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Everything posted by Kenjer

  1. I can't give you a time, but i can give you some reference: As an experiment, i leveled 50-55 entirely through pvp on my sage. Starting at 50, i already had valor level 50 (its 3-4 WZs per valor level from 30-50). My level 55 my valor level was 62. So, if you are sub 55, i would just level through pvp and you will get there. Otherwise, its frankly a ton of WZs to play. I remember back in the day when it was a requirement for battlemaster gear, and it felt like a pretty long grind then too.
  2. If you like sandboxes, EQN/EQL look extremely promising, with a history of success to back up their vision: https://www.everquestnext.com/ On topic: nerf healing ops. And honestly, healing in general in pvp. I sometimes play my smug healer when i feel like something different, but then i remember there is no fun when there is no real challenge
  3. If you are only interested in a dps role, the gunslinger is currently "Better" in both PVE and PVP. That being said, if you don't like the playstyle, you won't like the class. Do you want to be: a) a stealthy-rogue type archetype or b) a high dps turret?
  4. Kenjer

    Worst WZ

    I disagree about the speed to get back to the node in voidstar. Yes, if you happen to kill them while the door is about to open that can happen, but just as often i barely miss the respawn and am stuck there for a small eternity. There are cases were this can happen to a good portion of your team, which leads to the situation where you can never "Catch up" to the attackers. That all being said, i don't mind a good voidstar
  5. Kenjer

    Worst WZ

    Its 600 to win. I don't disagree that hypergates is bad though.
  6. Thank You! This worked perfectly (I even received the 1 time passwords) Cheers!
  7. im pretty sure the FOTM comp will be 2x smash maurader, 1 tank jugg and 1 op healer.
  8. No - Sages have to heal to full, and make their enemies pay for attacking them. DPS sages are in just as bad a place from a survivability perspective as dps scoundrels...
  9. Because you just took a reasonable suggestion, based on "value" they have already assigned and made it unreasonable. The same could be done on the "Other" side of the argument that $10 gave you content for 6 months, and that should be good enough. Well, next expansion then they should charge $10 and make the expansion free after a month. After all, we paid $10 for a month of advanced content, so that should be fine! The bottom line is that after PR mess after PR mess, they need to start repairing their relationship with the core player base, and this would likely go a long way.
  10. The funny thing is that it would cost them NOTHING to fix this PR issue and just give everyone the 1000CC. Cartel coins have no cost to them and realistically, people will blow them on a few cartel packs, xp boost, vanity item, etc. People who purchase CC will continue to do so, and those that don't will likely continue not to.... either way. That being said, doing the logical thing doesnt' seem to come easilly to Bioware these days.
  11. As someone who pre-ordered both the original game and ROTHC, i do feel sort of screwed by this. Like others have mentioned, the people who have been the most loyal seem to be getting taken for granted. Between this and healing to full I'm starting to really lose faith that Bioware (or perhaps EA) is even capable of doing the right thing for their customers. If arenas are a bust, im going to have a hard time staying around i think....
  12. An exploit is, by definition, using in-game mechanics or a bug in an unexpected way to achieve an unintended result. The only way your statement has any validity is if the development team did not intend for roll to be used to ball carry or speed time to objectives in PVP. I'm not a member of the development team, and I can't speak to their intentions, but i can't imagine any scenario where they were unaware of this functionality. On another note, i think that, for huttball specifically, the various leap abilities are more powerful than roll, especially for tank specced guard/jugg who can not only do the whole leap / push / leap thing, but can follow up with a friend leap and have extremely strong defensive cooldowns. However, like roll, these are counter-able, and while being powerful are not game-breaking.
  13. roll is not OP. It can be powerful, and it can be countered. /thread. Can we please move on from this already? Its been 5 months.
  14. the one emote i always wish i had while dead is /golfclap .... because it takes skill for 5 people to gank 1 person.
  15. I didn't read anything you said, to be honest, but perhaps you would have had better luck with a clear, bullet point list of suggestions. As it is, your typos aren't the problem... it is the huge walls of text that are unreadable. Its possible you have a few gems in there, but nobody is going to see them if you don't present your suggestions in a readable format.
  16. pvp weapons that cost 900 WZ comms. buy, and sell and re-buy within 2 hours (in game). With this you can "store" as many WZ comms as you can get
  17. thats fair. What about when conquerer is the Tier 1 gear and we have 8 months until the next PVP patch? still optimize the Tier 1 set first?
  18. why at most? just becaue of the new tier of gear in october?
  19. What should i spend WZ comms on once i have full Partisan? optimizing it, or saving for conq?
  20. Just dinged 54, wondering if i am on the right track for my TK PVP spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600hZcRrbdRrcRrsZcM0M.3 Thanks
  21. I vote "yes" to the proposed change to laze target Aeg - 55 sniper / POT5
  22. It should really be taken off gcd as well
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