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Posts posted by Laurreth

  1. How is that supposed to be fun in PvP? Even more mobility that the engine can't handle, even more damage, even more crits that are already at 15k and probably will go higher :( I can't see myself enjoy anything but the 10-29 bracket which is already the last part of PvP being anything near fun. The 30+ bracket is already completely broken by stupid skills that were stuffed into the game without consideration "because they sound cool on paper", and "endgame" PvP is just a depressing no-go.


    The game needs lower numbers and fewer but working skills, not this inflationary madness. Don't add things, change them!

  2. It's "free rails" gameplay. You can tell how stiff everything moves, in comparison to actual free-flight gaming.


    I lovingly call it Galactic Star Thunder or World of Starfighters, depending on my mood ;) It's quite freeflight but with rather limited mobility for gameplay reasons (for the exact reasons, please look up any "Elite Dangerous vs. Star Citizen" flamewar :D)

  3. Anything with PvP in it, or at least fixing the most egregious bugs, because that's really the only thing I've been playing for the last three years, and quite frankly, I've recently said out loud that "I don't want to play this s**t anymore!" (That was in Quesh Huttball by the way, probably the area showcasing the highest issue density in this game; broken multi-level areas, misaligned player locations between client and server, wantonly added skills without any consideration for balance, absolutely miserable performance, that one has it all.)


    A complete overhaul or replacement of the engine, because that hasn't ever worked for the game's content. There's always been Z-fighting on the spaceport on Coruscant, layered environments have always had big issues ("dude, where's my companion?", and did you ever try the H4 on Makeb that you enter through the vent-powered jumps?), high-level PvP always had miserable performance because somewhere between spell effects and the UI things didn't work out. Sadly that won't change because it would effectively constitute SWOR 2.


    Dropping the outdated multi-server model in favour of a regional dispatcher dynamically grouping players. I'm playing on the German PvP server, and let's just say that it could do with more players. So there, Bioware, where's your announced "solution" for queue times that was supposed to be announced "later this year"? Jar'kai Sword maybe has some GSF matches between 8 and 10 in some evenings, and if you want warzones you have to queue in the right level range…


    Don't get me wrong, I love the story parts, and I'm very much looking forward to what 4.0 will bring, I'd just wished there was some more enthusiasm to fix my ghetto.

  4. I don't think that bonus bosses would be an integral or even intended part of the solo versions at all. They've traditionally, i.e., when playing flashpoints at the character and equipment levels they were designed for, been something that required proper group play, not just additional trash that dropped neat stuff.


    The solo modes are being introduced to make the entire story arc accessible to solo players, for everything else there's 4-player hardmode when you're all grown up :)

  5. What you're saying is pretty contrary to common sense. Right now, the "usefulness" of companions varies hugely with the amount of time invested in them. There's an enormous gap between a companion that's still running around in trash greens and one that is stuffed full of surplus endgame PvE or PvP gear.


    The problem is that someone whose companion is badly equipped will probably need a better companion than someone who has farmed a load of strong gear, which makes the current system pretty hostile to the player and hard to design content for.


    Detaching companion strength from gear makes it possible to scale them in a way that makes them useful in content for the player character's level, it's simple as that. It's the only way to avoid the two possibilities you're mentioning and making them just right.

  6. Even the guy who has been doing suspicious fondling of a trash bin in Avesta Plantation (Makeb) vanishes if you get more than a few metres away from him, NPC and "unimportant" shadows vanish way too early, and some computer consoles in the "Breaking Down Shadow Town" heroic on Nar Shaddaa are only visible if you're about to headbutt them (edit: and I mean it with the headbutting, they even vanish while you're walking around on them!).


    That's a bit too optimised :rolleyes:

  7. Tried looking for a driver for my Radeon Graphics card and guess AMD just give me crap! Nothing but a ****** program that looked like the Steam software and it help me nada!


    Oh dear, you got suckered into installing that horrible "Gaming Evolved" thing that for some unfathomable reason installs by default. You should get rid of it in a first step. Check Windows "uninstall" (no idea how that's called in Danish) for something called "Raptr" and remove it.


    I would recommend going back to whatever you had before Windows 10. There's IMO no compelling reason to stick with the bugfest MS decided to call "release version" at the moment. Restoring the old version takes around 5–10 minutes and did not cause any lingering issues on my system.

  8. Last night it felt better; not quite as well as before, but also not as catastrophically horrible as Wednesday night. On Wed night we were also playing against the same groups most of the time, and I have a suspicion that there's some group constellations that cause performance to drop extremely, be it due to natural occurrence of skills or by exploitative use of some "features".


    I got the same impressions from a guildmate who is with another ISP and who is usually not affected by issues with mine (different peering/routing).

  9. Sometimes, this happens when you have too many transparent elements in your interface. Next time you get FPS issues, try changing your interface to one of the default interfaces like Extended Quickbars. If the FPS improves, recreate your interface based on that and choose less transparency.


    My UI doesn't use much in terms of non-opaque elements, the only thing I can think of is the maximally translucent cartel market button. That Should™ not matter much anyway, but maybe they brought back some of the old UI issues that caused slowdowns?


    Not sure about the lag, it could be related to the login issues on JKS yesterday or a problem with your Internet connection.


    I've had ISP-related issues in the past, but the latency meter behaved yesterday, which it didn't during those times.

  10. Since the 3.0 update or so, performance (in PvP) had been better; not exactly good, but better. Had been. :mad:


    Last night after the 3.2.1 update, things felt markedly worse again. Warzones were nigh unplayable with huge skill delays and "long-term queueing", especially during the first minute or two in each warzone. Playing a Vanguard, I could use Storm, hit a couple attack skills with roughly the right timing, and then the game would play them with around 5 seconds delay (judging from the flytext, it wasn't like the client was actually playing animations…). Frame rate also felt worse again, especially Voidstar and Quesh Huttball act like really bad stop motion movies, and with the engine still having no clue about multi-level environments, the latter is an exercise in guessing where people will pop out of lag stutter; that needs to get better, not worse, because some group constellations can literally carry the ball from the spawn point all the way to the goal without the ball carrier being targetable.


    In case it's server related (again), this was on Jar'Kai Sword between roughly 19:00 and 21:00 UTC on 2015-05-28.

  11. Not true, I'm not at all embarrassed because I didn't participate, nor do I think what they did represents this community.


    I sadly think it represents the scum of many "communities"; that stuff happens too often, and it's a sad reason why it took a long time for these forums to become as open as they are (look at the "rated E" padded cell of a forum Frontier are running for Elite Dangerous where you can get banned for writing "****ed" asterisks and all, compared to that, this place is the dark internet!), and why we still can't do things like post images on the support forums. Remember people going absolutely ape to the point of writing death threats when someone decided that the reload animation for a gun in a CoD game should be 0.1s longer?


    It's stuff like that which finds attention of mainstream media, and it makes "us" (as in the mythical "we" who "need" stuff so many conjure) all look bad, no matter if we consider ourselves party to whatever happened. It's also stuff like that which makes infringements on basic human rights like wanton data retention for persecuting all kinds of demeanors (think "Patriot Act" or whatever France is just about to pass as law, but available to the common plod) look a lot better, because it would make hitting those dolts over the head with a big aluminium legal cluebat a lot easier. I'd love to see that kind of hitting.


    It's something that we as humans should be ashamed of, ashamed that people like that are part of the same species.

  12. And once more I'm ashamed to be someone on the internet :(. I wish those people weren't and in fact I wish they were somehow transported to somewhere like the surface of the sun, or at least the interior of a very small concrete, windowless cell.


    No idea really what else to say. "Keep up the work and don't go overboard with DPS output?" ;) (Hey, I am mostly playing healers...)

  13. Plz tell me you trolling or you never visited the forums in the last month


    The latter. I expect such details to be discussed and announced prominently ahead of time in quite some detail in patch notes or community blogs or whatnot. You know, stuff that doesn't require exposure to game communities.


    (edit) and since this seems to require clarification, no, spills form cantina events to the usual data farming and rumour sites are not announcements nor do I regard them as reliable or generally worth visiting.

  14. Hey folks!


    The Epic Story XP Boost is set to go live at 8AM PDT, so approximately one hour from the time I am making this post. Who's ready to get their levelin' on?!




    Is there an opt-out, or will I be condemned to just not playing class stories with my PvP twinks?

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