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Everything posted by ThrillInstructor

  1. So basically you claim to represent all who share your opinion? This is a classy dodge....but might I inquire why you felt compelled to include your little phrase in parenthesis in the first place if not to add weight to your opinion. Oh right....you just don't like threads with short topics
  2. A good point. There are WZs like Voidstar where a lack of DPS on offense can basically cripple your chances of getting anything done on offense. Do you think that a lack of DPS in favor of healing is a general disadvantage or do you estimate that the added survivability might actually increase your team's chances in some WZs?
  3. Those who speak with the voices of others are usually called 'possessed'. So do we have to call in a exorcist? Many of us have issues with this game. Some, because certain features are not included in the game and will not be included in the foreseeable future. There is little helping those players. They can get over it an quit until some date in the future when their expectations may be met. Others have issues with bugs and the overall performance of the game. Well, as far as I can tell this is a legitimate complaint. I guess BW know only too well how Ilum fizzled and ranked WZs didn't work out. Once again, open PvP as planned with Ilum will not be back within the next patches. Ranked WZs will be within a matter of weeks. If you are here for Ilum-style PvP then SWTOR will not deliver soon. You can leave or get along without it. As for ranked WZs: BW stated repeatedly and with great clarity that this feature is very high on their priority list and will hit the PTS within a matter of days. Raging and whining threads will NOT speed up the process. If you honestly feel that BW have strained you patience for too long then quit......or get over it. Very much the same applies to server transfers. Even though 'early summer' is (deliberately) vague it gives us a window of implementation of at worst five to six weeks. Once again it is up to each and every player to decide if this is too long a wait. Unsubscribe and come back later....or get over it. So although a temper tantrum and raging flame in the forum might be a great way to vent personal frustration it is next to pointless in regards to fixing the issue you complain about and it is very annoying to those forum users who'd like to use the forum as a legitimate source of information for a game they like. To be fair another "I like the game as it is and everything is just fine"-thread to balance the hate/love-ledger is equally pointless. So tune down the treble a notch or two, take a chill pill, walk the dog or f.....ind a duck and come back with some constructive criticism and we just might end up in a fruitful discussion and actual conversation.
  4. The point is that most players in this thread seem to go with a 2-healers-setup. As far as I can tell this is too much PvE-thinking for PvP. In my experience the better and more efficient PvP-groups have an uncanny ability to identify and focus target your healers which greatly reduces their combat effectiveness. My idea would be to field four hybrid healers/DPS players with one tank/hybrid tank, two mêlée DDs and one ranged DD thus -to some extent- negating efficient focus targeting of healers. By rotating healing and damage dealing, opponents would have a hard time taking out your healing capacity and leaving you with good classes for CC and evasive tactics without sacrificing too much DPS.
  5. Considering that 8-player-teams are inbound in PvP, which team composition would you like to have for your team? How many healers? Which healers? A tank? Mêlée or ranged DDs? Should there be different teams for different WZs? If you had to chose a 'one-class-only team', which class would rule the zones?
  6. And yet people buy flowers in a recession. back to topic I nominate PvP101: how to become a contender http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=451701
  7. Oh wonderful: Even the thread which would point out a few threads worth reading gets drowned in the umpteenth rerun of drivel and complaints. I mean: Isn't is enough that the General Discussion part of the forum looks like a BAD spam box? Not saying that there isn't room for complaint and improvement but is it really too much to ask to have at least some threads which concern themselves with the game itself and not with what some people perceive as lacking in it? So: Nice idea mods...keep it going!
  8. Well, there is a little workaround here. You can place 'bound to character' mods (so even those you ripped out of highend gear) into legacy gear from the vendor and send the parts to your alts. Expensive but -afaik- still working.
  9. Playing on a PvP server means that you can engage in PvP-combat anwhere outside 'safe zones'. This sort of implies that you are on a planet which is accessible to both factions. The first ones are Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine afaik. Then there are warzones (or WZ). You can queue up for them starting at level 10 by clicking on the small faction symbol next to your minimap. Provided that there are enough players signing on you will be transported to special 'combat areas' where you will have to achieve preset missions in order to win the engagement. I'd like to refer you to the PvP-forum here. Prior knowledge of specific WZs is helpful und very, very welcome.
  10. If you are new to level 50 then getting even a simple recruit PvP-gear might be an upgrade to the stuff you have until you manage to improve your equipment with dailies and a few pieces of Tionese/Columni-gear. In the long run however, even the best PvP-gear just will not do in harder PvE-content.
  11. You probably noticed that gifts have levels. Certain gift levels will not increase companion affection further. You need to take them on missions and increase affection through your answers in dialogues or get high level gifts. You can buy them in the GTN or send you companions on high-level mission in skills like treasure hunting which give 'companion gifts' as rewards. BTW: As far as I know a simple Black Talon run will yield about 200 affection if you give the right answers. Probably the cheapest way to win your precious Mako.
  12. Well thanks for the effort but I've read about 'your' ideas repeatedly in this forum pretty much since the beta. So in essence you just invented the light bulb......decades after Edison.
  13. Well...there are certainly places which are hard to reach: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=380072 As for real secret areas: BW still maintains the myth that they are still 'out there' and that players are yet to find all 'secrets&stuff' in the game.
  14. In your account info--->Forum management--->manage thread subscriptions
  15. If only people were as creative in-game as in their endeavors to come up with new EA-conspiracy stories loosely connected to fact and reason, we'd actually have a community worth playing with. Basically, participants in this thread took an absence of evidence for evidence of absence which is a common mistake in logic but a mistake nevertheless. I guess we can all agree that we're not playing the game we had hoped to get and to some degree not the game we were promised to get but as far as I can tell BW got the message and are working on it as fast as personnel and resources allow.
  16. Actually, the Jedi Knight DOES save the galaxy if you like to believe that the final opponent in the story quests would destroy all life in the galaxy unless you stop him/her/it (to avoid spoilers). That being said, I sort of agree that the 'ordinary' Imperial is strangely underrepresented in this game. It's all Sith, mercenary outsiders and agents (who btw I played as a Chiss who was more or less 'on lease' from an ally and not a true Imperial either). As for the role-playing options: It is not The Sims:Star Wars Edition. BW promised that players would 'make a difference' almost from the very start. This sort of implies a heroic character going to strange places having out of the ordinary heroic encounters. If you cast that into a framework with full voice acting infrastructure you pretty much get what we got.
  17. Also die Holocam nimmt nur Bilder auf. Für die Videos nutzen die meisten entweder ein Programm namens Fraps oder die Alternative dxtory. Mit diesen Programmen nimmt man eine gewaltig große "Rohversion" von Mitschnitten auf, die dann mit Programmen wie Sony Vegas oder Adobe Aftereffects zurechtgeschnitten und in Videos mit akzeptabler Größe umwandelt werden(oder "rendert", wie man das oft nennt). Diese kann man dann z.B. bei youtube hochladen. Allerdings sind gerade die "Schneideprogramme" nicht gerade billig. Zusätzlich muss man einen Rechner haben, der den zusätzlichen Rechen- und Datenaufwand verkraftet. Man muss die Einstellungen für den Mitschnitt passend wählen und auch die Schneideprogramme verstehen und richtig anwenden. Das ist keine Geheimwissenschaft, erfordert aber ein wenig Verständnis für Anwendungssoftware. Alternativ gibt es Seiten, die Livestreams von Spielen anbieten und dort die '"Sessions" auch speichern.
  18. Ich kan mich nur wiederholen: tJT ist nicht die Lösung für alle Sorgen bei TOR. Ich würde mir die Com auf den jeweiligen Server ganz genau ansehen, ehe man da seine gesamte Vermächtnisbande hintransferiert. Teilweise gibt es auf tJT auch schon Beschwerden, dass da vieles auf der einen Seite zu anonym und auf der anderen Seite zu elitär abgeht (Stichwort 'Itemcheck auf der Flotte'). Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass ein gewisser Spielertyp auf tJT trotz der Spielerzahl dort kreuzunglücklich sein könnte. Ich habe auch schon echt tolle Gilden auf Servern erlebt, die hier im Forum abfällig als Geisterserver bezeichnet werden. Wenn BW das mit den Transfers wirklich mit Verstand durchführt, dann werden sie Server als "Ziele" benennen, die vor allem über aktive und stabile Gilden verfügen. Wahllos einen Haufen unorganisierter Gelegenheitsspieler zusammenzuwürfeln wird die "gefühlte Einsamkeit" auf den Servern auch nicht nachhaltig beheben.
  19. OK...here is some feedback: THE PTS IS BROKEN! If you don't want people to play on the PTS between larger patches just say so and shut it down instead of running it with bugs which have long surpassed the annoying through downright ridiculous to simply bizarre. In a time in which broadening the player base of testers for the upcoming 1.3 patch might seem preferable, this maintenance policy for the PTS looks strangely inept. At least patch the thing with the current live version of the game!
  20. Well, there are a few rules of thumb for PvP. One was mentioned already: Go for the healers first! There are a few telltale moves by your opponents which will let you identify healers. If no healers are in the opposite team you should find targets which are easy for you to take out. Find those opponents which don't do well in close quarter combat like smugglers and you will cause massive damage. Since you mentioned a losing streak: Play the mission and encourage your team to do the same! Take the lead in chat if necessary. On average the team with some level of coordination and cohesion will win against the unruly zergmob. So don't move alone! Move in packs and attack in packs! Learn how to assign team targets by utilizing target symbols (Go to preferences, key bindings, targeting and pick keys for targeting symbols) and get your team to focus on the targets you chose. If you don't like to lead then learn how to follow! Be a 'wingman' and help out team mates who are in trouble. Stay in motion! WZs like Alderaan and Novare are often won by those who shift their forces faster than the opposing team. So don't idle around at objectives you just won. Instead move to assist elsewhere. Communicate! On defense warn your teammates where the enemy is attacking. Coordinate attacks or follow commands which direct you to attack somewhere! Read WZ-guides! Know the key elements for victory of each WZ. Where are the choke points? How do I keep the enemy from winning? Analyze your opponent! How are they trying to achieve victory? How do they deploy? Do they use stealth a lot? Are they sneaky? Direct? Can you 'draw them off' (some DDs will 'stay on target' at all cost which means that you can lead them to ambushes)?
  21. Kurze Frage: Habt ihr schon einmal so eine Grafik hier im Forum bewundern dürfen? Nein? Dan könnte es vielleicht daran liegen, dass BW das im Forum nicht zugelassen hat.
  22. You can't blame BW for not putting each and every patch on the PTS because there are so few players actually playing there outside the bigger content patches that the actual increase in QA would be negligible. I realize that this is somewhat of a circular argument because a more active approach towards your 'tester community' would make the PTS far more attractive to players, but in the state it is in it would have yielded little help to postpone a much-needed hot-fix patch on the live servers for some additional testing on the PTS. And the patches since 1.2 were just that: A series of hot-fixes and housekeeping patches. The urgency of them sort of negated the necessity of a prolonged test phase on the PTS. I just hope that BW will be able to settle down in the future and have time to develop content and features with a much less degree of ...well....let's call it panic. I guess we can all agree that there are many players 'out there' who would be more than willing to put some time into testing on the PTS. Fact is: BW does listen! If not for the feedback from the PTS-users a very unbalanced and silly system for ranked WZs would have gone live (As stated in a recent pod-cast). Chances are that 1.3 will hit the PTS rather soon. I will certainly test it to the best of my abilities and I hope to see more and more players who will try to make it an even better game than it is.
  23. Entscheidend ist, dass die rechte Maustaste an das Fertigkeitenfeld 1 gekoppelt ist. Dort muss also dein Standardangriff platziert sein.
  24. OK, so it looks like 1.3 will hit the PTS soon. Just in case BW intend to bring back the ranked WZ: WE NEED MORE LEVEL 50 CHARS TO TEST IT! I don't care how you fix this problem. Copy existing PvP-guilds' chars there. Simply gift the 300 players on the PTS with the highest valor rank a free level 50 char (name them testbob 1-x for all I care....and don't forget to give the enough credits to buy basic PvP-gear) or randomly upgrade one char per account to level 50 on the PTS and hope some will stroll about to ranked WZs. But DO something...anything to avoid what happened before 1.2!
  25. Nicht ganz unschuldig an dem "neuen Lebensgefühl" mit neuen Figuren dürfte bei mir sein, dass ich jetzt vier Buffs bekomme Man lernt wohl einfach im Laufe des Spiels enorm dazu. Meine erste Figur war ein Soldatentank. Mit Heilergefährtin im Schlepp hast du Zeit, viel Zeit, sowas von Zeit. Meine "Umerziehung" fand dann mit einem Scharfschützen statt. Deckung, anvisieren, Schuss bricht, sofort den Folgeschuss raus und den schnell Zielschuss hinterher, Blendgranate, Messer, neue Stellung, zwischendurch mal was Defensives aktiviert -Oh NEIN! Mein Gefährte stirbt!- jetzt aber schnell hin und ein Stunmesser raus usw. usw. usw. Das ganze noch einmal zwei Stufen härter gegen starke Gegner im PvP. Würde ich jedem mal raten einen Tag PvP zu spielen. Da ist PvE teilweise Zeitlupe gegen. Vor allem erhöht es die Entscheidungsgeschwindigkeit enorm. Das hat zur Folge, dass Gegner, die irgendwann einmal fast unschaffbar schwer erschienen, inzwischen fast mit links gemacht werden. Das ist doch gut, wenn man auch merkt, dass man irgendwie ein "besserer" Spieler geworden ist.
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