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Posts posted by Laurreth

  1. We do want to avoid just buffing other classes up, and instead need to focus on bringing down the over-performing classes. If we concentrated on buffing all other classes to the status of over-performing classes, we would create a power bloat that would make PvE decisively too easy and PvP time-to-kill too short.


    Keep doing more of that :D

  2. Just my 0.02¤, what the 30–59 bracket suffers most from is the huge disparity in available skills. This is especially obvious with the game-breaking skills that were introduced with the 2.0 update (the panic bubble and idiotic rolling around are the prime defects that should IMO be removed from the game or at least from PvP, but the assassin/shadow teleport is also way up on the list), and for which characters of small levels have few or no counters. This is compounded by the completely broken matchmaking system that loves to troll players by setting up dysfunctional matches like 3heal+1dps all level 30–40 against four level 55+ dps characters from the same faction.


    It would IMO be worth a try to create a bracket for levels 51–60 in unranked matches, since those characters have skill parity and could be bolstered to be equally viable. (And to make this perfectly clear, I'm not talking about introducing a fourth bracket, but about extending the "endgame PvP" down, so the brackets would be 10–29, 30–50, and 51–60.)

  3. Please sort alphabetically

    • the list of planets available as flagship destinations
    • the list of guild members in guild stronghold/flagship key management
    • headings in the personal missions overview


    Especially the guild member list is extremely annoying with any nontrivial number.

  4. The way that skill currently "works" means I will now report every player I see using it while carrying the ball for bug exploiting.


    Rolling means players vanish in the floor for several seconds, become completely untargetable and mostly invisible, they can cover WAY too much distance, and overall those skills break the warzone.


    Please make the huttball give a hinder debuff or make players using those skills lose the ball (maybe by giving them the debuff from the grappling hooks in the Quesh pit), but something has to be done.

  5. Well, playing a couple matches I saw TTK lower, burst is still there, but only one class can kill someone in 2 GCD, Powertech/VG.


    I have less issues with that than, say,

    • getting killed within 1-second client freezes that happen every few seconds
    • getting stunned on top of a white resolve bar
    • getting stunned into a white resolve bat at 1/4 which turns grey when the stun hits
    • EVERY warzone, including 4v4 matches now having worse performance than the worst Voidstar doorhammer actions pre-3.0
    • every class seemingly having access to at least 5 stuns, roots or mezzes
    • (edit, honorary mention) getting killed before the client even bothers to show incoming damage, skill effects, or enemy players.


    Balance issues are just a thin icing on that dung-cake.

  6. I'd go so far and call warzones borderline unplayable now. Voidstar was really bad before, but now, in addition to the consistently low framerate around the doors, it's grown a lot of jitter. Even Alderaan now at times feels more like a turn based game.


    Please invest a round of patches predominantly on performance, this can't go on.

  7. So effectively that means a whopping four flashpoints that may end up being worthwhile, thanks to the higher level cap that demotes all current flashpoints to story fodder that one maybe runs through once like all the tactical ones.


    But hey, maybe disciplines mean we get to have some resemblance of fun in PvP again.

  8. Is it a general issue that recently a lot of people are running around places like Oricon without being flagged for PvP and even unable to flag themselves?


    This is on Jar'kai Sword, one of the few remaining PvP servers, maybe it's an issue with the special ruleset?

  9. It is funny that you mention this. We are actively having discussions right now internally about what the future holds for the Customer Service forum.


    Cynicism aside, how about you sit some people down to actually read and act upon stuff posted in there? It's nice to get snarky replies and all, but at the end of the day, this is a commercial product involving a lot of money paid by the playerbase, and actual customer support is, if not legally, then at least ethically mandated.

  10. I'm in a similar situation, and stuck with my guild because I do like to play with the remaining few people and because I don't really "need" stuff like ops or large-scale events. We had limited success with recruitment spam on the fleet (keep it polite, honest, to the point, and rare) and a thread in the server forum, but mostly it hasn't stuck; we also opened up /ginvite to all but the newest members and only really require a timely introduction on our forum.


    Once you find new people, there's a lot of players who sign up and then are never heard from again, some stick around the guild but never really participate, and even with a low number of players it's amazing how quickly small cliques split off; on the upside, the number of abusive players who join, clean out the guild vault, and leave again (or similar behaviour) seems to be rather low in this game, and you only need minimal screening.


    Such a low-population guild is also always bad for retention, because new members will likely end up unhappy about the low population and the limited possibilities, and most of the more sociable fellows will rather quickly find other venues of entertainment.


    Ultimately, unless you really really want to keep the guild, you may be better off changing into a friendly new guild unless you want to invest a lot of work.

  11. It effectively boils down to Sorc/Sage cleanse being completely useless (the stuff those classes can cleanse is now either incurable or not worth the cooldown), and it's an entirely idiotic thing.


    That out of the way, some thoughts for remediation:



    • Revert the change (easy, fast, low impact)
    • Put a lockout immunity on DoTs affected by the passive
    • Increase cooldown or decrease damage quite a bit
    • Prevent those DoTs from stacking (a.k.a. the "we could have learned something from WAR")



    Either way, that stuff needs to go.

  12. Well then clearly I need to change it to 20...somehow.


    Or you write it in limerick form :D


    There once was a tricky ol' stealther,

    who could roll like a boss towards shelter.

    But his evasion was bugged,

    when kicked he got stuck,

    come next patch it will finally get better.


    Something like that. Struggled with the last line.

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