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Everything posted by Baptes

  1. I always got two purples on PTS. Now one and usually something totally useless (a purple companion gift? that counts? bleh).
  2. I got a single purple companion gift first crime lord pack. Got a single pink (or whatever that new color is) crystal from the second pack. Either the packs are bugged, or they intentionally reduced drop rates. Well its EA so I'd hazard a guess at number two.
  3. Good luck getting one. From what I've seen, they've really nerfed purple drops from the cartel packs. Looks like standard EA bait and switch to me. Which begs the question, if they would go that far on cartel packs what else would they bait and switch on us? SGRA's? EA/BW then: "Oh we have to make SGRA's quality, that's why they aren't in. Ran out of time." EA/BW one year later: "We flipped the gender switch on flirts! SGRA's are now in game! You're welcome! Hooray for EA!" Us: "..." US: "WHAT THE ****?!!!!!"
  4. I believe they may have changed the drop rates, at least on the Crime Lord. At least I don't recall getting nothing but purple companion gifts from them on PTS. Looks like another EA con job to me. Make them great to awesome on PTS, secretly nerf them before live. Yep not bothering with that crap again.
  5. This. So much this. Also... SGRA? Gonna talk about it sometime, or are we going to have to consult a psychic? Silence and "nothing new to report" says jack all. Talk.
  6. Darth Talon lookalike adaptive gear. More black robes (both hooded and hood down and of course adaptive). A black version of the sniper's coat from Black Talon FP (adaptive don't keep anyone out of the loop). TONS OF PLAIN SINGLE COLOR ADAPTIVE PANTS!!!!!!! So tired of wearing skirts! A sleek form fitting outfit, kind of like the level 40 Imp agent PvP outfit (just go with black, tired of silly colors already). A bare midriff top without the goofy samurai thingie in the back (I think Holiday wears something like that as do several NPCs). Oh and a pair of khaki short shorts along the lines of Lara Croft, solely for my smuggler. Also a version of the Aspiring Knight's Vest without those extra long things running down the legs (those weren't like that in beta, ya'll stretched them and they look stupid!). Just remove those completely! A sleek tech bodysuit armor. Really form fitting and no odd doodads (stop with the absurd backpacks, spikes and decorative stuff already!!!!). Maybe something Tron-like (you know black with the glowing lines...from the newer movie, not the 80s one...ewww). Ever see the movie The Rocketeer? That leather jacket the Rocketeer wore in black would look awesome! A plain black trench coat. Sometimes I just want a no frills coat that hides all my guns....what that's just me? Whatever armor you add, please make it all adaptive. Let people look like they want. Actually I think all orange armor should be adaptive.
  7. Yes I agree wholeheartedly. For one thing, why on earth no level 20 relics? Why not a complete level 30 set of gear? Why no offhands? Why no level 25/40 speeders? One thing that bugs me is that if I PvP to any degree, I end up blowing WZ comms on stuff I have no use for (I doubt I'll ever manage to use all the meds/adrens I have stocked up). Give us stuff to spend them on as we level.
  8. Is there any information you could possibly give us on SGRAs? I'm not talking spoilers here, I'm asking about very broad basic general functionality as to the how it will be implemented. That is assuming it still will be, considering it is hard to know what is going on when you guys stay absolutely disturbingly silent for no apparent reason. And if there is some arcane byzantine reason, I for one would like to know just what on earth that reason is?
  9. I was actually referring to my (hopefully) laughable theory about the VAs. But the fact remains, only EA/BW have the ability to settle all these wild theories. EA/BW, to quote Captain Planet:
  10. Know what would be the icing on the BS cake if that were true? We know that some of the VAs have come back for some voice work after SWTOR launched. A lot of us assumed they were finishing off the SGRA work. What if they just came in to do voice work for the ten new space combat missions that are coming out? If they spent the time and resources on the least used aspect of the game and still excluded SGRA content. The uproar would be deafening. Of course that's just a wild arsed theory, like so many others that have been on the thread. You know what would make the crazy theories go away EA/BW? ANSWER THE FREAKING QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!
  11. This is my first Bioware game as well. Also my first EA game (how I lucked out in that regard I have no idea). With (in my opinion) the way they have routinely treated the playerbase poorly, this will also be my last game by either company. And I may be unsubbing from SWTOR if something doesn't change. Crashing since 1.4, this last patch (1.4.3?) has made the game an unplayable slideshow that still crashes every 1 to 2 hours. Add to that the whole "back of the bus" treatment SGRAs have gotten, I seriously wonder why I try to play this game. Try being the operative word. Haven't had a 3+ hour play session in about a month now.
  12. A link couldn't hurt, since questions as to how much they acquired have already arisen in this thread. And I too am even more hopeful with the Disney acquisition. As for the rage...its early, the weather is making my joints hurt, and I haven't had any coffee yet. Sith should fear me.
  13. They acquired the whole shebang (Lucasarts, LucasFilm, Industrial Light & Magic, Skywalker Sound, ect), so it would be in their own interests to alleviate customer concerns regarding a product they have recently obtained. And if any company can put on pressure, its Disney.
  14. You don't suppose what with Disney now acquiring Lucasarts, maybe we could ask them to put a bit of pressure? You know, just to get some information? Considering how inclusive they seem? *sigh* Its a sorry state when we have to hope for outside influences to gain a small amount of information about an upcoming game feature. And its completely unnecessary. If. They. Would. Just. Answer. The. Damn. Questions!!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad:
  15. I want a bug that makes you get 10000x the social points you currently get. I would so exploit that!
  16. Or if they were really lazy, just make asteroids you shoot with your ships weapons like in Freelancer. Either auto scoop them as you fly the tunnel (that's what I call it at least) or add a tractor beam to ships. Maybe have a keybind to press to nab them as you fly by (I suggest "T").
  17. I hope they fix the memory leak like they sorta kinda fixed in 1.2-ish while they're at it. I'd like my game not to crash while I'm enjoying my SGRAs. Hope springs eternal (until I have one of those days, then Hope better watch itself).
  18. Its not only here. Pretty much every server I've played on Pubs wreck Imps during the daytime, Imps wreck Pubs at night. I have no idea why it works that way.
  19. Kind of sad the only attention we get is to clear away the trolls. ... *sigh* Damn I'm just tired of it all. Grats BW you wore me down, at least for today. That's an accomplishment considering what a stubborn {bleep} I am. I don't even feel like logging on at all.
  20. I've gotten one. And to this day I still don't get why. It was just after the forum reboot when some of the forum moderators were seriously abusing their powers. I have been tempted to write some, but I know they'd be far too risque for SWTOR forums. And anywhere else but here, I doubt many would "get" them. Curse my addiction to supernatural romance novels, they influence my writing far too much.
  21. According to wookiepedia: Due to the weightlessness of plasma and the strong gyroscopic effect generated by it, lightsabers required a great deal of strength and dexterity to wield, and it was extremely difficult—and dangerous—for the untrained to attempt using. The whole Lightsaber entry is a pretty interesting read.
  22. I want: A nice simple plain black robe (with some pants dangit!!). A sexy battle set for my twi'lek Jugg. Darth Talon sexy. Yeah I get its the wrong time period, but if I can make a Lethan Juggernaut I want her to be sexy. Sue me. A black trench-coat. Sorry but the current smuggler wear just doesn't do it for me. Plain chest pieces without robes like in the movies. You know like when they take their robes off in "Sh*t just got real" moments (fighting Darth Maul for instance)? Come on guys. You have one of the largest IPs EVER! Countless comics, movies, cartoons, books, and other Star Wars games to pull ideas from. Stop being bland and mediocre.
  23. I know right? My male smuggler flirts with every female with a pulse, He starts flirting on Ord Mantell. No woman is safe... on any planet... of any species. My female...not so much. And when she does get a chance, I kinda wish she didn't.
  24. Its a memory leak. It has been around since beta, was mostly fixed around 1.2 and came back with a vengeance with 1.4. CS knows this, yet treats it as a new and separate problem each time its reported. 32 bit OS users are really screwed because 32 bit OS limits memory usage to no more than 3.5 GB of memory no matter much you have. Which is why all the reports of crashing to desktop since 1.4. Crashed to desktop since 1.4
  25. EA, Bioware... I swear if I have to bust out those novelty cake pans and brush up on my flesh tone icing skills... You better like red velvet, that's all I'm sayin.
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