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Everything posted by Neovag

  1. It's a perfectly simple fight and tbh, probably one of the more enjoyable ones in the inquisitor storyline. Just watch his buffs. When he becomes uninterruptable, run around the room avoiding the storm, till he drops the buff, then go back to nuking and interrupting everything you can.
  2. What this guy said. You rolled a Sith Inquisitor and you're complaining about lightning? You really don't have a leg to stand on, sorry...
  3. There really are two sides to the argument, for once. On one hand, it's far more enjoyable to recognise the people you're playing with and against, as it encourages both competition and a better team atmosphere. On the other hand, for some people/servers, the wait times and low population simply outweigh/prevent that from being the case, meaning that for them, X-server pvp is a necessity, just to play at all. Community pvp vs guaranteed, rapid gametime, every time you queue. Personally, I've always preferred the community atmosphere of single server pvp.
  4. Oh dear. 1) Many fresh lvl 50's ARE alts. 2) Valor is gained by grinding. No skill involved in getting battlemaster, just a matter of time. 3) It's a challenge for a fresh lvl 50 to pit himself against people far better geared than he is. You're entitled to a challenge but he's not? 4) You simply assume that gear level equates directly equates to skill level. 5) Your windows must be absolutely spotless, the amount of licking they get...
  5. I really don't get all the hatred towards the inquisitor's storyline? Guessing a lot of people just lost interest during Act 2, which tbf, wasn't anything ground breaking. But I thought it really ramped up a notch for Act 3.. Even to the extent that the planets themselves felt like mere distractions, in between the important bits of the class chain.
  6. There's actually a quite a variety of accents within the Empire, although they can pretty much all be included under the general umbrella of 'British'. Most of them are of course the stereotypical Monty Python-esque 'Upper-class twit', however there are Irish, quite a few Scottish, a Welsh sergeant on Dromund Kaas and I swear I've heard one or two northern English accents, too. Not to mention the Cockney general who features in the Inquisitor's storyline.
  7. What's the advantage of opening with spike instead of maul or voltaic slash? Surely all you're doing is giving them resolve since the knockback is just a GCD + 0.5 seconds?
  8. Amusing analogy! Y'see this is what I don't get. Keep seeing people stating quite periodically that deception is NOT a rogue, yet picking your spots, using max CC and bolting when it goes **** up are pretty much the definition of how a textbook rogue is played?
  9. In what sense? Currently, it feels more like a rogue I can switch into a DK, mid-fight, what with the charges and minor ranged capabilities.
  10. NOTE: I'm not necessarily asking whether or not Deception is superior/inferior to other common pvp specs. My question is if Deception is actually viable at 50, or am I just severely gimping myself by not respeccing to a darkness/madness hybrid? Is it something that the statistics simply put beyond argument, or is it more of a personal preference/playstyle thing? Personally, I find the deception playstyle quite familiar and comfortable, in comparison to others..
  11. Go play WoW. Yes you really should. You're a support class, designed to be reliant on the protection of your dps, whilst at the same time, protecting them. Not some kind of invincible messianic figure, sent down to the internet, to strike down the infidellic dps classes...
  12. So basically a shameless rip off of Halo Reach's Daily and Weekly Challenges? Sure, why not. Anything to make one game of huttball seem slightly less similar to the 1000s before it...
  13. Sith Inquisitor: 7/10 the 4s and 5s for this are a bit unreasonable. Yeah, you're rolling a sith and know what that will mean, right from the start; politics, greed and murder. But at the same time, it's still done with a few amusing twists along the way that stop it from becoming too predictable. The voice acting is also phenomenal... Rarely is sarcasm done so well in a video game. Oh and who can forget... 3 - [shock him] Trooper: 5/10 Haven't done all that much, but so far I'm not inclined to feel anything about it. Tried playing a female and all I could think was that she seemed more masculine than my male inquisitor..
  14. Force Speed is what makes playing an assassin/shadow possible. It's pretty much a golden rule in games that there's a trade off between endurance and mobility. We wear a bed sheet for armour, so therefore get mobility to balance that. This is justified by the fact we're more mobile than warriors/knights. At the same time, we don't have a charge. Some sort of gap closer is absolutely necessary for such a fragile melee class, otherwise, knockback+slow = nerd rage, every single time.. Especially when force cloak bugs, every other use.
  15. Tbh, healing isn't anywhere near as OP as it has been in some games, mainly due to the lack of an arena mode. In a warzone situation, one healer is far less invincible than in a 2v2 fight, because he's got a lot more people beating down on him. It doesn't matter how good your healing is, if you have enough ppl on you, you're going to die. ^ But that's not an excuse. Fact is, as a melee (assassin), I should always be able to control a healer. that's what interrupt is for, after all. We don't have massive health pools, so with a couple of well timed CC's, it's not hard to peel a healer. It's also worth saying, if you can force a healer to continuously heal himself in the manner suggested by the OP, then you're effectively locking that healer out of the warzone by not letting him heal his team mates. As stated already though, healers are far from indestructible. I do however feel that the base CD times on interrupts are too long. Instead of having to waste talents to fix that, just lower the benchmark by a second or two... my interrupt is longer than my average 1v1 encounter, currently.
  16. I'm Sith and agree with what was said about the 30 sec CD difference between IA's and smugglers. This thing about project having a 1.5 second CD being purely disadvantageous is a bit weak, though. Think about it. If I were to vanish and get shocked simultaneously, I'd take the damage but be able to get away. if I were to vanish and get projected simultaneously, I'd take the damage after vanishing and therefore have it broken, thus making it useful against stealthers. That therefore theoretically gives consulars a slim advantage over inquisitors, when facing that particular playstyle. It's not necessarily logical to periodically state that it is this collection of (probably unintended) advantages in class design, that has solely caused the imbalance between factions on many servers. One simply cannot underestimate the following insightful nugget: 13 year olds love red lightsabers and evilness. There is no greater cause of imbalance than the sheer stupidity of your team mates. Some tool with any variation of Vader/Maul/Sidious in his name screaming 'lololololol I haz redsaber look at meeeeeee' is far less likely to win games than his jedi counterpart; 'I'm a peaceful protector of the galaxy and will heal my fallen comrades'. Personally, I rolled a sith because I liked the idea of having a character with a non-horrifically stereotypical english accent, for a change (people who ever rolled a Worgen on WoW will know what I mean). It's not an indefensible position to claim that the jedi classes especially, have the worst of it in terms of gear, in comparison to sith. But then, that's not really the fault of the game designers, that's just Star Wars. The sith characters are far less easily identifiable, meaning the artists had more space in which to work. The Jedi are far more recognisable, due to them having far more exposure in the films, etc. Someone rolling a jedi expects to be wearing brown robes. His sith counterpart won't have the same sort of expectation of what his character will look like, due to the lack of clarity over a what a sith actually looks like, other than 'evil'. TL;DR - There's no greater imbalance than the numerous immature morons who roll sith, nerfing teamwork time and time again.
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