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Posts posted by Marb

  1. I disagree - this is a pretty *major* change since ZERO mobs in the game currently have any kind of force/tech resist. Do you have a source on this?


    Can't find links to any relevant log data and I'm having rouble uploading mine to torparse, but it can be observed attacking the 55 ops training dummy on the fleet on the pts. Take a toon there, make some logs, and look at the parses using 0% accuracy gear.


    I'm actually not sure about the sniper/jugg armor reduction, but merc armor reduction at least definitely does allow use of railshot.


    Your right, the wording on the railshot tooltip is not really accurate in this regard. It seems it has to be a debuff with a damage component, with the exception of armor reduction.

  2. Even that shouldn't be an issue - it just requires "a" effect on the target, and it's very unlikely that there won't be at least 1 DPS applying armor reduction/dots to it, leaving you free to railshot.


    It must be a dot or an incapacitate effect. And yea I agree, just showing an example of the flow on effect from special attacks missing.

  3. I have 91% accuracy (0 on gear) on my sin tank and it does not affect me in any negative way in holding aggro. From what i gathered from my brief look over patch notes i didn't see any changes made to this stat, so i suspect there will be no reason to change previous builds to include it.


    Alacrity for tanks? Hm, i'm inclined to say no thanks. Why? Because one would need massive amounts to see a big improvement in resource regeneration. That would just drop our defensive stats too much and i don't think it's worth it.


    Accuracy itself has not changed, but level 55 ops mobs will have 8% resist chance, which means your tech/force attacks will have a chance to be resisted. By itself, it's not a massive change, but many procs and effects *may* be linked to special attacks landing. The most obvious example is that if rocket punch misses, no ion gas dot is applied, and railshot can't be used.


    Again its too early to tell at this point if missed abilities will have a severe effect on tank threat/survivability. My initial observation is that it wont be negative enough to warrant dropping shield for it.

  4. Its tough to say at this point. The complicating element is the *massive* boost to the effectiveness of shields, with shield rating occupying the same places as accuracy and alacrity.


    The value of accuracy is going to come down to how missed attacks interact with defensive buffs and procs. For example if heat blast missing means no 25% absorb buff (which wouldn't make sense), there's not going to be much choice in the matter, we will have to hit cap ourselves.


    Can't see much point in alacrity though. Even with its new interaction with PT and shadow resources, shield rating is surely going to be more valuable.

  5. Its a bit of a bummer with alacrity, they are making it an attractive stat at the same time as making shield rating even more attractive. I'm not sure if trading shield for alacrity would be worth it, unless they have done something crazy to cap the returns you can get from shield rating (I doubt that).


    Its really funny to see it on the stock tank arkanian gear, along with accuracy.

  6. A few things -


    1.) Your shield chance is way too low for you to be considered a tank, so I doubt they're trying to balance any skills around someone with your stat distribution.


    Obviously you haven't been on testlive. All secondary stats have been changed, even when your at level 50 in your BiS dread guard gear, you barely have 50% shield chance on testlive. Shield chance sits at about 45% at 55 in arkanian gear.


    And if your in pvp gear your shield chance would be even lower then that.


    The biggest issue I have is with heat screen being made passive, when the pt play-style is already too static and passive as it is.

  7. Grapple generates roughly the equivalent threat of any special attack without the actual damage and crit / surge component. Your better off using jet charge and firing off your rocket punch immediately to get it ready for the shield vent proc. Grapple should never be used as a threat builder, even if for whatever reason your stuck at 30m without jet charge up, you have infinitely better options then grapple (death from above, explosive dart and even a taunt if you really need to).
  8. For me, shadows have always caused a noticeable drop in consistent input responsiveness in seemingly random areas. Now this kind of input delay I'm talking about is not the same kind you get from a good old low fps.


    For example going into the cantina on hutta with shadows on gives me a stuttery delayed camera response, but out side the camera is smooth as butter. In both scenarios my fps did not drastically differ. So I do notice strange input delay in some areas with shadows on without the fps drop that *should* be there to cause it. All I can put it down to is a hardware / driver quirk that affects the odd player.


    EDIT: It looks like the op is describing two different problems. Fps does drop dramatically for some people when many players or mobs are using abilities fx.


    The issue I described is an odd quirk with the shadow renderer that has been there for those afflicted since beta weekends / early access

  9. I get this on my jugg if I spam retaliation. Force charge, adrenal, smash+retaliation usually means the smash wont fire but it triggers the global cooldown. The problem is the adrenal and retaliation don't fire off the global cooldown, its definitely the smash misfiring after the force charge.


    Then during normal play after this, retaliation often will cause other abilities to misfire. Another issue is the gfx for the global cooldown itself go out of sync with sounds and animations, making you feel things are on gcd when they're not.


    EDIT: I just realised that I have only observed these issues while doing dailies and killing xeno in the new ilum iceshelf. I don't notice these problems in other areas in the game.

  10. The issue is that you don't need to stack Endurance *in any appreciable sense* in order to reach the magical 25k threshold: as I've pointed out, you can get there using an absolute *minimum* of Endurance specific gear (2 crystals and 3-4 armorings/hilts/enh/mods). Anyone that goes *beyond* that baseline level of Endurance isn't likely to be a particularly effective tank; either that or they're trying to make up for bad healers that require a larger reaction time cushion.

    Again I'm not advocating against this, its just that using endurance crystals, hilt and 3-4 armorings is not using *main stat everything*, and for a jugg you would need to use more just to hit 25k. Your rationale has detail and context, its not the simple "use high main stat everything or your bad" quote I took issue with.

    The mechanical reasons that you want 25k hp are due to consistent, high incoming damage phases and potential burst damage scenarios that occur in relatively rapid succession (once every 20 seconds or so). As such, Enure wouldn't really make up for it because you're only getting the benefit of it for 10/15 seconds every 90 seconds. While Enure would cover you for the first time you need the hp cushion, it wouldn't be up for the second or likely third.

    Yea, it just feels icky having to use more endurance then the other tanks, when threat generation for juggs is so far behind the other tanks. A jugg can only get away with a might hilt, everything else has to be guardian stuff *just* to hit 25k with the exo stim. Only thing left to try would be doing a switcharoo with enhancements to indirectly trade shield rating for main stat. On an unrelated note, assuming a hybrid build using force scream on cooldown, how does endurance compare to strength?

  11. I suppose I'm not taking issue with fitting in as much main stat possible and still being within the 25k window. Its just the blanket statement that all tanks should use low endurance everything, and if you don't your incompetent.


    Its a shame that the jugg is limited in this regard, as they would have the most to gain out of stacking as much main stat as possible. I've always wondered if endure pain is designed to make up for the fact that juggs don't have a +endurance skill, or if it's just an oversight.


    Does good use of endure pain offset a lower health pool to mean that juggs don't have to abide by the 25k health threshold?

  12. I think if they overuse the "ancient forgotten race" trope too much it will loose its cool factor very quickly. I was already a bit weary of it when they started up the whole gree subplot (we already have the rakata).


    I would much prefer they return to more jedi/sith mysticism as the basis for their elder game plots. So far the dread masters are just a plot device to push us through all these varied, but un-related locations. I hope the showdown on Lehon is a throwback to the rooftop temple confrontation from KotOR.

  13. I think if they overuse the "ancient forgotten race" trope too much it will loose its cool factor very quickly. I was already a bit weary of it when they started up the whole gree subplot (we already have the rakata).


    I would much prefer they return to more jedi/sith mysticism as the basis for their elder game plots. So far the dread masters are just a plot device to push us through all these varied, but un-related locations. I hope the showdown on Lehon is a throwback to the rooftop temple confrontation from KotOR.

  14. Like I said in a previous post, competent tanks use DPS armorings/hilt/barrel and a pair of power crystals

    I'm not sure what your definition of competent is, because if your not gearing for the content your doing, thats pretty dumb. You could get away with that in 8man hardmodes, but I would be very skeptical of the viability of a 21k health tank in anything harder.

  15. I'm not sure what you think a rattataki is supposed to sound like, as out of all the imperial classes the BH is the only one who keeps the american accent. If you have taken notice, almost all rattataki speak this way, they don't have the imperial accent.


    I think opposite really, the ratt seems to be one of the best fits for the BH apart from human/cyborg, especially the female bounty hunter.

  16. At present it is a role-playing choice first and foremost, with some boots and gloves of questionable value and the lowest of the lowest tier relics. The rest are cosmetic; mounts, some armour pieces, and a pet I think. Also some titles of your into that sort of thing.


    In conclusion, you loose nothing of significance by choosing a neutral character. I wouldn't be surprised if Bioware decided to overhaul the alignment system at some point, as its current implementation is very shallow.

  17. Black Hole commendations are awarded from doing the weekly quest in applicable areas, which at present are the Black Hole and Section X.


    The name of the comms is simply a relic from patch 1.2, as now they have become the main elder game commendation that drives end game gearing. Back then, doing the black hole weekly and killing bosses in the newly added operation was the only way to get them.


    They are used for:

    • End game crafting materials (through reverse engineering)
    • Campaign armorings (which have the set bonus attached to them)
    • Best in slot hazmat implants (for some classes)
    • Various schematics for crafting crew skills

  18. I would be really happy if I could purchase an alternative visual theme for the rocket boost that is currently in game. It feels really silly for my sith warrior, zooming around on rocket boots.


    Something like a really fast sprint would enable force users to not feel completely silly using this ability :o


    And while I'm at at it, having new animation sets for the out of combat heal would be cool, (like the carbonite chamber).

  19. In my experience, that's not entirely true. My guild's Sage DPS does comparable DPS to my Gunnery Commando on most fights (sometimes more, sometimes less), so player skill comes into it quite a lot. I'm not sure what you'd see if you looked at a bunch of the top parses for Sage/Commando DPS, but I'd probably have a look at them first before making any pronouncements about balance (as I've clearly not ;)).


    The proof is on toreparse.com for anyone to see, I am not making observations, just looking at what people in the game are actually achieving on these classes. The results are damning for sages and operatives, and don't support the emerging sentiment of arsenal mercs not putting out competitive dps.


    While I don't mean to insult you as I don't know the context of your results, they are outside of what's showing up on torparse. I could only make a judgement call and say you are comparing encounters that favour one class over the other, or the sage was playing significantly better then the merc. Its hard to say for certain without logs.

  20. Merc isn't as bad as sorcs, or ops I agree, but from what I'm seeing powertech dps is at the top of the game, even ahead of snipers and marauders for some reason. Then it just becomes a sliding scale. The difference between a jug, and a marauder isn't as big as it is with a merc and powertech.


    Again I am going to have to say you're wrong. It sounds like you have some strong opinions based purley on obeservation. Pyrotech dps is easily within sniper and mara damage, the only thing that will make it pull ahead are specific fights that are movement heavy.


    Merc dps is not underpowered, ops parses and tor parse don't support that statement. They are not represented as much, but they are still up with the big boys in heavy burn phases (1900-2000dps). In fact I would argue that merc is more dps capable then a dps jugg.

  21. There may not be an official "hybrid tax" but I find it funny that the classes with heals generally produce a lot less damage than the other classes. In fact currently sage / sorcerer, scoundrel / agent, and commando / mercenary are considered some of the weakest classes in the game when it comes to dps. Until they get reasonably close to the rest of the dps classes, I could care less if guardians / juggernauts put out slightly less dps than their other ac counterparts.


    Dps disparity between other classes doesn't diminish the need for guardians to be brought in line as well. There is no grand conspiracy. And you seem to put all those classes in the same bad bucket, when ops and sorcs are far worse then mercs.


    Merc dps shortcomings are closer to guardian dps and advanced prototype powertech. Behind the top classes, but still ops viable. Ops and sorcs are only ops viable if they can ride the wave of snipers and marauders.

  22. The range referred to in the tooltip, and the debuff that pops up when you are out of a players guard range refer to the PvP damage split component from other players.


    The damage reduction has no range restriction (tested in tfb), but I'm not sure about the threat reduction. My initial combat log inspection indicated that it does work outside of 30m.

  23. secondly

    Sents can ONLY be DPS so they naturally need more damage and utility than guardians else they would never get in a raid.


    There are no hybrid taxes in this game. If a guardian is spec'd to dps, the dps output should be within a reasonable window with ALL other dps specs, even if certain AC's have a tank tree. Having a tank tree in your AC is NOT taken into account when balancing dps output.


    The OP wanting greater parity between guardian dps and sentinel dps is a legitimate point. I can understand specialised dps AC's like the slinger and sentinel bringing more raid utility, but dps should be in line with other dps trees from all of the classes.

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