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Everything posted by PatT

  1. there is still a weekly limit on the lower comms, too, making it take a while, at least, to gather enough to convert. As it is now, I have nearly 1000 basic comms on all my 55's with nothing at all to buy with them.
  2. Yes, the about a week after Czerka launch, things got so bad that it ground the Czerka and other smaller busy areas to a halt becuase of so much flytext. And yes, I am suddenly seeing it again a lot more, since last update.
  3. The PvE space missions which require escorting a friendly ship -- the friendly ship still doesn't have health bars. It has been acknowledged. Please fix. This isn't a request for opinions on the space missions. It's a request for the fix of an acknowledged bug. NOthing more, nothing less. Thanks in advance.
  4. Will there ever be any more pve space (love for?) I enjoy it someitmes when I wish to relax or farm reputation. The reason I ask, is that the escort missions where you escort a friendly ship still has a bug where the ship doesn't have visible health bars. The only way to tell if they're in trouble is if they're on fire! Will EA/Bioware ever fix this or look at PvE Space again? I rather enjoy it at times. I can play my fav music and shoot at things and keep my targeting skills sharp. Will they fix the bug in any case?
  5. Exactly the sort of post I think the OP was referring to. You managed to be rude, offensive and presumptious in a 2 sentences. Bravo!
  6. I saw a whole lot of "it's all about me and what I want" in this thread. Fact is, if you're qoing to quibble about how best you could be spendign your time, you're playing an mmo either way. It won't matter in 100 years. If you really care about how you spend your time, step away from the computer and do something IRL. But this isn't always about *you*. Some people are new and don't know what you can and cannot skip. How about trying to be a team leader instead of just getting yours and getting out.
  7. DOH! (knocks self in forehead) (meant toward the guy who posted the original post.) So I'm in agreement with this poster here.
  8. As far as I'm concerned, this has been broken since game launch, and has never been addressed. Very sad.
  9. Without gving much story away, before the battle occurred, I convinced everyone I was on their side. When they arrived, They attacked each other and it helped me out.
  10. I am on a level 55 gunslinger in 72/78 gear, and it's optimized. 4 piece set bonus (some 69 armorings for that). I went to Black hole area. I target 4 mobs, 3 regulars and 1 silver. They are level 50. I'm am lvl 55. Do they die when I use flyby? No. 1 reg mob dies. 2 are at about 25-30% health. The silver is at 80%! A silver lvl 50 mob is at 80% health after my flyby and i'm lvl 55 in optimized 72/78 gear? What the ????? This is wrong, just wrong. It doesn't work as an aoe, even on easy mobs. These nerfs are getting so tiresome. First it was killing the Sage SEer in 1.2 Anyone remember? They've never recovered. I'm not speechless, but if you combat devs don't gain some common sense in the time it takes to cast flyby, you're going to lose the rest of your subs. I've been a sub since day 1. And this is almost the last straw. FIX THIS.
  11. What the last poster said. Noble Sacrifice should be off the gCD. If you have 3 stacks to consume, you lose 3 GCD's just getting enough force back to do your job. (Seer sage here). FWIW, I'm leveling a scoundrel healer.
  12. My main complaint is the old complaint (to which you appear deaf), Nerfing/changing a class, for Pvp, that has a large negative effect on Pve utility. I don't pvp and don't care about what you need, but your needs are driving changes that screw my needs. I'm sick to death of this. Enough that the next viable game that comes along will get my sub dollars instead. First it was my Sage healer. Every time I turn around, we are being burned in pve for the needs/desires of pvp. Thanks Bioware, just thanks.
  13. To answer your question quite truthfully? Because I understand this is a game, and I have already experienced the stories and writing of the Republic side (which cannot, of itself, be called good--- there are plenty of "evil" Jedi and stupid gunslingers) and I wish to see the excellent writing of the Imperial (not necessarily "evil") storylines. For that is what this is, a game, crafted and written by writers and craftspeople for me to enjoy, which is why I spent coin on it. They build upon the writing and craftspeople who went before them, and I wish to experience it, since, especially the Imperial Agent storyline is so well done (and mine is light 4 - not evil) and the sith Sorc storyline (which I am just beginning). While I enjoyed endgame raiding, it is too dependent upon the whims of other players so it is up and down, while the storylines are enjoyable when there are no other raiders online. That and any side can enjoy GSF, though in many cases, teamwork makes a difference there as well. In other words, it's not really that I prefer a "side." I just prefer to explore all the game has to offer, and since someone went to the obvious trouble of writing such wonderful storylines as Imperial Agent and Sith Sorcerer, I wish to enjoy them! My choices are not necessarily dark, but with the Sorc, a female voice actress made it so obviously dark (the voice is scathing and sarcastic, and cries out to be roleplayed in the darkside)... that is what I am doing; roleplaying!
  14. And this is exactly why they aren't powerful. One with real power need not wear it on their sleeves for people to believe it exists. People who have no real power have to become bullies to prove they have what is, in fact, a coward's bluff. In the end, the ones with real power will be proven in the end. Much like the one who laughs the loudest is the one fooled first. Bluster is not to be confused with power.
  15. it's supposed to match ship upgrades? Because if that's the case it does a terrible job. I've seen some terribad ships up against people I know for a fact have been playing 6-10 hours a day since gsf launched. Which means they've got grade 5 upgrades. Even if they were bad (but they aren't) they still one-shot un-upgrade ships. That said, it's true. I've seen teams that scatter and only go for kills. They lose, embarassingly badly. I can get 3 medals and 250 objective points without firing a single shot by defending a satellite. Why would I do for far less, for more work? I get more req by getting those points, and that means defending a turret. If others want to be idiots and run around trying to be stars/heros, they are welcome to it. I'll take that req, upgrade my ship and shoot them down if they get close. If they can't figure that out, well...I guess that's how we keep the riff raff out of the gene pool. *sigh*
  16. I think there should be a timer just like in regular pvp. If you exit the fight and hang out at your capital ship (because you're whole team is losing) you should get booted. I've seen entire teams that were losing, just all go back to their capital ships. That way they don't let the other side have any kills either. However, they forget that each of us can farm objectives with them gone. Still, I think 15 secondds and you're booted. It's stupid.
  17. You can buy a modifiable Techblade (and that's the only weapon Qyzen uses) from one of the vendors on Coruscant at lvl 11. All Armstechs can get an orange modifiable techblade schematic they can make at armstech 100. The schematics aren't rare. And between those 2 options, I am not sure what the problem is. I have 5 consulars. No problem getting Qyzen equipped. And yes, he's AIM. Anything else is just a waste of stats and hurting him and you as a player. That's all I gotta say about that.
  18. I have never weighed in on any of these threads, although I have been playing a Seer Sage since launch. She's still my main. One Sage (our best raid heals) went up against 3 scoundrel heals in parse and she couldn't touch any of them for EHPS (think Salvation) and she came in a sputtering last place in total HPS. The Seer class is seriously gimped compared to the Scoundrel. I've now got scoundrels leveling. Seer will become an unwanted stepchild in all raids unless the salvation is somehow crucial in a fight. Regeneration of energy for a scoundrel is trivial, it certainly doesn't put your self-heal into cooldown...nor does it leave them vulnerable to a death by spike damage while being used. It's quite a bit riskier, and even if you do get the timing perfect, you aren't increasing your regen, you're just not eroding it any. And it still takes your health. Instead of spamming an otherwise useless heal to get it back up without putting yourself in peril like the scoundrel. 1. We don't have the HPS of Scooundrels, even measuring people at comparable levels. We definitely don't have the EHPS and are then frowned upon by raid leaders who go strictly by the numbers rather than the potential usefulness of the one heal we do have (salvation). In a single-target heal situation, all other classes have us beat by a country mile. 2. Our single-target heals are weak compared to all other heal classes 3. I have to choose between egress and other necessary skills, moving points a lot to get them back to other vital functions, when Egress should, I argue just be part of the spec. 4. Crit and alacrity are a fail for us, as they come at the expense of power. So they are basically not used past what comes from skill tree. All those promises about alacrity! Bah! Sadly seer healing, is in the eyes of people who see us through our parses first and foremost, are not up to par...and we are being left behind for scoundrels. Many of us are rolling scoundrels. The cooldown on Rejuv is too long. You can spam heal your emergency medpac on people with no cooldown. I can't do that with rejuv. This class got slashed in 1.2 and has never recovered. but as other classes get buffed, this one gets further and further from optimal, to the point it is being abandoned by many in favor or classes who have more to offer for fewer costs. f.ex. heal the final section of TFB from a scoundrel and a sage. Have fun. the only real asset we bring isn't much use in that fight. My .02 worth Tatica
  19. I just logged into my old Kotor game to play a few hands of Pazaak. Why isn't it, and any of the other minigames from the Star Wars Universe implemented in this game? There's even a table or two (like the one on Esseles) that can be clicked, but can't be played. There was talk a long time ago, and then nothing. I still want to play an occasional hand of pazaak, even maybe with others.
  20. Can't find said "J.M.D." tell-all post. Search is screwed up or something. I can't imagine a reason why someone would intentionally type that way, though. Because they're uncomfortable with the word "I"? Dunno. I see I;m out of my depth here and am going back to level my sorc. *sigh*
  21. It's really sad you guys. Seriously. Did it ever occur to anyone (besides JMD) that perhaps there is a legitimate reason for him to type that way? Like voice-to-speech, but inability to speak perfectly so the program can't pick it up? You have no idea what you are berating him for. I am incensed because I have an inkling. He can't help it, he isn't trolling he's doing his best. Why not give him a try instead of just jeering like a bunch of playground bullies who beat down anything they don't understand or that's different than they are? yes, it is difficult to read the long paragraphs. If you read it aloud you realize it's phonetic. I haven't pried but I know there's a good reason for it (from someone else). And to see you guys just judge someone by what they can or cannot type...without knowing the reason. Sad. Truly. Have any of you even asked if there's a reason? Tried to understand? Given any thought or effort to what's behind it? Or are you going to march in lockstep and just cut down everything and everyone that isn't just like you? Isn't that what starts wars? And worse? Maybe JMD has some technology that allows him to be a fabulous player? Maybe someone could try having an open mind and giving him a chance. But to just judge his playing on his ability to deal with a keyboard is totally wrong. I know for me I cannot use a keyboard for keybinding, and it wasn't until I bought a gaming mouse that my performance improved considerably. Too bad my old guild will never benefit. They weren't willing to give me the same shot they themselves got. It took them weeks to kill Op IX on HM the first time. I got one chance, and that only 2 days after getting my mouse. And yes, I have a disability. We find our workarounds. Other people on the server are now benefitting from my considerable heals and dps. People with more patience and understanding. Too bad you guys have demonstrated such a lack. But it's not uncommon in this world. You're all perfect until something blindsides you in life. Just remember how you have treated others when it's your turn to pay. Trust me, it sucks.
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