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Everything posted by Boccanon

  1. How do u explain the Solo feature in Flashpoints nowdays then? Besides, most MMO's are about grinding and doin the same stuff over and over again to stack points or whatever, so why not affection..?
  2. I would buy that in an instant! I get annoyed myself every time I have to manually sort the filter to Level everytime I open a crafting crewskill. Btw, why isnt the filter Level the default one?? Why would I want to see the level 39 stuff every time if I'm 60?? It would make more sence that the list would start showing the highest level of items u can craft. But the suggestion in OP's post would sort that issue, so lets go with that.
  3. A BIG /agree on that! And as a sidenote; make thecompanions more alive overall. They could wonder off a distance from a player if a player stands still in one place for some time. Or sit down and start cleaning their weapon or whatever. Perhapse say something now and then, perhaps commenting the slow progress when the player stands still..
  4. O.M.G! Force choke narrowsighted people like this, Pleease! Some people, me included, are altoholics. In each fleet (if I'm not misstaken) there is a NPC that u could interact with and turn of the 12x xp u get from your storyline progression, so why not go all the way to 60 with that option. Just because some people likes to do the long story with 1 or 2 of their alts, then the rest of the community have to suffer because of that? Every player have their own way of defining the fun in the games they play; some people likes to dig into the lore, some people only wants 1 or 2 alts (if any at all) and some players define their fun in the game of having many alts. I know that I would most likely play the long story atleast one time to have a look at the new content, but that's it! The following 11 times is just a big SKIP feast with a broken spacebar key as a result (yes, I have 12 chars). Shadow of Revan would be tons of more fun if they had class related storylines, then I would most likely play thrue them all. I have 7 Imps and 5 Reps, so that would give me alot more enjoyable content. But please dont mix the flashpoints with the storyline in future content. Dont missunderstand me, I like the solo flashpoint feature, but I dont want it in the story line progression....
  5. I like to see the cutscenes ONE time, not 12. Shadow of Revan has been a long SKIP feast while I leveled my other 11 chars to 60 since it's the same story for every class... (I soon need to get a new keyboard cause of an over-use of my spacebar key...) If this is the way Bioware are gonna do things in the future, please give us atleast an OPTION in Preferences to either play the cutscenes or to automatically just hand over the missions. Some people might bare to Watch the same cutscene over and over and over and over and over (I bet u started to get tired of me repeating myself after the third "over and..."). The same goes for flashpoints, if u have seen the cutscene 1 or 2 times, then that's it. I can bare to wait if a new guy comes along and he wanna see the movie, but then he should tell the party that it's his first time in that Flashpoint so that everyone dont have to start whining "SKIIIIP"... Over to a more related note about this post; Future content. Does everything have to favor only PvE players? I play on a PvP server and I wouldnt mind to see some whining from the PvE Community for once that they are the ones that have been disfavored. Let a new future content give us gear with Expertise for once, and that the story is about fighting real players, not mobs in flashpoints 12 times over and over. I ofcourse realize that u need to have some degree of PvE content so that when the area is left barren when other future content is introduced, then u dont have to sit and wait for 20-30 minutes for the next playerkill to get the xp needed to make progress.
  6. He posted this in order to contribute to some indirect "house rule" changes. In other words he really does have that option... Bran, have you glanced at the server list lately..? It says "light" on every server, with a very few exeptions now and then... Is it not logic to asume that this might be because many of the old players doesnt stick around after they've maxed out their character/s? And as some person stated "it sometimes feel like I'm playing a single player game". I couldn't agree more... The world would stand still with no progress what so ever if u were in charge of it. "If u dont like what u are paying for; go someplace else and shut up". What fuels the evolution of everything, is people who raise their voices and demand improvements. The one who is quick to respond to demands will and have most likely earned a great deal of money, while the hard headed conservative suckers has been left in the dust. An example: The mother of all hard headed suckers among MMO developers must be SOE who just refused to listen to their SWG (Star Wars Galaxies) community. They came up with a patch that altered everything in their game. The community responded with that if they didnt change it back to the way it was, then they would cancel their subscriptions. SOE refused to listen, and when the infamous patch was about 2 weeks old, roughly 70% of the game population had canceled their subscriptions...
  7. I posted a similar suggestion about companions, feel free to support/disagree with that post aswell. If Bioware could make the characters move a tad smother in order to increase the feeling of realism, that would be awesome. Same goes for when your character rides a mount; a smother movement there aswell would add a great deal of feeling to the game. I know that tons of people already have complained over that the characters cant interact with the furnitures... I would like to complain about this aswell. To stand infront of a chair and start typing /chair isnt the same as just right clicking on a chair to make the character sit down, or lay down for that matter in a bed... Another fun feature would be if the fat characters would appear to be a little clumsy now and then when they spend time in non-fighting areas. They could trip over their cape or something and fall flat on their back/stomak. I think more people would choose fat characters just because of that. (Btw, why isnt there any fat women characters..?) They could also stop for a breather (also in non-fighting areas) if u make your fat character run a distance.
  8. I would like Bioware to reprogram the way companions move. Even a small change towards realism would be much appriciated. They jump around sometimes like they have fire up their &%?@% which takes away much of the intended feeling of having a companion with u on your adventures. Another companion related wish would be that it would be nice if your companion could either ride the same mount on some of the bigger mounts, or if they had their own mount that would appear in the same time when u call for your mount. Here comes Another suggestion: When your character has been standing still for more than 10 seconds, then he/she should start an emote, or a serie of emotes, that looks like your character and your companion are talking to eachother, until the player takes Control over his character again.
  9. Yes, I know that I save time by giving them gifts. But running a FP over and over a few times also gives dark/light side Points. Not that it matter much any more nowdays... Higher lvl relics or gear for that matter arent bound to neither dark or light side any more. But Bioware could encourage us to choose flashpoints over gift giving by rewarding conversation related affection more. It's like when u drive the same route every day to work, sometimes I take a detour that takes more time just to change the scenary, if u know what I mean. I want some variation, that's all. About the Esseless/Black Talon; thx for the tip. I'll try that.
  10. Can anyone recommend any flashpoint where there is lots of conversation opportunities? (Besides the first level 10 flashpoint, that one allways crashes Before I'm done..) I rather run flashpoints over and over, than spend tons of cash on companion gifts. And the infernal clicking about 90-100 times when I'm about to raise a new companions affection from 0 - about 6500 is soooooo boring. (There should be 1 gift that has the same price as 45 rank 1 or 2 gifts... 2 clicks and then companion affection is 6500. That would be a Dream come true.)
  11. I for example are aiming to use mostly legacy gear. That way I only need to grind for gear mods on 1 char. I have for example a merc and a commando. Both are dps. In the light of this method, and that more and more stuff is becoming easier to get a hold of, I mean why not implement the crewskills in this development? If slicing could be used for more than grinding for credit boxes and purple ingrediences for augments, then that would increase the fun level of that particular crewskill. I'm sure that people could come up with tons of ideas that could make crewskills more usefull than it already is. Btw, thx for a serious response. =)
  12. Slicing Slicing is about hacking tech right? What if the Slicing abillity could make an item go from bound to unbound, or to take it one step further; make an item "second degree" legacy bound. The price for this can ofcourse be discussed, but 15-20k credits should be a reasonable amount for 1 item. Why "Second degree" legacy bound? I imagine that the stuff in the game that is already legacy bound is already programmed and stored in a database. Adding new stuff that isnt normally legacy bound would mess up that database I think, hence the "second degree" legacy bound. This data could be stored within a each players data, and would therefor not mess up the normal legacy bound items database. All the stuff that is given players for "free" only by questing is increasing to a level that more or less has rendered crewskills useless. There are ofcourse still a few things that people can craft that can either be sold or used for your own purpose, but the game nowdays offer so many things either by simply questing or buying from the cartelmarket, that many people often consider the players who are into crafting a to be a little weird. Cybertech crewskill More schematics for mechanical mounts plz! I mostly only use my cybertech for the modification items... I would very much like if the Cybertech crewskill could be a tad more usefull and fun. Biochem Schematics for living mounts plz. That would be awesome! Another very nice feature could be implants with predetermand crewskills. Green implants could contain only 1 basic crewskill, blue implants could contain 2 crewskills and purple implants could increase the skills in those crewskills to a +3 critical level. Many players only uses 1 or 2 of their companions, the rest is only used (if used at all) for crewskills.
  13. When I focus on dmg and put the objectives as prio 2, then I usually end up in a top 3 position, so I dont think there is any major flaws in my rotation, and by "lowie pugs" u mean low geared..?
  14. I've played tons of warzone rounds and noticed that in some rounds virtually all enemies are more or less invincible. In those rounds I allways check out the enemies statistics in the end. You would think that the opposing side have had tons of both healers and tank classes when your own team is down right humiliated on the battlefield. But in many of those rounds the statistics doesnt show any healing nor protection (taunts) that was out of the ordinary in the enemy statistics. In one of my recent games it took 5 players to take out 1 enemy! That particular fight lasted atleast 10-12 seconds. His HP bar gradually decreased, but in a very slow rate. He didnt use any stun or knockback on any of us. I myself used about 2 full rotations on my abillities on him. My gear: - Earpiece, Implants, Relics are ranked PvP gear - Head, chest, hands and leggins are unranked PvP gear - The rest of my gear was at that time mostly162 rated PvE-gear and some was 156 rated PvE gear. How can 1 player be that hard to kill? There was no healer nor any other tank nearby to help him. Further more; In such rounds where there seem to be tons of unkillable players, I myself get killed in just 4 seconds in a 1 on 1 fights with the gear I mentioned above, (I play a sorc/dps) even though I use my Static Barrier (bubble), medpac and Adrenal's, Unnatural Preservation (instant self heal abillity). There is something seriously wrong here, or can someone please explain to me what I am doing wrong? Am I missing something? Is there any stims/Adrenals I dont use that some player's use to become more or less unkillable? Because of this I'm slowly starting to loose interrest of the game, but I dont wanna quit until I have tried all there is to even out the odds. Ps. If I face someone in World pvp the win/loose statistics are more in my favor. I'd say I win roughly about 7 out of 10 fights, but when I enter a warzone then I win about 3 times out of 10 in 1 on 1 fights..
  15. Who said anything about luxury..? Ofcourse luxury costs, everyone knows that but what does that has to do with my complaint?? This is similar to switching from a pair of black jeans to a pair of blue ones. Where the luxury in that?? The cost is insane, end of discussion.
  16. You have my support aswell. I have all the crewskills at level 450 and I have made tons of annoying runs to Fleet every time I run out of crafting consumables..
  17. Another way to approuch this issue is to increase the max amount of comm's to 150-200. That way u can afford to dress up your companion aswell. I have a Cybertech I use to Craft most of my Armoring pieces, I use most of my earned comm's to dress up my companion. But not all players are into crafting and I can understand why this then presents a problem.
  18. Especially since that gear is only useable for a few levels.. I never bought any of those pieces, much due to the cost as u say, but when I heard that the armor set is non-custom/non-adaptive then I lost interrest in a flash..
  19. I can make that Money in 2 Days of casual daileys, but that is not the Point. This is the matter of a switch of armor! I'm not complaining about the prices for mounts, mods, crafting materials etc etc. I'm complaining about the cost to change from one armor set to Another. This is plain ridiculous, and I must say that I'm almost in a shock that more people hasn't taged along in this complaint. This forum is to my knowledge the only why that we as customers can get in touch with devs and influence upcoming changes. Even though they rarely listens to what their customers wants for their Money, fact still remains that if u dont say anything here, then they will figure all is well and go on with their lifes..
  20. Found a new set I liked on Makeb and bought it. Then I started to Count on how much it would cost me to switch my mods from my old armor to the new one: MK-9 slots on GTN: 50k/piece x 7 (armor pieces) = 350k credits Install MK-9 slots: 36k/piece x 7 (armor pieces) = 252k credits Move mods: 10k/piece x 19 (mods) = 190k credits _________________________________________________________ Total: 792k credits 792k for switching armor??? If there really has to be a cost to do this then I'd say about 50k for all would be reasonable. This is insane... I lack words to describe my dissapointment in BW.. Further more; I cant possibly be the first one who wants to switch armorset for another. There should be a more simple way to do this than to manually remove each and every mod and then install it in the new set. Here's what I suggest: I place all my the pieces from the old armor set in the modifikation table, and then there should pop up a question that asks me if I want to switch my mods to a new armor set. Then I place the new armor pieces in the table and press a "Switch mods" button. After that I get a bill for the cost of using this feature: 50k credits. Then all the mods/aug-slots with augments would be installed and ready to use in the new set. That would be an up-to-date feature suitable for the year 2014 that is more customer friendly towards the subscribers!
  21. I dont see that he is beeing selfish. Lots of players would like to solo most of the content if they had the means to do it. The operations are doable with 8 or 16 player groups, and I dont see why a solo player option, with your companions, couldn't fit here aswell. Most players in MMO's are more or less forced to "grind" to get the stuff they really want and that is most likely why most players do the operations/warzones over and over and over again. I'm personally more of a PvP (warzone) player, so I dont know much about the amount of commendations you get in Operations. I assume though that u get more commendations the bigger group u have. If that is the case, then in theory it should be doable to scale that amount of commendations down even more if u enter with just your companions.
  22. Since u have the option to level many characters, the leveling part is just annoying for many players. It's kinda fun the 2-3 first chars, but the 9 I have for example have been a pain in the but to level. Kuat Drive Yards for 6-7 hours in a row is a drag beyond words, but I'm kinda forced to do it during double xp weekends unless I wanna spend the double amount of that time to level up in the ordinary fashion. You should have the option to start at level 1, 25 or 50 if you have a char that is 55. Then those that like the leveling part can start on level 1 and some can start on level 25 and some who just want to get to know their new class and it's abillities will be able to do that from level 50-55.
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