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Everything posted by Die_Scream

  1. They use that for the "complaint about the community" threads, or any that complain about the forums themselves. They aren't game related. Regardless of if they start with praising the game before pivoting to the complaining.
  2. @ Macros, chat bubbles, and customizable and exportable UI. No sleep until!
  3. *Huff!* *Puff!* ..sorry, can't talk long but *Gasp!* the running in this game is stupid. *Huff!* *Puff!* ..J-just wanted to say that on my way back to this NPC for the third time from the opposite side of the planet! K' gotta run, later! *Huff!* *Puff!*
  4. Long artificial travel times blatantly meant to waste time for the player is archaic design. I imagine Bioware will quickly be educated that players don't want to spend 15 long boring minutes traveling to their ship, then 15 minutes back to what they were doing. I'd be interested if they plan to address this stuff or not. The game is so great, it's a shame travel mars an otherwise good time. I get so tired and bored traveling sometimes, or the thought of the hassle of travel that i log out instead sometimes, or switch characters. It's a real drag, they should get rid of shuttles, airlocks, spaceports, elevators, and hangers and shorten the long hallways. Give us a 'port to ship on 30 min cooldown. Give us customizable UI, @focus and mouseover macros. Let's get the ball rollin' here Bioware!
  5. Come to the forums and cry "nerf that boss", or wait for an expansion, which means that boss will be nerfed because it's now "old content".
  6. Not for me. Mine is at $14, 474 and has been for over a week. The character is a write-off until it resets. I just checked it today in fact, still at $14, 475. No dual spec and this fiasco of a respec system, all the insane credit costs for everything in this game is making it a job to play at times. Good thing it's enjoyable, but so bare-bones. Bioware are nuts to release such a big game so unfinished. basic systems like a dual spec and speech ballons, adjustable UI...simply incredible.
  7. Impressive p[ost and very well written. The section on your keybinds is particularly interesting to me right now. I never had thought of some of your solutions. Thanks, great work.
  8. Petty lame, but I see people do this all the time in game.
  9. The Op is correct of course, those things are basics, 101. What's funny is all of you posting (numbered) list of excuses and apologist nonsense. Very funny. You all know these thing not being implemented is inexcusable.
  10. I might actually. i probably would buy a six month sub today in fact if they announced chat bubbles, limited macros and customizable UI was being patched. Otherwise, meh.
  11. TBH, I'm more tired of the tired old lumbering dinosaur MMO gamer who whine about how they "..had to work fer sumpthin' in my day!" The world has moved on grandpa, time to join us here in the now, or shuffle over to the couch and put on the 'Wheel.
  12. First couple days I had little sleep. Now I still play a lot, but no sleep loss.
  13. You need to log in to see if ability delay is fixed? No. You need to log in and check out some new looks for your appearance tab? No. ..hmm...? ..Oh! Robot Chicken is on, nvm.
  14. Ha! II usually random until one pops that is okay, then add/remove part to make it better. Remove the extra syllable at the end or whatever.
  15. You're making a fool of yourself. I'm not saying that to be insulting. Unless you are trolling as someone who has no idea what your arguing about. Seriously.
  16. Haha, ok, fair enough. I made a Rift-style macro with my Merc keyboard for kicks. Took forever. Anyway, i had it so one or two buttons could do most of the work for me, and if it wasn't for the ability delay in the game, it would be pretty nice. OTOH, I'm used to "playing the piano" as it were, to play SWTOR at this point. So I went back to usual. I REALLY want simple @focus, @self, @targetoftarget and @mouseover macros though. Bad.
  17. You really sound ignorant. In fact, you say you are ignorant of macros, you don't even know what they are or about keyboards...but expect anyone to fear your skills in PvP? Lol.
  18. A knife in the back is a knife in the back clothie, whether you can shoot your little sparks or not. Maa-ha-ha!
  19. Oddly, the forums are like the game. Working, but missing many expected features currently.
  20. I have deleted two Jedi chars because I couldn't stand the big butt (cue Sir Mix A Lot) look. I was also wondering WTH they were thinking with this. It looks simply terrible, lol.
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