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Everything posted by GumBoil

  1. Good job, and pretty reasoned conclusions.
  2. People have posted spreadsheets listing every mission they have done, cost and yield. Im inclined to believe them over you.
  3. Guess I should say this is on Coruscant ..Old Galactic Market.
  4. Seems like nodes are still bugged. Bugged 3 so far but getting bored of doing so tbh. I hear it's when someone does not loot the item that causes it? (like because their inventory is full).
  5. Yeah what's up with that? Jeez, just put a 140 character reply in this thread, you know one of the official game mediums.
  6. Sadly post 'fix' a lot are still broken (un lootable) actually more than pre patch in my experience though I did just re start republic.
  7. Thank you (and to the guy doing the google docs page). Nice to have data to make an informed decision. (as opposed to all the anecdotal evidence) Recently I just switched side (yay the underdog) and from the point of view of leveling splicing (with inherently more failures) it just does not seem worth it.
  8. One thing to add. Apart from this being heavy handed and a 'knee jerk' reaction it some how managed to escape the patch notes. So heavy handed and under handed, nice. Leaving aside whether it was needed, I am getting a queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I seldom (if ever) have enjoyed an MMO long term where the devs have taken this approach to the ongoing care of their game. Worried, not because of splicing but because of the 'culture' at BW. Some openness and transparency please.
  9. You are wrong. That might suit you of course if so great. If I wanted to grind for cash to afford my skills and 'mount', I would go and play a grind game. I want 'fun' from my mmo not 'work'. I may be in the minority but I do not think so. Constraining skills and abilities by cash is not the sort of 'hardcore' game play that I am looking for in a casual theme park game. Seems like a lot of the crew skills are pretty worthless (all?), not surprised that slicing went that way too. Slicing gave a leg up in cash early game but produced pocket change for a level 50 character. Limit mission levels by character levels and you would not have a problem. You could abuse it by logging on alts and having them all splicing. They should have put in measure to prevent the abuse rather than simply make the skill itself worthless. Actually any one that goes through the tedium of repeatedly sending 40 companions on missions probably deserves the cash. Worse thing? It shows that they studied at the 'knee jerk' school of 'game design and balancing', that does not bode well for my future enjoyment of the game.
  10. The only plausible reason is they can't be arsed. Apparently they have hired 200 people working outta Ireland. Seems like they forgot to get a couple of server admins. It's really bull crap for a company that claims to be customer focused. I'd love to see an official response to this. I think I'll open a ticket in the hours I wont be playing.
  11. Performance issues. Chop and stuttering despite good fps and internet connections. FPS drops despite top of the range machines. Skill and combat lag. Sills not firing etc. Many hundreds of page threads on these issues.
  12. You are wrong. It is demonstrable. If you can not see it, it says more about your powers of observation than what is going on. Wish I could get me a +1 rose tinted fanbot visor too. Look (that was from a random google). Do you need me to explain what you are seeing? (serious question).
  13. This must happen for things to feel immediate. If you wait for the server .1 .2 or even .3 of a second will have elapsed before the server says OK go ahead. This is just from the round trip delay of client server . You need to start the cast bar and animation immediately and if the server says 'no you can't do that' (cause the mob is dead or has moved out of range for example) you abort it. If you don't you will never get crisp feeling combat. There is an element of smoke and mirrors involved.
  14. I can't help feeling it is worse since they have upped the caps on the servers. Killing stuff by firing skills is a large part of the game it needs to be satisfying in it's own right. To do this it must be crisp and responsive.
  15. I'm sure he is a legend in his own underpants, we'll just have to take your word.
  16. I think you would probably be better off with a single player game that has a god mode console cheat. As a DPS I should be able to one shot anything. As a control/support class I should be able to chain stun anything. As a tank I should be able to jump into anything (even the entire opposing team) and walk out the other side unscathed. Aint going to happen. This is a troll post right? No one in their right mind could really thing this could they?
  17. Completely true story. I speak first hand (receiving end). I am re rolling cause there are skills/game play I am finding annoying from the point of view of playing a sage/saucer. Really threads with completely false claims (stacking bubbles) should be locked and the posters warned.
  18. I'm certainly 'not good' (in a 133t 5k1LLz sort of way) and I'm not worried either. Seriously if you are a 'hardcore raider' then I am sure it is an indispensable tool if not who cares? Really a non issue.
  19. True. Still feels like there is lots to do to me, flashpoints, world pvp, holocrons, even space combat is still a kind of fun diversion. Having said that I am levelling my 'main' less and exploring alts and posting here more than a week ago.
  20. Just because you haven't come across bugs does not mean there are none. It is more a reflection of your observational skills than the state of the game. As a quick 'for example' open up a vendor and select the 'usable by me' filter...what happens?? Of course that is minor however there are 'fatal' (fatal to character development) bugs too. Who 'loses' now? Incidentally coming on here saying 'if you don't believe me you lose' might work in the playground but just makes you look childish, actually it probably does in the playground too. All I got to say to you is ner ner na ner ner.
  21. I got a disconnect before arriving queue and plunked down in the desert
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