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Everything posted by Die_Scream

  1. The whole argument would go away for me personally if Bioware would just hurry up and provide dual or more specs within our chosen AC. Switch out of combat only and say 4 sec induction, similar to the recall stone. Hoping for an AC change is wasting time, no MMO lets you switch classes as a respec. Ask for something realistic like: -Legacy Reward: Start an imperial/repub with advanced training (lvl 10) or something. -Dual or quad spec.
  2. How dare you try and play with different builds within your AC to find the most enjoyable?? Make them pay! Make them all pay!!
  3. Mine hasn't reset since it hit 14,795 or so. That was over a week ago.
  4. I'm astonished such a basic UI even made it to release. Even by the notoriously awful state most MMOs release in, the UI for this game is simply unacceptable by MMO standards. No LFD, no real endgame yet, bugs, okay, that's annoying but who's really surprised at those things? A UI you can't re-size, customize, or even have enough hot bars to hold your abilities, because they don't even have macros either?? Unbelievable.
  5. I agree OP, many people do. The trolls will try to derail with the die less comments, but nothing you can do about forum trolls. The 10 minute time out (anything over a minute) is just overkill considering the ridiculous repair cposts in the game. It's a slap in the face, and is one of the bigger reasons I likely won't subscribe. Why would I give a company money to watch a timer before I can play? Thanks for the repair costs, the lost time, and the "time out". Seems Bioware feels a nice "finger twist in the bullet wound" after you die is necessary.
  6. I'm ok with playing up to cap I guess, but the idea of raiding and dungeon gear-drama at cap...in yet another gear grind game.. I spacebar through the side quests too since they boil down to the same stuff they always have. I still enjoy the game in bursts, but the grind usually burns me out pretty fast. I don't think I'm going to stick around and do the end game gear grind yet again in this game. Themepark MMOs jumped the shark in 2006 or so. Since then it's just one re-hash after another "me too".
  7. I only read the OP so forgive me if this has been said, but if it was a must-have skill for the raiders as you say, you must have known that wasn't the way it's supposed to be. You knew it would be nerfed, we all did. When even a casual players knows that anything but slicing is gimp, anything but Biochem is gimp...a nerf is coming. I switched to Biochem too, but even after the nerf, it's still great, just not "way better" than the other crafting skills.
  8. All MMOs I have played simply don't have any of your abilities (heal or dmg) to affect PvP flagged players. They can't hit you, you can't hit them, intentionally or not. Rift does it, CoH..every MMO with PvP. Are we really to believe that Bioware didn't see this problem coming? In any case, they just need to use that system. The AoE the lvl 20s are using wouldn't hit the flagged griefer because whether it hits depends on the caster, not the receiver's flag.
  9. I can't imagine they would ever go back on their word and suddenly allow AC respecs...then I remember EA is involved and I wait patiently for paid respecs. It's EA people, do any of you doubt it?
  10. Buggiest class in the game. I particularly like how I "cannot see target" which is 14 inches away from the end of my barrel. Cover bugs, snipe and ambush still do the :failed" cast at times which was to be fixed. "Unknown result" bug when trying to cover on anything not a large flat surface. etc.
  11. It was probably more of a simple design choice in line with all other MMOs similar.
  12. I agree with you OP. I'm not paying Bioware to watch a timer. Only takes 3 deaths and you are supposed to wait around 10 minutes, or start all the way back across the map and fight your way back to where you can try again? I don't think so. The "time out" punishment is just there to make an already annoyed player feel worse I guess. It's a slap in the face IMO, a disrespect to the (paying) player.
  13. Yes it was an off the cuff kind of statement I admit, but you get the idea. I see no reason that we can't have a PvP spec, and a couple PvE specs, heal and DPS for example. All within your AC of course. You can only switch out of combat, as you'd expect.
  14. My vote: No on AC changing Yes on dual (or more) specs within your AC trees. Yes on cheap respecs within your AC. Basically Bioware, copy Rift in this regard.
  15. Like everything else, it's the same as any MMO. 1. Arrive in quest zone (planet). 2. Bind, run around gather all quest available. 3. Travel to nearby designated kill x of y area. 4. Kill x of y Z number of times. 5. Travel back and either get second batch of quests or get sent to next area. 6. Repeat. Standard stuff. They lay them out for you if you get them all and look at your map before heading out, you can be efficient (especially on an alt). That said, the travel time and painfully slow trot before lvl 14 is just brutal. That's ignoring the ship/spaceport/airlock stuff. They should trim some of that fat.
  16. You seriously are advocating for imbalance in classes in an MMO, and want to condescend to me? That's rich.
  17. Every MMO has this issue with stealth class in PvP at some point, usually the start. Rift had it's super overpowered stealth/burst rogue problem, WoW did, we see it here. It's always a tough class to balance apparently. The real problem is, does Bioware have the know-how to adjust classes for PvP and not PvE. That's where the whole house of cards can start to fall for the majority.
  18. Lol, why would anyone play the weak classes then?
  19. Buff Sents/'Rauders, eliminate consumable stacking. Pants off Dance off!
  20. I don't know exactly what the OP is going on about, but as long as you don't touch my rest xp, stay a lowbi forever no skin off mine.
  21. Bioware should feel ashamed they released a AAA MMO in this day and age without basic UI customization. Ashamed. Trion did it correct right out of the box. /Saveui, /exportui, and /importui. Worked between all characters.
  22. IOW, derp! They didn't but I mad.
  23. Mortars for life! Wrong forum.
  24. Few points, from my experience: Republic starter worlds are not as fun or efficient to start out a character. Jedi wearing Depends Undergarments under their robes is so incredibly foul to look at I have deleted two, plus I've played their mirror. Storylines for Republic are all fairly weak and (IMO) quite cheesy..too goody goody. Republic armor in general doesn't look as good. I just find the whole experience on the Guardian, I mean Alliance, I mean Republic to be less fun.
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