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Posts posted by Laurreth

  1. If you are really focused on just TOR performance, you might get more out of moving to 16 gigs of RAM and using a RAM disk to preload the game.


    Compared to having it on a good SSD, that shouldn't be all too much of a speed-up honestly, and the SSD is definitely a good investment for overall performance even if only the OS is on there.


    I very rarely see my system go above the 8GB RAM mark including the file system cache, even after extended game sessions. If it happens, it's mostly because I've been running VMs on the side.


    So effectively, I'd say the system the OP is proposing looks good. The concerns about SSD size are valid, although it depends on how much stuff is supposed to go on there. Even just getting CPU, board, SSD, and maybe the PSU if it's really necessary (looking forward to a new GPU down the road) should make for a good experience. After that, I'd look at a new graphics card, and even later maybe "faster" RAM which is just micro-optimisation.

  2. Seriously now, I'd really appreciate if someone sat down with whoever built the Chief Zokar encounter in Czerka Corporate Labs and cleared up if the "red circle of doom" in the last phase of the encounter is working as intended, or if the rubberbanding "BAM you're dead" of absolute suck is a bug.


    That encounter is still a pure matter of luck, and it's not fun when the sucker one-hits the healer for the 8th time even though the character had cleared the circle indicator with a lot of margin (i.e., "ran across the room with all speed skills"). It needs to be fixed.


    So far, we tried without much luck:


    • walking out of the circle forwards
    • walking out of the circle backwards
    • making sure to run away from the missile
    • making sure to run ~90° away from the missile
    • running towards the missile
    • jumping while clearing the circle
    • not jumping while clearing the circle
    • using flee skills
    • not using flee skills
    • avoiding long casts or channels for as much of the fight as possible
    • sacrificing goats
    • just curling up in a ball and going catatonic while Zokar does his thing
    • yelling at each other really loud in TS
    • yelling at each other really loud in chat
    • filing bug reports
    • various combinations thereof


    Those all seem to have around the same rate of success (although the going catatonic thing seems to be around 10% less effective). In the end, it "consistently" takes between 4 minutes and 2 hours before that particular boss dies or we just give up. It's no fun, change it.

  3. I generally suspect those shops of being shady, be it from selling keys multiple times, especially when sold in bulk (hey, some sucker will only realise that some of the gametime is already used like what, half a year down the road?), purchasing their goods with stolen credit card data, or in some cases peddling stuff like console "currency" from promo codes that have the currency expire after some time (a common scam when you were buying "cheap" XBox currency).
  4. All of them, not just the GSF rewards as mentioned here.


    A new character in my account starts off with 12 mails, and I'm sure there are people who have it worse. Much of the content "vanishes" (gliders, titles, pets), but a lot stays put and takes up precious inventory space, and later bank space or it's just discarded. Tons of fireworks, trainer statues, generally speaking: bling that most fresh characters have no use for.


    WAR eventually changed to have that garbage on separate vendors put up in the capitals, but with the collection, SWOR has a much more elegant solution, so please use it.

  5. An example would be the "Tactical" flashpoint design you can see in 2.6.


    And I hope you make the best of that! If the buff works well enough, having some of the older flashpoints (I still haven't set foot in Colicoid Wargames) available in a tactical version, maybe tactical hardmode, would be awesome :D

  6. Normal schedule would indicate that Bounty Week starts tomorrow (second Tuesday of the month), so my guess for the new event would be week 4 or 5.


    And it won't be Rakghul-related, since that issue has been thoroughly exterminated, sheesh!

  7. Most people I know ended up moving the item mods to other gear anyway, even before the new stuff (and I for one thought the first load of PvP gear was ugly as ****, playing a Consular). Why the new gear ended up designed like it is? Bioware's call, maybe it's an incentive to go shopping on the cartel market, maybe it's really a design that everyone involved liked enough to not veto it. Some of the stuff works well with dye modules, some looks decent on certain character models.
  8. If that's the sorc equivalent to Egress, then I'd say it's just plain buggy to the point of being useless. In many cases, all it does is produce rubberbanding from and back to an attacker (apparently client and server have different opinions about what that skill does or doesn't break). This often occurs against Juggernauts or Marauders, and I guess sorcs have the same issues with Guardians and Sentinels.
  9. Most likely it could lead to some sort of abuse.


    That. The command needs to work in a lot of situations to be actually useful, and some of those situations (like somehow surviving falling into the Voidstar reactor chasm) preclude exclusion flags like the character being in combat, so while the command may open up certain abuse vectors, it's rate limited to not make it a universal cheat.

  10. Die Engine hat mE generell Probleme in Umgebungen mit mehreren "Stockwerken". NPCs werden dort teilweise auf einer anderen Ebene angezeit als sie tatsächlich sind, wechseln wahlfrei zwischen Ebenen, oder verursachen massive Performance-Probleme bei der Pfadfindung (siehe auch Gefährten wenn man zB auf Makeb oder Balmorra irgendwo in diverse Keller fährt). Das Arkanum ist in der Hinsicht ein reiner Stresstest :)
  11. GS is good for the people that enjoy it but the people that don't are dropping out the game like flie's, soon this game be dead and all i ever see on the fourm's is people quitting


    (1) lrn2plurals


    (2) Don't spout nonsense. This forum is mainly populated and visited by people who are experiencing issues or have an axe to grind. I would assume the people in here are a single-digit percentage of the game population, and in no way representative.


    There have been a bunch of announcements, you just need to read the community blog.

  12. This game is about storytelling. Like it or not, that requires guiding the player. Putting the character down on a floor and giving it walls, chasms, and at least somewhat credible exhaustion zones (mountains, oceans, vast stretches of desert, …) to control progress and navigation is vastly more intuitive than most measures taken to try and lead a player to interesting places in a sandbox where they're free to Richard around ("what now?" Morrowind, "the secret is at the green arrow" Oblivion, the TES games are really prime examples at being bad at storytelling in sandboxes; other measures would be the dreaded invisible wall which is refreshingly rare in SWOR, arbitrary no-fly zones, male-chicken-blocker monster hordes, …). If there are no such measures, and the player would indeed be given the canonical powers, the whole thing would be as boring as imagined by PA. "Oh, a datacron, how lovely! *jump* kthxbai!"


    Exceptions from the rules are provided by things like ropes, elevators, masqueraded teleports, the MGGS, and other circumstantial clickables that temporarily let you do the "cool stuff".


    If you want to play a "wheeee I 'm free" sandbox, this game is not it and it will never be. It is safe to assume that the major design will not change for any of the "core game" as it is now. Maybe there will be an exception in a planet expansion some time down the road (think Trials of Atlantis), but breaking the entire world design of what's already there just won't happen. The game can do free 3D movement as witnessed by GSF, but don't expect that to be used outside playgrounds.

  13. Just be polite about it, don't spam a wall of text every minute. If you start making up a significant portion of the gunk scrolling through the window, I'll report it as spam, and if enough people do so, you can even automatically lose chat privileges for some time :p
  14. IME, for experience gain, the tasks you're doing, i.e., the mobs, missions, …, need to "con green" for the highest-level character in the group. If anything is grey for just one character, you end up with token experience up to maybe five points.


    You can, e.g., do level 50 flashpoints with a few level 55 chars in them and still get quite acceptable experience for others. The mobs in there are green, if just barely, and even a level 54 character will see good gains.

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