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Everything posted by Kunitsukami

  1. Your... Belonging to or associated with the person or people that the speaker is addressing: "what is your name?" You're... You are, as in: "You're not having fun". You do not own the fun, it is not your fun.
  2. There has not been a single objective or constructive post made as to why someone is leaving the game, it is always a subjective opinionated scream by a kiddy throwing their toys out of the pram. It would be fine if it was: Hi I found x problem with y and z proof. But having six paragraphs where they scream about how they aren't getting everything they specifically want and then maybe writing one line of useful information (if any), it's just not helpful and it's weird.... why on earth would you decide to leave a game and then sit around looking at the forums so that you can post bile and anger at people and create threads raging about how you're leaving? It just seems odd. Also, the majority of the people who are actually in the game and playing the game are not on the forums as much so the ones who are getting the loudest voices are these whining little idiots, and that's the scary thing.
  3. Yeah.... but the reason he was getting into raids is that he could stare at a dps meter and get good burst dps so he looked good, and this meant he got into raids which allowed him to luck out on gear and grow his i-level and get into more raids... read everything I type or don't comment.
  4. Guys guys, why do you think the OP isn't replying? He replied once with that one line and no answers..... he's doing something.... story about one living under a bridge in a children's book....
  5. You, sir, are a king among men... if this works when I get home i'm going to send you a damn cookie. I don't know how it will get to you but the gods will make it so.
  6. So you think you shouldn't have the choice? What the hell is wrong with you?
  7. Kirk. Just kidding.... I have no idea yet.
  8. OP pretty spot on, and done in by far the best way yet... bravo good sir bravo, you will get some praise and probably a lot of horrific bile spewed at you by trolls. Edit: Although I don't agree with a couple of points it's still brilliantly done.
  9. I honestly and truly want them to create a companion or world character who is bright green has massive breasts and a fantastic arse then make it so that only female characters can flirt, when the idjits start complaining about oversexuality of women and bringing up problems with lesbianism the devs should release a note saying "what are you talking about? That race is called ******..... that characters a male". It's fricking aliens for gods sake, why would they all look like humanoid women. I want to be able to romance a hutt... then my legacy name will be "Kirk".
  10. Addons is a horrifically tough subject to discuss because it becomes like forum discussions on religion, some people will just go barmy one way or the other because the true middle ground just doesn't work. When I played WoW I personally had: Recount Omen DBM X-Perl Bartender Playerscore Atlas with Atlasloot and a bunch of others I was a ret pally averaging around 28-30k dps on Raggy with no heroic items and the game was just a droll repeat system. The reason I become so against add ons is that it completely dominates the mindset of the players, we'd have a mage doing 30k dps at the start of the fight, then he wouldnt move out of the engulfing flames, so the healers would have to switch off the tanks to heal the mage, who would then also move the molten seed to close to the gather point when it spawns, and then he would drag the meteors through the tanks.... It would mean loads of wipes and it wasn't just him doing it, but the reason they were doing it is that they were just staring at their DPS meters and waiting for DBM to tell them what to do then they would quote the dps meter at the end of the raid.... but those guys would get great loot and have a high i-level so therefore be chosen for any pug they whispered and i'd see them in a PUG I was in a sigh. DPS meters can be very useful, as can a lot of add ons, but when they massively start dominating the mindset of everyone in the game, and you cannot deny that they will, then it starts to hurt more than help. I really like the idea that you can only see your own details, and it's why I always say dev made add ons would be the only thing I would be happy with seeing because community add ons can warp the community and the experience. Can people honestly not agree to the idea that you can only ever see your own details? Maybe right up to the very end of the raid when it is produced in a chart or something like the end of war zones.
  11. Obviously you have so much going on that this is a real tough break from your busy schedule to tell us something completely useless.
  12. So send credits to your alt, respec, then send them back?
  13. The man was an absolute legend, did all the LOTR films as well, hell just look at his filmography: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Anderson_(fencer) RIP
  14. Runescape came out in 2001, I played Ultima Online... 1997 and hilariously buggy, which of kind of why it was fun.
  15. Why are people who have unsubbed still looking at the forums or posting... you don't get a voice any more just shut up you 10 year olds. If you're no longer subscribed or playing you don't know what's going on in the game any more, whether it be patches or changes to servers etc etc.
  16. Lol opinions are awesome and being horrifically subjective whilst pushing your word as law is fun.
  17. Welcome people, to the majority of thread makers on forums everywhere, these people are rarely actually playing the game and they do not stick around in MMO's long and they will make these threads about every game they have ever played.... A.K.A: A-holes.
  18. Give me 1 example of an MMORPG which doesn't use grinding in some aspect.... just 1
  19. I thought this was going to be a thread of substance but once again I have been tricksded! Rick'Roll thread, OP you massively let yourself down with how you represent your opinion "thats right people"...
  20. That character must be a pirate because there's a whole lotta booty on that pirate ship!
  21. OP is a troll and an idiot, if you don't like the game for personal reasons then stop playing the game. If you think it's going to be F2P in 6 months then wait 6 months and come back when it is if that's what you want to play. Otherwise **** and stop spewing your insidious bile over a forum.
  22. The problem is that you need an idea which will work instead of grinding. To make every single quest wildly different and make content interesting to absolutely everyone who plays it is impossible... not nearly impossible... just impossible. Because people have different opinions and the major problem with opinions is that no matter what the evidence shows or suggests people think their opinions are right, and they will start a crusade in their own name to nay say everyone else.
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