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Everything posted by KhealThar

  1. Anyone else find it funny that this has been stated to happen for a few months now and people are all of a sudden surprised it's happening? I'm pretty sure Bioware knows more about what they're doing than some angry customer because he can't play the game that isn't even officially released yet. You want a date you can guaranteed play the game? Come back the 20th of December. Until then, patience. The reason they don't tell you a date or time to get in, is because they want to remain flexible. Something could happen, preventing them from letting you in at the time you said only for you to find this out and everyone in the same boat makes 1000 threads complaining. This way no one knows, so it's all a mystery. Think of it this way, Early Access is a bonus to pre-ordering the game. The actual launch isn't for an entire week. Even if you only get to play the weekend in advance, it's still 2-3 days bonus. No other MMO has offered this service, if it was any other company you would of had to wait till the 20th. Seriously, just stop complaining and have a bit of patience. Maybe use this time to go find a job so you don't have so much free time to complain about not playing swtor
  2. It has no effect on me because I was never going to race to level 50. Nor would I care if there was 10,000 level 50's by the time I got there. I think this is a silly thing to complain about. You joined the site in 2009, should have pre-ordered when it was available if it was such a huge deal to you in my honest opinion.
  3. Seeing as you pay 5.00 for EAG time, there is no reason to pre-order at this point and pick the game up 5.00 cheaper off Origin on the 20th. Right here, "kid". You clearly are under the impressions that you payed for EAG time and you seem to be frustrated that you don't get the same time as others. Also, you won't get the game 5$ cheaper for your information, so there goes that idea.
  4. You do realize the 5$ everyone payed is just a down payment on the actual game, correct? You're still going to be paying the exact same price as everyone else. They will pay 54.99 at launch for a SE of swtor, you'll pay 59.99 because they've already put down 5$. They won't be paying 64.99 like everyone seems to believe. Almost every retail store does this now, makes you put 5-10$ down on a game when you pre-order it. The major problem here is a lot of people (OP included) think that because they payed 5$ like everyone else that means they should get in the same time. That isn't true at all. Bioware has been saying for months how they plan on doing staggered Early Access. Early Access is actually free time, people just see the 5$ and think they payed for it.
  5. I love how everyone is so insulted not being let in today. You knew very well BEFORE December that this was going to be a staggered release. Now all of a sudden you're all "OMG THIS SUX" because you didn't get in when you thought you should have? Give me a break. You don't even pay extra for early game access, the 5$ is the pre-order deposit you put down on EVERY GAME you buy. It's not going to be 5$ cheaper, you're just putting a down payment on a game. My god. Is this your first pre-order people? The game isn't even released until the 20th, they could have never done EGA and let everyone in on the 20th but they decided to let everyone in earlier, so even if you get 30 mins before the 20th, it's all gravy. People need to just stop complaining that they didn't get in 2 hours into EGA, this is seriously the most ridiculous thing I've ever read "social elitism" LOL. This is the exact reason these forums shouldn't have been able to be posted on until everyone was already in EGA, now every thread is going to be " I DIDNT GET INTO EGA WITHIN THE FIRST 5 SECONDS, IM CANCELLING PRE-ORDER BYE"
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