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Everything posted by CarverX

  1. That's why this was a total waste of dev time when there was(is) so many other more important things to fix/add to this game. Catering to the majority=success Catering to the minority=lost subs
  2. ^This, and the fact that other dmg classes do not have either. It really is kind of a mess, we all just learned to make the best of it and work with it so they think it is ok. It's not.
  3. CarverX

    Pvp ideas!!!

    Restrict number of classes? How then would imperials manage to lose every match without our awesome teams of nothing but sorcerers and mercs?
  4. CarverX

    please stop...

    Call it what you want, some dope will still leave 1 person at either at any given time.
  5. I have to go with Quickdraw on my gunslinger. If someone's hp is low, 2 shots from the hip and you're toast. I just love doing it. Force Push is my most hated to get hit by though. It's frankly insulting to get thrown on the ground a mile away (too far imo).
  6. Some good ideas, especially about TB. Basically since TB<DField that whole lightning tree is a fail. I vote for 2 entirely new options to solve the squishy problem, the ugly armor problem and the sentinel on my back and nothing I can do about it problem: Let us wear medium armor (please God!) It looks 50 times better for a sith. Make all DOTS do 10X damage within extremely close range of the character, which will keep people where they should be, at a distance. They can sacrifice some life to get at us if they want.
  7. I love this game and still for ME it is the best thing out there. The story leveling was great and SO much better than aoe grinding on some 10,000 of the same farm animal like in 99.9% of other mmo's. However, it is not the inventive and immersible SW experience I thought it would be. In fact it may look like SW but it feels nothing like it. All those planets feel empty and quiet. The community feels mostly dead. I could only compare it to running around in a wax museum. There is just something missing in that whole area. Most importantly I think it's that as a community there is nothing to 'do" except flashpoints and operations. Great as it is though, many mistakes have been made along the way. The problems we dealt with at launch were known issues and should have been addressed before release. Especially the character low rez textures which frankly was a bizarre choice to open with in 2012. You teased us with the plague which was a great surprise and a lot of fun, but then....nothing. You listened to too many forum whiners and nerfed the wrong classes and not others which considering the number of people who had leveled those classes first, was a huge mistake. You gave in to people asking for group related things like the lazy group finder and ranked for team only warzones and ignored the solo common player which is the majority of subscriptions. You made the hard tasks simple and the simplest tasks too expensive. You also took too long to deal with some of the pathetic armor designs we have to look at day in and day out. You communicated poorly with the subscribers in the opinion of a lot of players. I still love playing this game but hopefully you will learn from these past 7 months and improve this game to what it could and should become.
  8. Well for one we paid 60-150 bucks for a game people are about to get the improved version of for 15. Not to mention another 120 for 8 months of subs. Only to be denied cool things in a new store that our 200 coins won't cover because they are 2000. We will have to put up with much greater chat spam, general idiotic behavior/hacker abuse from FTP players that will become rampant due to the fact that they won't care if their 12th free account gets banned.
  9. To buy the all the cool looking armor they kept to the side while giving us lvl 50 War Hero Swamp Thing armor, etc. Which of course...will never be available in game
  10. fix current issues, unnerf t all class nerfs which now would probably fix everything 2 new war zones, capture the flag and annihilation solo ranked wzs New 50 gear Some type of mini game ex. pod race gambling
  11. Although I would love a new event I have to vote to fix current issues, most of which persist from the beginning of release. The game still runs bizarre on Windows 7 with graphics looking horrible and fading in and out. Using XP is great but it never closes the launcher. I know others still have lots of graphics, game play issues with different systems as well. Marauders, Sentinels are still overpowered. Sorcerers, Gunslingers, and the rest are still a glass water pistol. These are all main dps classes or should be so why would 2 classes get all the perks of great amounts of damage and better defense over the rest which were nerfed long ago and many abandoned. There are a ton of pvp related issues to look at. Imo there are too many stuns and they are on way too short a cd. Being constantly stunned during play with only one break is kind of ridiculous. There is still way too much unwanted travel time. What exactly is the purpose of not having unlimited fleet passes? There is none. If you want to play like that where you go on your ship and all you still could. Give the rest of us a break, the load times are long enough to begin with. I see more and more hacks, speed hacks, pvp bots, etc. are in videos all over YouTube. Yet I see no Bioware response on any type of hack guard, or any proactive or reactive action. You still allow large speeders on fleets which frankly should just not happen because it blocks peoples view all the time. There are still a lot of fps, graphical/lag issues all over the game. Mod removal prices at 50 are still way too high, the purpose of which would be what? So it can take the person who has little play time (thus less cash) an entire week to swap their gear? There still needs to be a solo ranked warzone rating/bonus, not just for groups. Why should someone in group get WH gear way faster than someone solo? Sabers still remain quite often after companions are dismissed. There is still no purpose in Light Side/Dark Side vendors other than low level relics. In fact the points to either side have been made mostly irrelevant which should not be. Why there is not white/black robes, etc. at each (for an example if you get my drift) I just do not understand. Line of sight still needs to be fixed so having people run in circles around you can end. Unless the purpose of the pvp game design was to actually have people run in circles instead of using all the elaborate skills created. Some skills are still not implemented when the player is hit by a skill at the same time. This should never happen if it is not an interrupt. There is still a problem with headgear on companions and certain races. There is still an issue with creating names with more than 1 cap and spaces. There are many instances of mobs who when killed continue to stand up. There is still an issue when comparing blasters that the stats for the offhand blaster are not shown, regardless of type. There are still tons of cut scene blackouts, blocked images, something in the way issues that block the scene. The respawn time of mission items (aka boxes in the Black Hole) is way too slow. Away from keyboard time is too short, with load times still being too long. Kicking people off your game for getting lunch does not exactly create a warm, fuzzy feeling. Social points need to be given for pvp. There is little enough different gear to wear at least give pvpers a chance to get some higher level social gear before 2050. You are always playing with others in pvp, aka "social" What happened to Ilum? Perhaps you should fix it so it can be something again. I don't have time for more but there are plenty. Let's fix what we have...and had in some cases. Later.
  12. Well certainly hope it is not true. I think the F2P to 15 trial is ok to get people to try and perhaps buy the game and sub is fine. However, throwing away 400k subs at $15 a month would not exactly be smart. Neither would not having people have to buy the initial game. Even if you keep subs some people will bail and just speed level new f2p characters which equals less subs. Also with f2p comes multiple accounts meaning a gigantic hack surge, no thanks.
  13. Sure the chart means something at the end of a match, it's generally the person who performed their duties most with the most medals at the top. Can you get some by healing yourself, etc., sure but what does Joe get for his defender medals sitting at snow being bored out of his mind the whole match? Pretty much the same thing everyone else gets. Point being there should be some reward other than the same valor we all get, especially at 50. Not just perks for those who like to play on special teams or who have all that time. There are no delusions about 1person winning wzs, but of course they are not alone. People get into pvping and myself included sometimes we forget about planting the bomb, who has the ball, etc. Plenty of times things like this go on for the majority of a match and it's 1 guy who takes the ball over the line, blows the door, etc. while eveyrone else is just busy pvping, without whom it sometimes ends up a draw or a loss. Like I said, these are very simple warzone tasks, no major planning/invasions going on here so I'm not sure why Team Ranked is even in existence tbh, but to each their own. Some like to be on the basketball team, most prefer to shoot a few baskets in the driveway and get on with their lives.
  14. Well, respectfully disagree with much of this but especially the part about a team game not having a solo rating. In fact, every normal wz you are rated on your solo performance at the end. Bottom line is, as others have said in other threads, the organized "team" aspect is not what a lot of people are looking for from their entertainment (this game) but more casual fun. If people are into all that, fine for them. I'm sure that's why people play on pro sports teams too, but others just like to go shoot hoops for kicks. A team with one great player can easily win a wz regardless of who else is on the team, done it plenty of times myself. Cap one node, blow one last door, stun/knockback everyone that tries to cap=win. Let's not try and pretend these wzs are brain surgery. Many people play the supporting role of just being there hitting an opponent. A ranked wz solo reward can be less than a team reward or whatever but every player deserves to be ranked on their performance not just people who like organized group competition. Teams/groups should never play solo players anyway as the outcome is ridiculous. This game has become far too "group" friendly and that will alienate a lot of future players as I'm sure it will encourage some others. You need both options to be successful. Peace.
  15. The same person who said, "You can't get there from here.", who apparently designed a majority of maps in this game.
  16. First off I would like to say I think this is the best game out there for many, many reasons. However, I still think it could do so much better. Anyway, I think the biggest thing this game needs (after fixing messed up class specs) is to make it more of a community. Regardless of how many people are on Fleet or how many guilds there are, there is something missing about that kind of community feeling much, much lesser games have that draw you in and draw you back. I'm not sure what that "thing" is exactly. Maybe we need personal funky shops to sell our gear with custom signs, guild flags, more community type things instead of getting an AFK warning just because you took too long to make a sandwich. What kind of community boots you off after such a short amount of time anyway? May as well say, "shoot something or log out" and I think in a nutshell that is what is keeping the SWTOR community from really blossoming to it's full potential, and from there the game
  17. Actually, thinking about the other dps classes (and I have one of every character class) I was thinking about the lightsaber again. All the other classes have a strong punch, butt-stroke, etc. for heavy dmg at close range, why not the sorcerer? Why not give our sabers a beastly buff or skill on say a 30 sec cd rotation that makes it do a lot more damage for close range, therefore giving us another option altogether. Why was my gunslinger doing higher crits at level 10 then every skill except Death Field on my old level 50 soc? It's pretty ridiculous because they should both be the same or close to it. Otherwise, why not just make the saber another offhand perm. I mean at this point it's just for show so do something with it or get rid of it. Not sure what else to suggest except perhaps some type of Sith Rage building skill that builds more power over time with your damage output.
  18. Yes, the fact that you went and did something with other people (granted officially grouped or ungrouped -as groups get enough perks as it is) should certainly be worthy of social points. Unless devs have something against pvpers.
  19. CarverX

    Ops/sco dps specs

    Agreed. My operative is a cool looking guy but other than fooling around sneaking up behind people he's is pretty worthless in serious situations. I have a really cool gun though, too bad thanks to "Tactical Advantage" I don't get to use it enough. I think this class needs an overhaul and TA should be abandoned completely. The damage output is kind of laughable. Enough of being like the pvp class clown already.
  20. When you find players hiding behind walls or under the middle afk. When nobody guards, taunts, rebuffs and/or just runs off somewhere on their own. When 5 people can't stun one guy when I am almost done capping, etc. etc.
  21. If I thought we absolutely sucked for no good reason I give it to the guy on the bottom of the list. Other than that usually most kills/healing.
  22. Well don't forget the "doom and gloom" guy who just always talks about how you already lost, we got our butts kicked, it's already over, "sits down" by the one capped node, etc. etc. Venting in pvp is pretty normal here and there and these sarcastic doomsayers just make the experience of losing that much more annoying. Granted there are hacks/exploits and botting going on sometimes, you just have to know what you are seeing. Plenty of vids on the net already.
  23. CarverX

    Nerf stealth!!!

    While it is rather ridiculous to try and fight an invisible person I doubt it will change. What they need to do is remove speed perks from pvp especially Huttball.
  24. That's why you leave 2 people not 1.
  25. Just give us one saber skill that actually does something otherwise not sure why we even have one at this point. Raise dmg on TB is a must as it isn't nearly as good as DF at this point. Some type of survivability would be nice too.
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