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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Marb

  1. I thought it was worth an explanation of why we stopped updating it. We do care about it. I'm not the person who ultimately decides what we do, but I do lurk on the forums, so if I'm taking the piss I'm not speaking for the guild as a whole.


    Most of the thread is TEHEE having a circle jerk and smiling through their teeth at people, but I think we have also been part of the problem by joining in on the banter. We may be making people feel like they don't want to post here at all, and I think its worth discussing.

  2. Well the only thing I can think of is that you don't have crazy dps. If there is an encounter with no taunt swap, you would be surprised how close the dps ride to the tank when there are no taunts at all in the equation. It only takes an unlucky miss in your opener to loose threat, even if its for a second. And even then, a preemptive taunt isn't much different to a taunt back off a dps.
  3. You're entitled to your opinion, but this is currently the most active, longest-running and most posted-in thread on the Dalborra forum, by a rather significant margin. As far as I know, there are very few guilds currently engaging this content that aren't involved in this thread. I don't mind you saying you don't want to be involved, but please don't try to diminish everybody's attempts to congratulate each other on completing the hardest content available in the game.


    I'm not having a go at people who want recognition for their achievements, we used to be happy to post here too as you know. We just feel that this thread is not representative of the server, and talk here goes beyond saying grats and veers into sycophantic bullsh*t. Some of it is even thinly veiled remarks on the speed at which some guilds are making progress, which isn't cool at all, and is entirely worthy of being diminished.


    Also HM / NiM should be in the thread title if that's the only raid progress you're interested in keeping track of, though not possible to get changed anytime soon, it should be clarified near the top of the page. And I am with you 100% about not breaking down guilds into individual raid teams with separate progress. If people care so much about their specific raid team, they should just break off and make a new guild.

  4. The very limited participation from the server in general is something that turned PoA off updating this thread. Its good to see new guilds participating, so maybe we will update again after the merge. We are just kinda apathetic towards this tumble weed of a thread on the arse-end of the forums.
  5. Asking dps to hold off on the first 1-2 GCD's and not to burn relics/adrenals on the pull is perfectly acceptable, but not widely recognized as normal ops etiquette. I think its incorrect to assume the tank is playing badly by using a taunt fluff, when both Kitru and Grall would admit that dps take certain considerations into account for the tanks in the groups they run with. For many groups, it's not expected that the dps will behave in this way, and this is where a taunt fluff can be a required safety net.


    If everyone goes as soon as the tank does, there a few dps classes that can predictably out threat a tank at the start of a fight with their adrenal and relic (and for some classes an adrenal isn't even necessary to do this). Asking dps to hold for the first couple of GCD's and/or not burning relics/adrenals is a way of the group letting the tank do their job, the other is the tank taking it upon themselves by taunt fluffing to let the dps go nuts (for juggs we can cheese with saber reflect).


    I've tried. It just comes down to its easier to adjust my own play than to nag them until they change.

    The same ultimatum I came to.

  6. Offering an advanced class change service would be a lucrative back-end preparation for entirely new advanced classes that are monetized. New classes would only come in the form of new advanced classes, so this could be a way of selling them individually, along with many other features that could be added as part of a larger paid content addition. This would let free players buy specific features of the expansion that interest them, who would otherwise be turned off at the larger up front cost of an expansion pack.


    As long as reasonable restrictions are put in place, I don't personally mind. I do think that this would be the easier alternative. The other one would be going back to the drawing board with advanced classes and enabling you to choose your advanced class at character creation (class stories continuing to be referred to as Sith Warrior, Smuggler, ect.) This would remove the confusing and redundant base class system.


    It *is* a problem with terminology that confuses people, especially in a market dominated by a certain mmo.

  7. Fixed that for ya.


    Some of us will very much appreciate the added bells and whistles cos we have the rigs that run the game just fine now and can spare some additional muscle to purty it up.


    Nice troll. Did you ever participate in Illum open world pvp at launch? I don't think you get what I'm talking about. There are some severe limitations to this engine that go beyond throwing more hardware at it client side.

  8. A very good point. For those who don't turn off the music, its hard not to notice that every single flashpoint/ops has a selection of the same 2-3 songs that loop.


    Even if its not original music made for the new flashpoint, we need some musical variety to add identity and break up the monotony. I think they have most if not, all of the original trilogy and prequel soundtracks at their disposal, but they choose to have the same song play in every op.

  9. The target audience of nightmare operations are already pretty burnt out on TFB. Nightmare EC was a real slap in the face to a lot of us considering how long EC had been around. Its like going through two entire tiers of gear by doing the same operation over and over, week in week out. Its not good for morale at all.


    The prospect of another tier of gear so soon is not that exciting, in fact its a little concerning. New stuff to do as an ops group doesn't always have to be a new tier of gear, or a super monster awesome mode of an operation that is currently being farmed over and over for the sake of nothing else to do. Nostalgia is a powerful thing in MMO's, and letting an ops become a relic *before* bringing it back is a better way of selling recycled content to players.


    Considering that Eternity Vault's story is pretty much self contained, I would really like to see a refurbished and revamped difficulty mode. Keep the current modes as 50 so as not to take away content from people without the xpac, but introduce a separate 55 mode with new mechanics and challenges, with new titles, pets and orange armor shells of the old rakata gear models.

  10. With the 'graphical improvements' comment about the upcoming patch release, it looks like we might finally get the HD texture option back!


    They didn't go anywhere, they just renamed and reshuffled the options. The current highest texture detail setting is the same as the highest setting from launch.


    Adding more graphical bells and whistles seems silly when makeb runs like crap, and the client has a fit with 16man+ content.

  11. greetings,


    i´m a pvp PT pyro and i still don't know what to choose, AP or aim


    aim raises damage&Crit

    AP raises more damage then aim


    so right now i´m at (without stim, selfbuffed)


    1160-1478 dmg

    789.7 bonus

    18.52% crit

    94% precision

    75.84% surge



    1229.2 dmg

    22% cit


    i´m not sure coz of the current crit,...setbonus(15% rail crit) and the 6% fire crit do increase it quite fine but when i will go for full AP in my mods and improvements and auguments i will loose more crit...



    what do you guys think`?


    A - all AP

    B - all AP with some crit mods

    C - full AIM





    High power / low aim on mods. Aim in augments. For pve you will want 100% ranged accuracy and 110% tech, with any remaining enhancements going to surge.


    At the moment crit is a wash, so maybe 2 or 3 crit mods (about 100-150 rating, maybe more)

  12. as i said before dummy DPS is there for dummies to think they do good DPS... no-one cares what you do on a dummy, because it is IMPOSSIBLE to do that on a boss fight. i would be shocked to see you break 2400 on a boss fight with that stupid spec... building a spec to do good on a dummy is something only a dummy would do. Powertechs are a melee class so by not taking 15% movement speed you are costing yourself damage EVERY time you have to move. EVERYTIME you take aoe damage (which happens in every operation fight) you are a buron on your healer by not having energy rebounder and stabalized armor, dead DPS does 0 damage.


    I have run with guys trying to jacked up useless hybrid and they are over 200 DPS behind my AP spec.. The sheer fact that you think dummy damage matter shows how pathetic of a player you are. There is no fight in game where you get to stand still and tunnel the boss. Dummies are a tool to test gear changes and rotations in a vacuum not to test and see what your raid DPS might be.


    I'm going to have see some parses. AP is notoriously problematic in operations, a minor increase to the duration of hydraulic overrides doesn't seem like it would make up for the loss of over 200 raw dps from the hybrid, not even taking into account that the hybrid has more options outside of 4m range.


    They are both going to be very difficult to play in HM Styrak encounter, so there really needs to be some logs to settle this. I would estimate that the hybrid will be more flexible at range and movement due to PPA and lingering dot effects, and a less strict reliance on flamethrower.

  13. For damage, in most cases it will be the classes main stat, barring unusual exceptions (such as marauders), due to the +% main stat from skill trees and the contributions to crit %.
  14. Yeah...no.

    If you go into the immortal tree say, half way up...you will be an improper dps. Would you want a Hybrid Heal / DPS sorc? (certain conditions with standing)? No. Now, if you Hybrid two dps trees, like my sorc...then yes, good times are had by all.


    Hybrid tax refers to classes which have access to a tank or healing skill tree in addition to a dps skill tree. In the vanilla days of WoW these classes were known as hybrids and had certain drawbacks put in place on their dps and healing/tanking, with the freedom to choose between two roles as the justification for performing below par in any of their roles.


    For example, if this game had a hybrid tax, juggernauts would not be viable using their full dps trees to fill the role of a dps in a group, as it would be intentionally balanced that way because they had the option of being tanks. Sometimes it seems like there is a hybrid tax, but that is just down to balancing issues and a lack of foresight on the devs part.

  15. 1) Sure it can, if your other stats aren't up to par. Defense you either entirely avoid it or take the damage and you cannot use defense against tech and force attacks. Shield you take reduced damage, with a better success rate, against a broader variety of attacks. If you have a choice between 10% shield and 5% defense and you're gearing up - take the shield, as a PT at least.


    2) Sure it could unless you're already way "over-tanking" the boss. Depends on how much endurance you have otherwise and where you're at on the DR curves. There's several fights where there's spikes of damage from the boss or the rest of the raid is taking damage and healers are splitting heals for a short period of time. Saying it can never possibly have value is just wrong.


    Swtor uses a 2-roll system, its not defend or die. If you don't defend an attack, you get a roll against your shield, then the damage is adjusted down based on absorption then through to damage reduction and armor. Many boss attacks are also broken up into individual attacks that all roll against your mitigation simultaneously, each applying their own 2-roll check to each small attack. For pve, crit and surge are not relevant as boss's don't crit unless its a specific attack or mechanic.


    Shield does work on kinetic and energy attacks that are force/tech, it doesn't work on force/tech attacks that are elemental/internal. If returns on this stat stayed like they did on the PTS, we would all be stacking shield, but only because it would act as an extension of armor. Shield is an important stat, but juggernauts don't get any more shield then they have to because of the large returns they get on defense rating, and the devaluation defense has on shield and consequently absorb, all compounded by the returns on shield/abs being adjusted before 2.0 went live.


    You took what I said out of context, which is that health has no value in a 1 to 1 trade with mitigation, not that health has no value at all. You can twist my words all you want but endurance augments are still the worst possible choice, even for Ye Olde endurance stackers. You do need health, but you don't need any more health then what you get on high mitigation mods/enhancements and your armorings. I'm not going to sit here and go over the old arguments about endurance when there is enough information on the topic on these forums if you want/care to look for it.


    "over-tanking" what does this even mean.

  16. Sin - defense > absorb > shield - augment for defense.

    PT - shield > absorb > defense - augment for endurance.

    Jugg - defense > shield > absorb - augment for endurance.


    Choosing not to follow the optimal stat spreads is one thing, but what the hell are you talking about. Defense doesn't make you spikey. This is a pretty old argument from back in the rakata gear days.


    Endurance is never going to win out on mitigation in a 1 to 1 ratio no matter how you feel about a deep health pool. There is never a good reason to augment for endurance, even if you want more health. And then you suggest doing this for the two classes that get the least value from endurance, yet recommend the assassin augment for defense.


    Juggs don't have shield as a stat priority, as it comes on all enhancements and ear/implants. They can't lower it to be optimal, so they balance the value of defense with absorb.

  17. The the whole galaxy wide traveling system is very clunky. It has been helped a bit by legacy travel abilities and priority transport terminals, but the epic long load screens aren't getting any quicker.


    I hope the space project presents an opportunity to overhaul and streamline traveling between planets.

  18. But it does im affraid. Compare Assassin and Jugg? All can-tank classes bring little to no group utility to the ops.


    The taxation was made in 2.0 to separate full dps from can-tank and force the second ones to become tanks.


    I admit that it does seem that way, but I would put that down to bad balancing and foresight on the devs part rather then an evil master plan.

  19. The crit is increased due to 15% HIB/RS bonus crit from Eliminator set bonus.

    I usualy get same overall crit due to that buff.


    Right that would make sense. I didn't think having that many 63 armorings would be worth giving up the extra power, when the difference in set bonuses only ever made a small difference to dps pre 2.0 anyway.

  20. As posted above. You are mixing pure dps classes with can-tank classes. Look at assassin and jugg?!


    I'm going to go offtopic here, but there aren't hybrid taxes in this game. If an AC has a heal or tank tree, it shouldn't have any impact at all on the output of their dps skill trees. All dps specs should be within a 5% spread of each-other, but its never turned out that way for one reason or another. As far as balancing goes, there is no such thing as a "pure" dps class. Raid utility doesn't tax sniper and maras dps, so why should having the ability to respec to a different role have any impact at all on those classes dps?

  21. nothing about an 6 minute parse is lucky... the longer the parse the less RNG takes effect... no wonder you think PTs are bad you lack simple understanding.


    good AP players match and beat maras and snipers... just because someone like you cannot do it doesn't mean people who are actually good at the game cannot do it.


    While I wouldn't accuse anyone of log trimming, it is becoming more common as it is a way to pick out the best 6 mins of a larger overall parse, as a way of showing the higher end of a spec's potential. 40% crit with the spec that player was using IS unusual, but not impossible. Results like that are not going to be typical in HM Styrak.


    That was also not a full ap BH, but a full hybrid.

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