont count lol... But I do is PVP its simple
  9. I kinda like to know what grind your talking about at 50...lol.. 1 thru 49 that where the adventure meets the road to get to 50 I guess unless I'm missing the point... if you took time too hear the missoin stories then you understand the lore of the game.. at 50 you do dailies everyday everyday and maybe taken in a few hm flashpoints wow big deal... O there PVP haha... thing of it is they could just as easily said everyone is level 1 and this is the game your acquire your abilities thru these missoins and gear etc...lol and there no level 2 until expansoin..haha,, You hear all the time in every MMO,, well you have not played until your 85..lol Safe to say old SWG was not like that you had your tree talents and you adventure was jsut like everyone elses.. I kinda just dont get it lol.. maybe its a power trip well not until ur 50 you dont know how to play or have fun lol.... that like saying if you have not unlocked A console game secret missoins then it doenot count lol....The real game is hidden from play
  10. Whats the point really just required 60 to get your gear..lol and after 1.2 its all free and clear...but doesnot take long depending on the time you put into it,, I wont give you numbers becuase the truth is its all a big guess and factors of how well the game goes and how many games are avaible during you time of play.. now if you were like certian players IE the players that dont ever leave their computers and having nothing better to do than too play video games probably not long...But if your hammering the game nonstop to get to 65 your going to burn out...
  11. should separate the healing classes from the non healing classes...lol that way they can fight in there own warzone...lol
  12. What is the ideal cost too trade cent to champ and champ to BM coms,, I'm wandering casue if i have 8 cent coms and 12 champ coms after 1.2 what do i do with them and how would i acquire the right amount for exchange... kinda like removing the penny and not letting us trade for a nickel..if we down a few pennies and cant earn set amount for trade... they are just wasted and that kinda goes for all those other comms, need a system to trade up coms for pve and pvp either buy resourses, gear social stuff etc
  13. thanks but i check out Q&A for it it doesnot specificly tell you at the cost to buy
  14. I like to know from any of the test server player what they are planning on doing with old comms?
  15. How could that be a joke, lol ,, that is the root of play if you benchmark each say 10 levels of play you know what u got.... Actually it is my main at 42, I leveled my gunslinger and sage to 50 before hand, I do have a 50 guardian on alt account.. not geared hvy but enough too hold his own.. But what im saying is Defense specced tanks are still powerful if played right... i look at end game pvp really as nothing... everyone at that point should be gear right and at least know how play,,, but often times are not I see players whining in chat about dieing are not getting this are that... I think they depend too much on the gear and forget about how play...might just be me but i see alot it...just cause you got 22k health and are above the expertise level does not mean your god lol,, But as for the thread goes tank defense specc which im referring too are just fine... Most noob players that are consistly getting wiped from them dont understand how play,,
  16. Too all the whiners out there, LOL too many cry babies, I play a jedi guardian full defense spec. I not only bragging but I'm saying im the best , I pvp alot now due to be bored of pve content,,, currently 42 on my Jedi and I'm in the top 3 of dps and kills on the little scoreboard thingie since 40,, if you are havinga problem beating me then you need to learn 2 play cause half the time Im not even focusing on the match just the ball carrier in huttball,, with that said even in other zones I do exceptly well damage wise, and yes i reap other people kills from them that just smart play,, I treat it like dodge ball,,,lol I doubt most of you PVPer even have a clue how to play due to my skill level and need to Learn to play your class and figure out what works for you,, Yes in lower levels mainly 10 to 34 I was getting wiped alot from others, but It seems to me once a gaurdian hits 40 he comes into his own... and dont tell me 50s any dfferent cause i have 3 50s and only difference is the expertise but there ways around that,, I hate say it but when the my guardian hits 50 I doubt it be fair too the so called vets lol, cause a real player will be in ranks then not some guy I grinded to valor 70 and its not fair im getting steamed rolled by a fresh 50...lol
  17. Its used to buy gold and hopefully when the free world crashes Bioware can bail us all out..
  18. Its really sad crew skills in itself are a joke,,, you either out level such goods or they cost so much to make its not worth it and there no end game crew skill other than Biochem or cybertech worth keeping really,, Time wasted. credits wasted and your life wasted,, People say money easy to get but you do realize most of them are PVPER not people leveling on pve and working on their crew skills as a casual person would and buy abilities and paying for conditoin loss on equipment,, yes its possible to just craft normal stuff but your limiting your ability from the benefit of having a crew skill, So you crafted a purple hilt by the way at this time your probalby level 15 lol are above,, so whats the point...lol, plus your cost to send companoins out on missoin start costing more and more.. BIOWARE address your issues with this cause you destroyed another side of the game.... let me see list of fail 1. PVP system 2. end game 3 crew skills for valued market and use 4 Class abilities 5 leveling system for each planet, (why do we always start a new planet being sub geared and earning comms for gear that going to be outdated next planet) 6 space combat..Why do we out level missoins when there are no level for ships,,Its equipment based not level based..lol.. short list
  19. Its not that bad just gotto be aware whats going I completed it with giuld guy at target level we were maraduars with companoin healers... just play smart.. its fine the way it is
  20. I have had one for awhile. played last nite first time in 3 weeks on him Maraduar, I didnot remember alot about the abilities but the basic attacks were slicing thru most players lol, I felt like a blender in melee, I 'm level 31 middle tree , I do remember using my almos t istant cast intterupts alot
  21. It seems to me lots of sent/mara are leveling up now,,, lol Can we say bandwagon,,,,So Im kinda wandering when will i see a whole team of mara/sent...lol already seen troopers and Sages...lol. and sith side Bh's etc,, literaly whole teams..lol
  22. Wondering who Elite and who average Joe,,,lol,,Everyone I played so far in this is average...lol..including me. I wondering who the Elites are... Once you know the basic's then you become a pro...also he speaks about PVP not team concept are even dueling,,, so makes me wonder if this just a look into the fanboy Idealizism.. on any given day i play 4 toons as a solo que, thats 4 different styles of abilities and I lose and i win amoung best geared players and worse gear pvpers.. I really dont see anyone a Elite in a video game, even if you been playing for years,, Just a little bragging OK, Was in WOW Classic, in a giuld on Icecrown Annihilators we PVP alot normally just 3 of us during most times of play No voice net stuff under geared alot times, We would win about over 90% of time,, We understood how each other played and the concepts of our own abilites, most premades were asking us for invite to fill slots for PVP teams and Raids, I was asked to raid once lol, and guy said do u have marco and teamspeak and meters, I said no I mash buttons, We were in ZG on Boss fight and I was last one alive and I ended up delivering the killing blow ... So really Im saying having Awareness of your toons abilities and reactoin to counter and luck of fate is something always involved in being good,, I have to say that giuld "Dream" were already over geared for ZG, but hey wipes happen...lol,,, SO as for me there will never be a Pro video game player
  23. This goes for all those leveling missoins as well,, Yawn..... As far as the money they spent it went for CEO bonuses..lol...and I bet new upgrades for their new line of software products research...
  24. I just curious whats to do after you been given High end PVP gear or maxed level gear for PVP... I already know the operatoins are broken, who wants to grind dailies everyday and after a month you might get a complete set of top PVE gear... also they offer no real reward cause the PVP is same level rating... except for maybe no Expertise but look at the stat values..lol... Seems to me the game has no real value at 50, I can only run thru so many voice over of the same missoins..Yawn... Yes I paid for my stun wars and bug ridden UI and loading screens drops... But now I find myself leaving the PC game side of house for console games which are fast and fun and dont involves hours of play for something to be changed are wiped or even redesigned... might just be me but 140 rated gear is 140 rated gear,, in terms of play,, Bioware should have offered operatoins more valued gear for doing them,
  25. Epic fail for rated warzones... BIOWARE NEEDS TO TAKE A LESSON FROM BLIZZARD ON THIS, Your apparently going to separate the PVP community even more with way this is being handled, Cause more hate on class specs etc
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