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Everything posted by Darkelefantos

  1. My Revan would be 7ft tall and destroy his enemies with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his a*s. Aside from that, he's pretty much the 100% canon version.
  2. Basically, he transfers his essence into one body at a time, this body becomes the "Voice of the Emperor". When the Voice's current host body dies, he retreats (presumably to his original body) untill a new body is ready to be possessed. This Voice mechanism was put in place to protect himself after Revan openly attacked him in the Citadel of Kaas City. There is no guide or timeline that precisely lists the exact order of events etc. as far as I know.
  3. Why would it be bigger than Yavin though? You had to pay for Yavin, why'd they give you a bigger one for free?
  4. Pretty sure Heroic missions on the starter planet can not be repeated on the same character. Ever.
  5. Set bonuses are tied to the armoring. If you buy an empty shell, you won't get them.
  6. And by the word's common connotation, they stealthily kill people.
  7. And then he responds with "Hmm. An acurate assessment."
  8. Every non-cartel-market orange item from before 3.0, basically.
  9. But upcoming would mean he hasn't started yet
  10. Exactly. Well, at least his scrub underlings detect "ENEMIES EVERYWHERE!!!11" in Talaos City. I guess that's something.
  11. Funny how those fools got a cutscene while the founder of the Regulators was just some scrub boss in an Imperial quest.
  12. I wouldn't mind if they instead gave me the ability to reflect Blaster's attacks, who CLEARLY SHOOTS FRIGGIN BLASTERS. Ugh. Just silly.
  13. The Archon shoots a huge friggin laser through the hallway that kills you instantly if it hits and you have to hide behind the pillars to avoid it.
  14. I rather enjoy not being a cannon, to be honest. It certainly has its benefits. You see, I really would... oh, you were talking about something else? Nevermind then!
  15. That was also thread creator fidothegran, yes.
  16. Well deserved, though! Baras had some ingenius lines.
  17. No, the choice is final, all you can do is make a new character in that case or roll with the one you picked by accident.
  18. This is not the part of the forum you were looking for.
  19. I'm suspecting it's a blind, deaf, comatose Wookiee having just undergone a lobotomy.
  20. Which explains why it's, you know, decent (although not all DBZ movies suck). Anyways, Revan beats Marr 1v1, but it may be close, depending on how powerful Marr actually is (because we haven't seen sh*t from him).
  21. Ahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahahahaha! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No. Pls. Stahp. I'll die of laughter.
  22. I think some of them are clueless, really. A friend told me that, for the longest time, the new 4-piece set bonus for the Sorc DPS was incomprehensible gibberish. But my absolute favorite is that all proc relics in the German client, from 186-rated to 198-rated show the same amount (i.e. +795 Power or something), which is bollocks to begin with, but it gets even better because all are much lower than the actual amount (the bonus they show is lower than even what the green quality Ruusan relics actually give, it's a number you don't get from any PvE relic in the game). Who is responsible for localising this game?
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