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Everything posted by Baptes

  1. That's what I did when a Jugg (who was an awful tank to boot) kept Needing on gear he had no use for (except the Willpower gear, that all went to the sorc healer which is why healer kept taking up for crappy tank I guess) and then proceeded to need on the orange gloves that were a huge upgrade for my Agent who was wearing green quest gear. When I asked why he ninja'd gloves meant for Agent's, he acted honestly bewildered that I dare question him. Of course the Sorc who was getting plenty of drops took up for him. The other guy (a mara who was a replacement, last guy got sick of the bad tank) left group too, asked the same thing before he left. "Why would a Jugg Need on Orange Medium Armor Gloves with an Agent in the group?" Add two bad apples to a growing /ignore list. Yeah BW, those server communities are just great! I did the exact same thing I'd do if those two were on a different server, I ignored them. Real good reason to not implement cross server LFG, dat "community".
  2. Sadly though, they never did what I suggested long ago. A "more than friends, not sharing bedsheets" option. *Spoilers for people who haven't done JK through Tython and hints about things you learn fairly quickly about Vette. It just seems as though companions are so thinly fleshed out in interactions with the player a true "companion" would have its laughable. A few stories about their past (sometimes not even that much), they fight just like pets in other games (though the heals are nice), they say a few canned phrases over and over (I swear Dorne if you say "Stand still!" one more time...), a few smart arsed comments here and there, and that's about it if they don't have a romance option. Because only companions with those options get even a tiny bit more flesh (itty bitty bits that they are). I mean I get cost and time is a factor, but couldn't some of their more useless dialogs have had a few "blood brother" kind of moments rather than some of the inane diatribes they go on about? Maybe I'm expecting too much, but that's what I thought SWTOR was supposed to be all about..."The Story"?
  3. I do the same to Quinn, weaselly little git!
  4. Mako is Asian or whatever Star Wars lingo is for that ethnicity. Human races never seemed too important when there were numerous alien species about. Point is she's supposed to be small. And she is pretty small. Body Type 1. It was my hobby for a bit to try and make "clones" of story characters, and I recall making a Mako. She uses Republic implants which I didn't have access to at the time. Also she wears no makeup. Ah here. Yes I added makeup. Sue me. As for age its not really easy to determine her exact age, but its safe to say she's an adult. Maybe a bit on the emotionally immature and naive side (though at times she seems more mature than your BH), but still a full fledged grown up. Otherwise the current hetero only romance would have just felt...eww.
  5. I dunno, my Lethan Twi'lek Body Type 1 Jugg looks pretty good. Of course that may be because she's wearing the Bounty Hunter Black Talon Chest (due to the robes never freaking dropping!! ), and when everything is matched to chest my whole outfit is white with blue accents. They got rid of the "skidmark" dirty inner thigh effect matching used to produce (Man that looked so bad!!! ). I'm happy overall with the look (but I still want those robes! drop curse you!!!!!). BTW Screenie
  6. My Mirialan JK uses Body Type 3. Looks like a cross between the She Hulk and those green females from Star Trek that have pheromones that make men lose their minds and obey them. Body Type 3 is what I call an Amazonian physique, especially in the Republic Dancer/Slave Girl outfits. They show off all the muscles, and boy is she ripped!
  7. Yes, for the most part we have gone above and beyond with being polite and "behaving". And it has gotten us nothing really. Only time when we get anything is when we act up. And frankly if that's what it takes to get some straig...honest answers to simple questions we have been asking all along and which they stubbornly stay silent on, well to quote Captain FancyPants "I aim to misbehave".
  8. Well as long as Papa EA doesn't take Momma Bioware out behind the cabin where the wood chipper is, Scream On.
  9. Unfortunately it never stopped any of those whispers (and at least once in general chat much to everyone's amusement) from happening to me. Guess my in game avatarts are too sexy to resist or something. Yeah, I misspelled "avatar" but once I saw how funny it looked I left it that way. And boy, they must loathe us by now! We're that itch in a spot they just can't reach. It will eventually boil over if it hasn't begun to already. I feel like a child that wants attention so badly after being ignored for so long I'll take negative attention just so I can feel some kind of emotional response from an uncaring parent.
  10. Which says either A: They are the biggest jerks ever. Could be. The game devs I've met IRL were the most arrogant, condescending jerks I've seen outside of college. Not saying they all are like that but... Or B: That is one nasty Byzantine gag order they live under. I mean holy crap, I've talked to former Secret Service agents who were more open and forthcoming.
  11. Nah nothing big in the spoiler, just a little class info in case someone hasn't played a SW. Also the masochistic thing...Well there goes my bad habit of not reading sentences fully. Stupid speed reading habit. Anyway, the part you're referring to is completely avoidable and you'll never see it if you go LS and treat her even halfway like a sentient being.
  12. Huh never noticed that one, though I'm sure you're right and given Vette's history it makes perfect sense. I probably had Quinn out at the time (the little ******). Wow ****** is censored? Even got to get the British terms, eh guys?
  13. Vette is pretty pro LS. I honestly don't recall her ever wanting a DS option, hence my Jugg has zero DS points.
  14. Actually, a certain panda game actively started wars between casuals and hardcore on their forums. One of the devs responsible has been banned from posting on the regular forums for years now, it got so bad. Mostly I think it was to distract gamers from the sheer amount of incompetence on the part of the devs who were in charge of classes that didn't understand fundamental aspects of the classes they were in charge of, and the glacial slowness that they released content.
  15. Really? Because when I look at the dev tracker I see nothing about the weeklys at all, hence why I posted. If it was in there its now hidden or gone.
  16. Yeah if people wanted to do that they could do it as a panda bear with fewer game breaking bugs. I left that game for a reason, I didn't want the exact same thing with lightsabers added (but buggier).
  17. I play both but my only 50s are Imps. Mostly because I find the Pubs' stories so freaking dull. Smuggler starts cool but peters out halfway. Trooper is kinda cool but gets old quickly. JK...bleh. JC...BY FIRE BE PURGED!!!!!
  18. Still haven't gotten confirmation that the missing weeklys are intentional or if they are are missing due to a bug. Be real freakin nice to know. Its not hard. Use your big boy voices and say YES or NO. SILENCE tells us nothing. Plus it irritates us to no end. I'd think you'd like to avoid that.
  19. If that is what we ask for, we'll likely get really mellow deep sea squid wearing bowler hats and sardines in oil. That's just how EA/BW rolls nowadays.
  20. Yes. I detest Quinn. If only I could shunt him out of a nearby airlock. Sadly I needs heals. EA/BW, I would be more than happy with a deaf mute male/female healer replacement of Quinn if you would allow me to Deep Six his butt! But really guys, just talk to us about it. That's all we ask. Open and honest communication that should have been there in the first place. Because to stay quiet about it as you have for so long like some kind of Byzantine gag order is in place is beyond absurd.
  21. For the stripes only: Tempered Terenthium Which looks identical to: Tempered Laminoid Which is craftable. There are some greens that fit exactly the color and stripes, but can't recall them. They are very low level though, I recall that much. For the color but not the stripes: Athiss Enforcer & Mullinine Onslaught Without stripes or color: Transparisteel Onslaught Though the helmet looks different.
  22. Nope. No "Space Divorce" as it were. Well even when you get married its a few letters a gift or two and that's the last you hear of them anyway. Hell, Vette doesn't even call my Jugg "Sweetie"! Pitiful that Doctor Who gets more affection from his wife than I do mine.
  23. Can we please get a response on whether or not this is an intentional change, or yet another of the myriad bugs 1.4 created? Seriously, I want to know if I should write BH dalies off my list of things to do because without the weekly I see no point in doing them.
  24. If female: Do DK/Coru class story, get ship, start doing Space Mission dalies, get (what was it 70, 80?) Fleet Comms, have Social 1, finally acquire pants. Kinda lame to have to go through so much just to get some freaking slacks for females.
  25. Yeah, Corso would be my choice as well. We get along great. The only difference between us is that I don't name my guns.
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