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Everything posted by KhealThar

  1. Games don't reward players that play 12 hours a day anymore. Deal with it, DEAL WITH IT!
  2. Um the Cathar weren't included in the expansion. This has been known for a long time before the expansion released..
  3. Stop subscribing and you'll see how much your 15$ makes a difference. If 15$ is that big of a deal to you, maybe you shouldn't be paying for a subscription?
  4. I don't see the problem with paid AC changes if they had a 30 day CD or something to prevent people forced to pay real money because their guild needed them to heal last raid, and now they have to tank. Someone respeccing their AC would have no effect on anyone but the person who changed. It's free money to Bioware that would only benefit us in the end. What's the problem? You don't "feel" it's right because you can't change from a rogue to a mage in a different game? Who cares? This isn't some other game, Open your minds a bit.
  5. Yeah I know about those games. I'm thinking more epic though. Larger scale. Although I never played either so I don't know too much about them. Battlefront 3 could happen though. Would probably be really close to battlefield 4 but it could still be pretty epic if they tried.
  6. Oh god, imagine a Star Wars game where you could fly ships in space, have ground combat, vehicles and just bad *** epic fights like the movies. I would pay some serious $ to play a game like that. Even if it was Battlefield: Star Wars.
  7. Why do people always bring up SWG? The 10 people that played that game may have had fun, but there is seriously no market for a sandbox MMO, especially one as bad as SWG was.
  8. If you release a similar product you should always try to beat the competition, that's how you drive your product to be good. They just didn't realize that people spent 7 years on a game and aren't going to jump ship even for star wars. I would hardly call SWTOR a flop, they made more than their money back and are obviously making a lot of money now. The market just transitioned from subscription to F2P models mid SWTOR's life span. (if you haven't noticed every mmo released these days is free to play)
  9. Battlefront 3 Star Wars: Rise of the Rakghouls! Kotor 3 Those will be the games
  10. I find it very odd that a company such as EA isn't making it their top priority to fix something like people being unable to give them money.
  11. You need faster reflexes... I did it on my marauder without getting hit once, it's really not that difficult. This fight is how all boss fights should be in the solo storyline. I think modern gamers that consider themselves "casual" gamers are used to be carried through games now. I've witnessed in general chat the people who only gave it one shot and started raging when they clearly didn't understand the fight. You just need to be aware of your surroundings and stop tunnel visioning on your hot bars.
  12. If character progression is all you care about, PVE is where you should be investing your time. PVP is about competition and there is no competition in out gearing your opponents so that you're in top end pvp gear and they're in questing greens. The entire point of the bolster system is to even out the gear gap so new players don't get instantly destroyed. You shouldn't have to invest 3 weeks to a month of time just to be competitive in pvp. That's bad game design and will shut new players away from pvp. That's like giving star craft players an advantage over their opponents because they play 12 hours a day instead of 4. That wouldn't fly there, and it doesn't fly in MMOs now and developers know this. It just feels like you're mad because you feel there is no character progression when PVP has never been about progression. It's about boosting your ego knowing you're better than your opponent.
  13. KhealThar

    New bolster

    Can someone explain this to me? Or point me in the direction where it is explained?
  14. What did you do before the expansion? do that.
  15. I don't get why people want to be carried through content. How is that fun or rewarding? I think the makeb boss battles are a huge step in the right direction and I hope to see MORE. You don't need to be a pro gamer to defeat these bosses, you just need to think, which isn't something that is common in modern games. Still, the fights aren't even that hard.
  16. They need to start adding more challenging aspects to EVERY video game. People need to start thinking again in actual video games instead of being carried to the end and acting like that's okay because they're a "casual" player. It's okay for a game to be challenging and stimulate your mind. That's what they're there for. Whether you have 10 mins or 6 hours a day, you don't need to beat a boss the first try.
  17. Cartel market items are all cosmetic for the most part, why you feel you're "forced" to grind dailies to get millions of credits to buy these items is beyond me. Also, people also have limited time. You have to understand they're impatient because they don't have all day to sit around and teach someone how to play when all the information needed is right on this website.
  18. This is my number 1 complaint with this game. This really is frustrating. Especially when it's a matter of life and death and this damn ability "misfire" happens!
  19. Most played: Sorcerer Marauder Assassin Least played: Operative Powertech This is just from personal experience. Ha. I hated gunslinger so much. My favorite classes are Marauder and Operative. I don't know why I like my operative, it is just so much damn fun to me.
  20. There would be no reason to play a marauder if they didn't have the utlity. A Jugg or Sorcerer can spec into healing to get a slot in a raid group. A marauder just brings damage and the utility it currently has. Working as intended my friend.
  21. I'm leveling as Carnage atm and I'm level 53 and just ripping through everything.
  22. Well now that I can level in Makeb, I'm having a hard time deciding which to level first. If you were in my shoes, which would be a better choice to level?
  23. Well hopefully it's not too difficult seeing as how fresh 50s wont have that gear. It would be silly to force people to do dailies to get comms to continue leveling from 50-55.
  24. I'm wondering what would be good for 50-55? Rage I'm guessing because of the density of enemies?
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