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Everything posted by GumBoil

  1. If you are an EA shareholder yes. If you are subscriber and care about healthy populations and a successful game going forward yes. Me? I can look past the OP's fairly legitimate list of faults. What I can not stomach is the EU maintenance times. I might be a work shy pinko liberal (I like to think its being principled) but I just could not give a company money that had such a disregard for a huge (the largest actually) chunk of its player base.
  2. OP broadly speaking they don't. There is a difference between expecting it to be perfect and expecting it to be playable. I guess your opinion would be different if it was not playable for you. For example there is a thread that has 1000 upon 1000's of people with serious fps issues even from people with top end rigs. Let me ask if you could not play due to fps issues or crashes during the game loading screen would you still come on here berating people that where having these problems? It really is pretty insensitive, mind you I have always found that the 'fanbots' are bigger trolls than the 'haters' by a metric crapton.
  3. I supported the previous thread I support this thread. I really like the game but find the maintenance absolutely egregious. I figured the only way to be heard is to hit the big red button and fill in the exit poll. I hope it is changed sooner rather than later and then I'll be right back.
  4. No. Not because of the game (I'm enjoying it) but I don't know how better to express my utter disgust at the EU maintenance times and Chris Collins condescending 'excuse' for it.
  5. Another 8 hour daytime slot scheduled this week, 10 if the over run is the same as last time. I am flabbergasted. Despite not usually being one to "cut off my nose to spite my face" I did in this case. Despite really enjoying the game I cancelled, I feel that strongly, I was that angry at Chris Collins 'reason'. I just hope they give the exit poll a bit more weight than the forums. No you can't have my stuff as I really hope that they see sense and stop this BS sooner rather than later. Whilst I imagine only a few will go this far (a few to many for EA shareholders) people should open tickets to voice their displeasure at least it is then in an audited system rather than the forums which are not. The other thing is to twitter Reid (@rockjaw) seems to be the medium to use if you want to get noticed.
  6. There is a thread about fps issues. Every couple of hundred pages it gets locked and a new one started it's on about number 4 (or probably higher by now). There are clearly a lot of people having issues even with high end machines. While a few may be client issues there are clearly engine issues. In fact BW have acknowledged the problem. I get by on both my laptop (which is built for gaming and new) and my desktop (which is for gaming also but a little older). I am not so naive to think that because I am OK everyone else is too. There is all sorts of weird stuff happening that suggest the engine ain't great, texture pop on conversations, load times that are inconsistent (fast is OK, slow is OK but they should not be so inconsistent) skill lag in warzones, ages to to alt tab back in to game, chopiness occasionally despite high fps. AS I say it is all manageable for me but it seems clear that is because I am fortunate more than anything to do with my computers or how they are set up.
  7. Are you a sawbones OniGanon? Im guessing so.
  8. Thanks again everyone (especially Almenac for listing everything out, I appreciate it). As he noticed I was really after which skills (or groups of skills) go where. One of these days I'll remap WASD to ESDF for movement. Still after ideas for what to put where. We seem to have all sorts of stuff to mix in. Please share what works for you! I think I'm going to have to use a couple of shifted keys at least for AoE. (only have one AoE skill currently) Maybe putting shift on a mouse button might help. I am not sure why I find shifted keys so difficult I always have done. I healed my first 4+ Heroic and was reasonably comfy with heals at the far end of the keyboard '0', '-', '=' As an aside healing was much more straight forward than DPS and I actually got a complement for doing a great job (everyone was taking damage). Ideally I'd like to remap for healing but I'm not about to change stuff round manually! Maybe if and when they introduce dual spec. Another thing that is in a temporay clickable space until I can figure out what to do with it is the single target sticky grenade sabotage charge. That means finding a button for cover too! (pop in to cover throw grenade pop out). I figure cover might still be useful as a travel skill. Kind of a sprint with limited options where you end up. Even if you can only pull it off occasionally rolling behind someone and shot gunning them in the back has got to be supreme coolness!
  9. Thanks for answering. What do you do for stealth and energy regens? How about AoE and healing?
  10. there was a thread earlier about key binds that quickly became a thread about which keys to use rather than what to bind them. I thought I'd have another go. What skills do people bind where? I am thinking 1-5 ish single target damage. QERFV stuns interrupts etc. Im kinda of at a loss where to put energy regen - cool head and pugnacity (and the skill that refreshes pugnacity) they are important but not used that often? What about stealth I think I am right in thinking there are 3 stealth skills regular,combat and the one that boosts stealth rating for X(15?) seconds? I don't like shifted keys (fingers are too long I guess) I was thinking of putting AoE high on the number row (7 to =) rather than shifting them. finally there are heals they need to be fairly accessible too though are situational (companion if an ellite is wailing on him, flashpoints if things get ugly etc.) maybe they would be better 7 to = I dunno? Aggh skill bloat too many skills and not enough reachable keys!! I feel (actually I know) I am not playing as well as I could. Binds I am more comfortable with would help. I'd really welcome some tips on this but focused on groups of skills rather than generic which keys people actually use. Thanks in advance.
  11. Hey wage slave, I really object to your condescending tone. I retired 12 years ago now and am pretty sure that in the time I did work I paid more taxes than most will earn in there whole lives. Thanks for playing though.
  12. 10am to 6pm is pretty much a day. Not sure why you are replying to this thread? I guess the irony of "Do you people not have lives outside this game?" is lost on you. Still we all know what you do, you sit and reply to threads that do not concern you. Winner.
  13. Yeah but some of the guys have camel toe which I find pretty worrying.
  14. According to Reid it's quite a tricky problem. Of course he does not claim to be a dev but he is either completely wrong or it must be terribly written code.
  15. It's a reasonable list. The reason I am seriously considering my next month options are EU maintenance times and generally how BW are dealing with the maintenance/patching of the game. As an example slicing (sure it needed a nerf) but the heavy handed way that was dealt with worried me (knee jerk reaction to twitter). There are still clear issues with the engine (it's more then adequately playable for me but there is stuff I find irritating in the extreme). I suppose I can't help comparing to how Trion dealt with things in the early days, one thing you can say is their dev team where far more prolific.
  16. True, but the fact that they have only just admitted it, and have failed to fix such a core part of the engine in beta does not bode well.
  17. Actually some people that are saying " the game is barely playable for me, what are you going to do about it and when are you going to do it" not only have a basis to complain but aright to an answer for a product they have paid money for. Im talking about questions like the fps issue, skill lag in war fronts etc. rather than the when do we get ponies as pets type questions.
  18. tl;dr version "We are aware of that but I can't saying anything now." "I can't give an ETA" "We talked about it" etc. Actually I guess it is a start he acknowledges some of the things he does..
  19. Maybe I have just had good luck. Lucky with groups or lucky on the server I chose. On the whole I met some pretty decent people. One thing I thought would happen is people rolling need on everything for companions, knock on wood that hasn't happened either.
  20. I'm sorry I call Hyperbole at best and ....well maybe I just shouldn't go there, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. If you have just run The Esseles or The Black Talon maybe you got straight in. I play on a pretty much permanently full server (queues even off peak) and have characters at a range of levels. It is clear from chat that every one does not find a grpup in "15 seconds". It seems clear at higher levels it is the exception some run at all. Even at low levels it can take a while.
  21. Everyone should open a ticket about the lost day of play expressing your annoyance and ask for a lieu day. Not actually to get a lieu day but to log your displeasure through an audited and tracked medium. Of course the real radical way to do it is through the SWTOR exit poll!!
  22. You missed the 'we are doing it because it is what you want really' bit apart from that you nailed it. That's what really makes me angry, livid actually. They dare to tell me that is what we want and is really best for us. We know best with just a hint of condescension. I'm not threatening to rage quit but it certainly has tipped the balance further towards 'BW is not a company I want to lease a service from'. I am also rather disappointed with the slicing nerf, not because of the nerf itself (of course adjustments where needed) but how it was dealt with. A heavy handed knee jerk reaction to friggin twitter. That coupled with a fairly lack lustre set of 1.1 patch notes compared to the many (on the whole small) real issues that people are having. I am currently disappointed with how they are running a decent game. They are doing a lot right but getting some things completely wrong.
  23. Their concerns are that patches would be days weeks or months later as has happened with some MMO's. To use this as an excuse is risible. Actually it would make sense to do the EU 4 or 5 hours earlier (due to how the time zones pan out). Hows that for an idea? Anyway the predominant issue is not patches but maintenance. This is verging on 'weasely words'. Frankly I'm unimpressed.
  24. Why so ominously silent about splicing, the hot topic of the moment. Heavy handed and underhanded (no patch note).
  25. I'm pretty sure I have had green rich missions fail post patch. That's new isn't it? Ironically splicing nodes are the only ones I have come across that are broken still.
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