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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Marb

  1. It seems silly that they didn't do this in the first place.


    Along with removing stats from crystals and unifying all the different "tiers" into cosmetic only items. It has taken way too long for them to do this. Just replace all the schematics from crafting trainers with "power crystals" that keep the tier and stat system as it is currently.


    The next cab off the rank would be to add "aural mods" which would seperate the sound effects the weapon uses into a mod, so you could have any hilt/blaster, with any colour/effect with any sound fx that you want.

  2. Thanks for your breakdown scooch, it has been a big help to me. I think I'm hitting a wall with gear as my best parse is 2699 with average of about 2650 (mostly good 69's with dread guard relics). I'm pretty happy with that considering the gear I'm in atm, your information has helped lift me out of that 2500 range.
  3. the defense relic being better makes no sense at all for many reasons.

    - Uptime is screwed up.

    - You're getting diminished returns on one stat instead of sharing it between 2 (shield and absorb instead of just defense).

    - As a powertech you want shield more than defense for sure because your absorption is naturally high.

    - This is one of the few slots in the gear where you can trade something else for shield (relics and augments).


    One very good relic is the old pvp shrouded crusader that would give you static shield rating, its not obtainable anymore but if you have it in your cargo hold its a very good one


    PvP shrouded crusader is excellent, and along with the defense proc they are the best relic combo to use. However the choice of which relic to use is narrowed down quite a bit if you don't have access to one of the old pvp relics. Taking the old pvp relics out of the equation, the defense proc is the best out of the remaining choices, and what makes it the best is the static defense rating it offers instead of endurance/power.


    When comparing the mean mitigation contribution of the relics on offer, there is a pretty clear hierarchy of best to worst. If you don't have a pvp relic, use a click shield / abs relic. Defense proc is best in slot for every tank class, but only drops in operations (use the absorb proc until you get one).


    So in conclusion:


    Underworld / Arkanian relic of the Fortunate Redoubt (use Shield Amplification until you get one)

    Elite War Hero Relic of the Shrouded Crusader (Underworld Shrouded Crusader if you don't have one from before 2.0)

  4. I was looking at Rah'jid's parses and I noticed a fairly high crit rate on obliterate and scream, which isn't something that I have been getting (I only run a single crit enhancement). I'm also confused about where ravage should fit in, I usually save it for after a crush when scream is on cooldown, but from the looks of those parses I should just be using it on cooldown assuming smash isn't coming up soon?


    EDIT: Rah'Jid uses an awkward looking sequence on his fifth smash cycle which seems to be the key to keeping all the cooldowns in sync, when I stray from that I end up with obliterate and smash off cooldown at the same time. Finishing the smash cooldown with sundering assault is also something that seems to be key, at least that didn't occur to me before I looked at this parse.


    One thing that does bother me is that if I stuff up the sequence in a fight (pretty common) and I get obliterate and smash off cooldown at the same time, I find it difficult to fix it up, and end up having obliterate and smash ready to use at the same time for the rest of the encounter.

  5. Could these issues be solved by a global approach, a combination of changes not limited to shadows specifically? If guardians were brought into line and Bioware changed current content and used new metrics and assumptions for designing future content, do shadows still need some flat buff or new mechanic to make them more viable?


    I'm concerned they will adjust one boss or adjust one skill and consider it solved, when the issue doesn't really have a single silver bullet, and that we will be having this same discussion at some time in the future.

  6. Thanks for posting this. Very useful info for all those curious about enraged defense. It was a much more relevant, yet still risky skill to use before 2.0 for hybrid spec juggs, but it still has a niche role in the situations you mentioned. I would still say most would be 100% fine in taking it off their bar completely for tanking. Great skill in pvp though, no matter your spec.
  7. For DPS, ssfish/Lift (not sure if he tanks on his Jugg). Grallmate should be an easy win for Guardians so not much point voting for him here, but that would make an ideal combo.


    Only one rep per class mirror, so there wont be a separate guardian rep to jugg, it will be one for both.

    • Fix phantom global cooldowns
    • Improve the general performance of the client
    • Reduce loading times
    • Fix the codex
    • Communicate with players
    • Look at the class forums
    • Balance the classes
    • Fix bugs
    • Make traveling around the galaxy faster and easier
    • Continue adding incentives to revisit lower level zones
    • Revamp gear and item progression for leveling 1-50
    • Improve rewards for doing heroic group missions
    • Revamp crafting from the ground up
    • Overhaul relics, remove superfluous relics, make each relic consistent across all tiers.
    • Enable all companions to choose from two effective combat roles
    • Improve tanking companions
    • Make space combat fun and relevant
    • Make legacy levels matter (overhaul the legacy system)

  8. highest parse of gunslinger/sniper = 3358 dps



    highest sentinel/marauder = 3242 dps



    highest scoundrel/operative =3127 dps



    highest commando/merc = 3117 dps



    highest sage/sorc = 3005 dps



    highest vangaurd/powertech =3002 dps



    highest guardian/jugg = 2940 dps



    highest shadow/assains = 2818 dps



    I'm not going to jump up and down and say that dummy parses mean nothing (they are relevant), but if you search for actual fights involving these players, you begin to see the typical post 2.0 dps hierarchy appear.

  9. Answer above.


    Another thing to keep in mind is that the elemental / internal damage proc are not effected by any "+internal / elemental damage" skills that we have in the tree. Apart from tech critical chance, the damage procs are self contained.


    If it says "Kinetic Tech damage": Tech means that it will use your tech critical chance for the damage proc, and kinetic means the damage will be reduced by the opponents armor. So as powertechs (we don't get armor penetration) we would want a "Elemental or Internal Tech damage" proc, which doesn't exist in the highest tier.

  10. Totally unconfirmed unofficial info that was from some data mining indicates it will have something to do with pvp, in addition to whatever else its going to be. Could have been old data though, lots of stuff got switched around after F2P, like HK-51 being moved from Hoth to Belsavis ect.
  11. The issue isn't the effect itself, its that the effect just keeps spawning an infinite amount of times on top of each other, creating nuclear fusion reactions, and killing performance.


    With channel hatred you can stack the fx until your pc crashes.

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