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Everything posted by PatT

  1. I can't log in either. And I also have a physical security key.
  2. I read it carefully. I did not say that you could not already be a sub. I figured I was targeted because my sub ran out the day before the 7th, and if I had cancelled, I wouldn't be subbed on the 7th, so I figured it was a "sub retention" bonus. It was definitely not specificed as THE 500 cc you get for subbing, only that if you were subbed on the 7th, you received the rewards. Otoh, if they meant only to target those that were not subbed, or who were f2p, why did they advertise it to the rest of us? As I said, i figured because it was the day after my sub renewed and they were trying to retain subs. I honestly can only guess what they were saying in that board room that day..... However, once you promise it, and say you'll get it if you meet certain conditions, so long as you're seeing it on your launcher... then you should get it. There simply is no other response.
  3. It didn't happen for me. No new coins. 2 weeks of looking at it on login. Nothing now.
  4. Also light most of the lights on Voss. Chandeliers and single drop lights. More rugs. More Lights. I have seen a bit more of each. I have been taking screenshots of items I would love to see. Banners: How about house Organa? The one that hangs in front of the Senate tower on Coruscant? The ones on Tatooine (green). There are SO many banners that have not been included anywhere.
  5. ^^ That. They said so in Dev Tracker. I highly recommend reading that when you come onto the webpage. Always. They also said to avoid any potential problems, they will deliver the coins to the targeted group on Tuesday with the maintenance. That was a dev post. And if you were targeted (so this deal applies to you) you will have seen it on your launcher every time you logged in for the last 2 weeks. I know it's been done before and will prob be done again.
  6. they have alternative motives. The bonus boss gives conquest points. The tank was an arss..
  7. This is a duplicate thread. OP keeps posting same thread over and over with slightly diff name. Read his question. What possible reason... he is against it. Stop spamming this forum with repetitive threads.
  8. wasn't the specialized thing 600 cc not 500?
  9. I, also, have found that I am truly enjoying this event, and my new character. (Both new mains, one Rep one Imp). I didn't think I would. I did delete a few that I had started but never went past 15 with, I lost my enthusiasm for them. but this has been more fun than I suspected it would be. I have fellow guild members who are also enjoying this. It is nice to see the stories again and remember why we fell in love with this game at the outset. The character stories are very good. I hope Bioware considers continuing on with them in some way, though I also understand --- because if you stop and really think* about the KoTFE story, it is also interesting. Think Gray Jedi and species evolution. Anyway............ back to gaming
  10. Putting items you unlock in collections on sale would tank the market for them. That would be most unwelcome. Unless you're asking them to lower the price of unlocks? In which case I already asked. Not looking good. I am glad to be able to unlock things for my own account's characters, and think it should be the way it is. If you want one to sell, buy a few when they're new and inexpensive, and hold them until they're rare. That's what lots of us have been doing. It's called forward thinking financial management. I hope this helps?
  11. I'm a member of a large guild. We have very tight permissions on our guild bank. People don't leave because of it. It's a safety thing. People stay because we are a fun group to hang with, and we have subgroups of people who enjoy certain types of content together. Nobody could* poach us, even if they tried, because we have become friends of a sort, and frankly, the poachers have not much to offer. We are happy where we are. Even if the bank is restrictive. There's a reason for it. Anyone with access will get you what you need. So, don't be afraid to restrict the guild bank. If your guild has other perks, like a community feel, fun group stuff, you won't lose anyone,a nd those who do get lured will return. Be sure to not be petty and treat it as a mistake (once.) Let them come back. Those others, doing wha tthey do, are likely not fun to hang with anyway.
  12. They used to be 1800 cc each. For over 3 years. 1000 is about half that.
  13. I was on fleet when someone excitedly announced that they had just gotten the unstable arbiter's lightsaber.
  14. Well, that would be like it was at the beginning! In the beginning, FP's worked just exactly as you stated. And yes, trying to do a dificult FP without having an interrupt, a cleanse, or much of anything else, really blows. Someone wasn't thinking on that.
  15. for raiding, DF is pretty much a rotational thing, as it is a dot range spec. In pvp, I find myself using a lot of the other things more, as a defense. Like dirty kick. But I also use them when mobs get to close, to stop one so I can wreck the other, those tools help me manage my priority as far as who gets attention first. If it's just animations you like, ... ? try... watching movies?
  16. I don't know much about pvp, so correct me if I'm wrong, but our "god bubble" does not allow us to heal at all when in use. It is a cast. We are, while using said bubble, unable to heal, use a medpac or anything. So heal to full? When? Before or after. By then we are back to unprotected. Methinks people are jealous of something that does not even exist?
  17. This is prob the most balanced answer. This healing reminds me of sage heals back in 2.0-3.0 Things I haven't seen mentioned yet. It used to be Noble Sacrifice, and eat your health. Now it's Vindicate and if you use it without a stack of resplendence, you'll feel pain (with exception) -- there is a one shot where you cancel the debuff if you do something else. I suggest a guide on Dulfy: that will explain a bit. The old Rataka/192/198 2 pc bonus is now the 6 pc bonus and it is important. It should have probably remained the first 2 pcs. They put Vindicate back on the GCD which it didn't used to be. Yes, 4.0 healing as a sage was stupid easy to be godlike. You could get sloppy and still do very well. But back in the 2.0 and 3.0 days... you had the same issues you have now. sometimes with Noble sacrifice on the GCD, sometimes not. I wish it weren't. So mostly, for those of us around a while, it's shrug off the bad habits that crept in and back to business. For new players... it's back to the drawing board, you came in when it was the easiest ever, and it got reset. Now you have to learn how it really works. Your aoe is... to be used sparingly on a group taking lots of damage in one place, ie. stacked on Op IX or Xeno in burn phase. The rest of the time, healing trance and deliverance (with rejuv first) is paramount. Super crits are new, and you must now factor for them by loading crit, and you can pretty much expect crits. I use the stacks (of resplendence) I crit to get my force back but DO NOT wait until you're down 25% to start. Take one stack at a time, keep healing, make it part of your rhythm. Since vindicate is on the GCD you can't stand there and do 2 or 3 stacks at once, or you're not healing for that much time, which is...well.. not usually a good idea unless people are just picking the grass out of their teeth. Still, I now remind my raid partners to use their own defensive cooldowns. That's what they're for. I am not a babysitter. I'm there to keep the tank alive and make sure we make our dps checks and don't enrage and to be part of a team. I can't do that if I'm healing stupid. So I will remind people to not make glaring mistakes. For dps to get interrupts (sage/sorc interrupts have longest cooldown in the game) though you can* pick up an emergency interrupt if you must, it's easier than trying to deal with a raid-wide debuff. Healing while leveling is nothing like healing a raid group that's getting things done. If y ou're new to the game and looking for an easy class to play and learn, I don't know if I would start as a healer, of any kind. Lucky for me, I got adopted by some hard-core raiders early on, and even though they schooled me and I didn't always like it, I learned a lot. It's an ongoing process. Go dps... it's more forgiving and if you miss a beat, you won't leave people dead on the floor. Or at least you're less likely to. While bragging about healing KP is a bit of bravado, raiding is definitely teamwork and HM raiding does not allow for a lot of mistakes. NiM is essentially unforgiving. If you're doing NiM, your moves better be muscle memory. But a lot of people were done a disservice if they started at KoTFE and thought *that* was the essence of Sorc/Sage heals. It was a fun respite. But it couldn't last. BTW I also heal on an Operative and I've just finished a bounty hunter (heat being as much of an issue as force) and working on a commando. So... they're different, they're all useful, and they all require that, the more strategic the gameplay, the better you know your tools, how to use them, when to use them and when NOT to use them. TL:DR, read a guide (linked) and practice on shorter fights, moving up to longer ones. And LEARN the fight mechanics. Then you will know when and when not to do what. And you will also learn when others are getting themselves into trouble. I dps as well, so it helps me to know how better to heal...knowing what dps needs to do. Now I have finished a tank, and am beginning to tank. And if players don't use their own out of combat heals between fights, they get zero sympathy from me if they start the next one at 2/3 or 1/2 health. I won't bail them out. They can just contemplate their own stupidity on the floor while we finish.
  18. Dude, You have been on a rant about this for the last month. This isn't your first thread like this. Get over it. There are lots of reasons for inflation. TH lockboxes are NOT likely #1. Have you ever seen 3 toons or 4 with junk names on Ord Mantell up on the cliffs, nailing all the mobs that spawn? then they pop back to fleet for a while, then back to ord.... they aren't humans. They stand in *exactly* the same place they're usually gunslingers and they spam their "health" regen so they don't time out. Report them as often as you want. Bio does nothing. They spam fleet chat, they whisper you, they mail you... It's horrible. I don't know why you are on this kick, but it does seem to be you, over and over, starting early June, and you have it out for TH. Where were you in May? April? On another account? Been banned for something? Why come here now and start multiple threads about this...? If you start another, I'll just report you for spam.
  19. I find it rare to be able to say this, but I can't find anything here that is true. The game is too easy. XP inflation started but not because of level sync. After 12xp, they re-structured everything so that class and planetary arcs were left at an equivalence of 6xp. So double xp makes it back to 12xp. This game is so easy that a person coudl a) go pantsless, b) spam only their most basic attacks and c) use no companion and easily clear almost all content. Why on earth do you need to go to a planet that (used to) level out at 10, and be 60+ without you being leveled down? I can only think it's because you like being the playground bully type, 3 x's stronger, bigger than anyone and watching them die/be hurt by your uberness. This is a MULTIPLAYER game (or was supposed to be) but nearly all content is now soloable. It IS SUPPOSED to be a GROUP thing. If you want a single player experience, get a single player game. Okay? If this content is difficult to you, I think maybe video games might not be your forte. Sorry. You just shocked me with this complaint. If you hate the way this is, then I suggest maybe you're in the wrong place. Because personaly, I'd like to see the original difficulty back. HM Lost Island, pre first nerf, in Columi Gear so you could hopefully get that Rakata drop... Now that* was a test. I SOLO'd Lost Island just before 4.0. (Yes, that* was hard). Or at least on one boss it was.) This game's challenges are now mostly in HM + raiding, and unfortunately, there isn't enough new content in that area, and most of those people have moved on. Working on a team to down something that requires attention, knowledge, strategy and teamwork, that's enjoyable. That's what an MMO should offer. It sounds like you want to require a PhD to play with little wooden blocks. So you can wipe the field. No sympathy. Whines like this are what make me burn.
  20. you mean 400 cc to unlock. Including the cost of unlocking the Eradicator Mask 400cc to unlock and 480 to buy outright. Unreal. And no. I won't pay it. I will wait for a sale and my chars will wear something else.
  21. I have the Eradicator's set. As the CS person who answered my ticket pointed out, yes, I purchased the mask separately. However, they are a set together, designed to be at least. My request is this: Could Bioware consider, please, combining the sets with masks as one item when it comes to unlocks. Seeing as the set costs 400 cc to unlock, and sadly, the mask also costs 400 cc, that's 800 cc to unlock the complete set. Could those please be combined? Also, am I wrong, or were sets less than 400 cc to unlock not long ago? Is this a recent price increase or have I just not noticed? I don't unlock everything, far from it, but Eradicator's and the beautiful mask, is worth it. But 800cc worth it?? Ummm... it's a hard sell. I haven't done it and am waiting for your reply. Thank you in advance.
  22. opinions, by their very definition, cannot be wrong. They are opinions. Look it up. I wasn't crying. We surely treat people online with far less consideration than we would if they were face to face. I have already admitted my mistake. It would be so nice to see people being more civil and accepting it.
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