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Everything posted by PatT

  1. I guess the real issue is that, when I play a commando (gunnery) it does not seem as if their cleanse is at all limited, even though I am specced gunnery. So to be fair, all classes that are in dps spec that can *also8 heal, should have their cleanse the same either way. It give us additional raid utility, as we can pick up a cleanse here or there for the healer, or at least cleanse ourselves. There should be parity across healing classes. Perhaps Bio will read this?
  2. excuse me but isn't that just being mean? You've raised our difficulty level. The idea is not to make them useless...so you can be stupid and still win. It's on you to get better if you still have troubles after our nerf. It was a strong nerf. The rest is up to you.
  3. Yes I was thinking of HM for the most part, which is what I heal the most. SM is non issue. I haven't done enough NiM to compare. But I'm getting there. And you're exactly right... the times you have time, nobody is getting hurt. There are some of those... This update really reminds me more of 3.0 sage heals than anything. Since I was here then, It's not that big a change, just going back to how it was. I suppose, for pvp, I should respec my points. they've sure made it easy to do that. Different utils will help a lot. Will try that. Thanks.
  4. makes sense. I'm not getting internal either. So no physical, no internal and no tech. that doesn't leave much
  5. is it my imagination, or does the cleanse for the TK sage not operate the same as it does for the healer sage. I was using it regularly and 9 times out of ten, it does not cleanse. On my healer sage, it would. I've been playing her since launch so I know what to expect. But my Tk..mostly it is useless. Is it broken or is this by design?
  6. Again. First response. Pvp. but the whole world is not pvp. Somehow, I think that the discrepancies of sage sorc heals for pvp needs to be addressed in the pvp bolster system somehow. But whenever they make it so the pvp'ers are happy, the pve'ers are getting killed. Fights in warzones, entire warzones, lass less time than boss fights in ops. So energy regen because a genuine issue in ops where it doesn't becuase you need more burst for pvp. I think the problem is that chantges for pvp are always contradicting the needs of pve and vise versa. They need a better way to address the differences of one, without making the same class so much more difficult in the other. Our needs are different, but there's no way to address both, without making one group or the other unhappy. Unless you use something exclusive to only one group: such as the bolster/gear system in pvp. because yes, I have multiple 65's and my main sage heals since launch...has done both. I've been raped in pvp as a healer, by a powertech and a jugg. I was spawn camped. There was NOTHING I could do against that duo. Once I didn't even hit the ground (civil war) before i was dead. That was also the last time I pvp'd with her as heals. Her usefulness isn't lower since 4.5 in ops, but I would say the difficulty of energy management is raised. Now, vindicate is a regular part of the rotation, so is purposely creating stacks of resplendence, whether the heal needed to do so is really needed or not. We have to use skills just for the sake of creating an energy regen buff, which means we're not healing to be optimal, we're healing to create a buff we need to regenerate. If the other 2 classes are that much worse for heals in pvp, they need a buff. It is SUPPOSED TO be hard to kill a healer. Usually, when an op crashes, the last one standing is a healer. Just saying.
  7. if you have that many toons who have gotten to KoTFE and you need a boost, consider using heroic moment.
  8. It seems to me the real problem is the gold sellers/spammers. They server no legitimate purpose. All they do is raise inflation and annoy all of us. So why not just focus on the real problem. Why waste respiratory functions on this tr hunting non-issue. If you focus on the real problem, then innocent crafters won't get hurt by your "solution". More intelligence is desparately needed here.
  9. Bioware, this is a rare and expensive set. Imagine the horror at finding this graphic bug! It appears from a side view (and a little from the front) that the (see heading) character has... a problem. THIS CANNOT STAND. You really need to fix this graphical abberation. It is inexcuseable on such a rare and expensive set, to have such a ridiculous problem. I know there are others with the same problem. PLEASE fix your bugs.
  10. Yup. This is not fixed. Had this issue yesterday. We have to enter raids (not groupfinder) on a countdown so we all end up in the same instance. Ridiculous
  11. I can confirm this. I have guildmates it's happening to as well. It's random. But it isn't you, it's happening.
  12. This is my experience. Without this achievement, getting the blooming buds deco is impossible. But since the quest itself is bugged, the achievement is impossible. BIOWARE FIX IT!!
  13. I would give Theron only Luxury gifts.
  14. I must agree. I spent a lot of time, energy and money to either find HK 51 (and I so miss that kill shot every 5) and Treek, and they are now meh. Bioware, are you trying to remove all the fun parts of this game? Trying to remove all the uniqueness of individual companions, especially ones WE PAID FOR or worked for??? YOU OWE US the value we used to get for our investment. Stop taking it away by stealth later. This is a big reason people leave.
  15. Actually not true. I did it today on a Republic character and got credit for it int he dvl list
  16. AMEN. Also, How are these spammers getting the names of characters that never leave their stronghold (they are storage toons). How are they looking up every toon in my legacy? When I don't even show my legacy name, because of this. Still they manage to see me once, then everyone else in the legacy also gets the email Sounds like a) a security breach and b) shenannigans. Bioware, I am very concerned about this the more i think of it.
  17. I want *her to wear her own robes, jus tdied. But I'll see if I stamp it, if a dye slot appears.
  18. I love it! You know, the last time I used my seeker droid on Tatooine (for the heck of it) I pulled up a chest with 3 different sets of purple mats, rare ones, like underworld trading or grade 7 scavenging purples. I was impressed. But yeah, this could be great fun.
  19. they usually do but there is a bug right now. I asked customer service because none of my 550 crafting were showing in achievements except those recently acquired. They said it was a bug that is scheduled to be fixed soon.
  20. I just realized, as I wanted to dye Nadia Grell's original robes, that there are no dye slots in her original gear. I have not checked everyone else's, but was disappointed that I couldn't at least dye her robes, as the originals are pretty nice. Could you add dye slots to the gear they come in? Thanks.
  21. Agreed. When I am not ready to do a chapter, but I need to turn in crates or do recruiting, I get the auto start. Drives me crazy as I have to stop it and pray it doesn't bug out.
  22. Are the new companions not per account? As you cannot get them on multiple servers, possibly because they are awarded by account...
  23. I got mine thursday evening as well. Free character transfers would break all server's economies. Cross server pvp and gsf would be awesome tho.
  24. I just spoke to phone support and yes they know about it and even the support person I spoke to couldn't log in to the game on her break. However, she said if she kept trying, eventually she could. They are working behind the scenes as you can imagine. It is not a security key issue. No eta because like anything when you're trying to fix it, you don't know how long it will take.
  25. I sent in a ticket and got a reply that they know there is an issue and they are working on it.
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