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Posts posted by Ozzone

  1. There not gonna merge servers, that would look like there loseing subs, wich they are, i would reroll or quit. As far as cross servers wz, i would not hold my breath on that, this is a company that dosent even have combat logs in it yet.


    Well they can continue to stick their head in the sand but they will end up dealing with it when the bad PR goes viral that servers are ghost towns OR they can do it now, keep what players they still have happy.


    I would start merging them now before 1.2 comes out to get the bad PR out of the way in hopes that 1.2 is successful




    Waiting until after 1.2 comes out and diminish any good PR that 1.2 generated.


    Of course, if 1.2 flops, it won't matter either way.

  2. A. ops still can stunlock someone to death.


    Not against a skilled player that knows how and when to counter and, trust me, ranked teams will know that and be ready for it.


    Once an op is countered, he's toast or will have to use Cloaking Screen to run away, especially in a team fight.


    If that ranked team doesn't have skilled players, it won't matter what classes they go up against period.

  3. Why bring a good op? Amazing spike damage that can catch enemy healers off guard. Not the solo killer they are in pugs, but as part of the assist train.


    Why bring most of the ops in this thread? Lawl, no reason to bring bads.


    Being all things equal for a guild (class skill and gear), DPS ops will be the least desired class especially if there is no selective rated wz queuing because of huttball. Small guilds may not have that luxury but large guilds, with a large resource pool of players, will.

  4. Warzone PvP devs (small-scale) a 4. (I'd give them a 5 if they will implement selective queueing).


    Open PvP devs (large-scale) a 0.


    Game engine implementation devs a -1 because of the crappy hitching.

  5. Genuinely, balance is pretty good right now, and easily the best PVP balance overall from a MMO in years. A few very minor tweaks could be added, but nothing major.


    If balance is so good right now, why are they monkeying around massively with class abilities in 1.2? A few adjustments I could understand but go look at the patch notes and you'll see my point.

  6. The First post in this thread is from Dec 27th of 2011. It's now March 17th of 2012 and this quest is still not fixed yet?


    Not even a post from BW stating that they are aware of it, yet week after week the patch notes are 1 liners fixing ... NOTHING.. adding animations for global CD's and such?..


    C'mon BW i've been giving you the benefit of the doubt since I started playing in Dec but even i'm starting to get frustrated with all the bugs that aren't getting fixed and thinking about throwing in the towel.


    For the LOVE, double your developer staff until u get everything fixed!!




    The continuous ineptitude boggles the mind.

  7. You will get so many different answers as to the correct rotation, but one thing you must remember is who you are attacking and if they know how to counter or not.


    An unskilled player is easy to dominate. A skilled one is almost impossible to kill once they stun you during your initial rotation and chances are if you can't re-stealth (with Cloaking Screen) you will get owned by a skilled player with similar gear.

  8. there are no useless classes in huttball, only useless players.


    Why must people always deal in absolutes. Of course there's no useless class. But I know from experience that some classes have a noticeable advantage over other classes but that's how huttball works.

  9. I'm not convinced the game engine can handle mass open world PvP.


    You're not? Hell, I was totally convinced the first time I went to Ilum and ran up to the Republic base and saw about 20 Imps fighting about 20 Reps. My FPS went from about 30 FPS down to about 4 FPS and stayed there until I got out of range.


    Then I spent days doing all the "fixes" for my high-end machine and went so far as to set up a ramdrive. It got a little better 15-20 FPS but the hitching was still a major problem.

  10. The only time I could see that being an issue is turtling the ball at the very end to get the win. Other than that, like was said, you aren't moving the ball so let them cover with it.
  11. Im so tired of this "Instant Gratification" attitude some ppl have these days...


    I think gear progression is fine, and i dont even have full champion gear on my main myself. Guess what? -I still do well.


    I wish there were alot more rewards to get from pvp, rewards that needed work to get. And no, it doesnt have to be stuff that makes you better either - but they need to be really desirable items or it wont be an incentive or give a sense of acomplishment once obtained.


    So yeah, give these kids their instant gratification armor at 50, remove expertise if they cry enough -I dont mind.

    -But before that happens, there should be a whole lotta extremely desirable and uniqe items that NEEDS work to get and that only can be obtained by doing GOOD at pvp.


    There has to be rewards that gives a sense of acomplishment for being good at what you do, or im willing to bet that more then just a few ppl will gradually get bored from this game.


    Thats my oppinion.




    Excellent point Twin but you are making one fatal mistake in your post. You use the word "work". This is a game and a game should never be work. You open the door wide open for criticism (watch and see) because your choice of a word.


    Accomplishment should require effort. Effort can mean a myriad of things but one thing it should not be is easy. That's the problem with developing a MMO and making it too easy which seems to be the path BW is heading down because they targeted the game to attract as many casual players as they could. Casual players don't have the time, or don't want to put in the time, to feel they are outgunned or out-geared. That's understandable if you think about it. But by doing so, they slowly but surely remove the core of an MMO, advancement and reward. The argument that winning is reward enough doesn't cut it for long. Giving token rewards (pretty pixels) or titles is not enough reward either in the long run. Case in point is valor ranks. It's become a token title now and means nothing (look at me, I'm a BM or WH or whatever). Hell, most players I see that have the WH title don't even use it. Why? Because it's a token title that really means nothing and, if anything, puts them up for ridicule from the "all you did was grind Ilum" crowd.


    The main problem with this game is that BW used a game engine that is substandard (in terms of large-scale pvp) and, on top of that, tried to make it work for people with old computer systems (thus the core design of data juggling between asset files and the DISKARENACACHE) and players found out quickly that their 3 year old duo-core machines running 3 year old graphics cards and using Windows XP with 4 gig (or less) of ram just can't handle it. Gamers with more state-of-the-art PCs have less problems but the problem is still there. I have a very fast system but even I notice the severe lag in Ilum when you have dozens of players battling it out in a small area. The game slows down to a hitching crawl making it barely playable (based on my expectations of what my system can handle).


    It is pretty obvious to most everyone here that end-game large-scale PvP is dead for now based on BW's reaction to forcing players to not go to Ilum. They are focusing their attention of giving more warzones (small scale PvP). Sorry, but most players can only do so much scripted small-scale PvP before they get tired of it. As long as BW continues down that path, which it appears they are doing, the more players they are going to lose.

  12. 1.2 is a make or break patch for this game. BW has pretty much everything riding on this and you can be sure they are not going to just "ninja" it in a tuesday patch. On the contrary, expect a lot of run up hype before it goes live.
  13. I assume that if the two sides get to the same point on the map, but do not reach the final objective, then the side which gets to that point the quickest wins ? (Please correct me if I'm wrong here).


    You are wrong. Ties are based on completed objectives period and RNG is used.

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