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Everything posted by Maegi

  1. Maegi

    Please help mercs

    Oh shut up, Entity. I have yet to see you perform badly with any class. You don't get to complain! #nerfEntity2015!
  2. ....trying to figure out who you are. Breskeko is not familiar to me.
  3. that's a tad misleading. it's not like they are healing or dealing damage while invulnerable. They have to stand still and do nothing while the ability is activated. For anyone who remembers sorc healing PRE force barrier, you were dead meat if focused. It helped there survivability and it has a big CD attached, so it's not THAT OP
  4. Shadowlands has regular reg pops. Solo is spotty at the moment, but you can usually get it going if you form an ops group and shout out in gen chat. The quality of those ranked matches is dependant on who is queing. PvE on SL is better than average, but i haven't done much PvE over the last year or more. There is a toxic element on SL, but it's smaller than other servers, and can be easily ignored or avoided if you want.
  5. Devs: please merge all forum into this post. pls ty.
  6. Maegi

    Not 100% sure

    Wat? since when?
  7. Some people just seem oblivious to the fact that the things they say in game or in voip are being said to actual people. It's easy to say whatever you want when there are no consequences and it's easy to get caught up in the moment and put your humanity on hold for a minute. I know there have been moments for me where i have said things that i regretted saying later. I think everyone has those moments. Unfortunately things like this happen all of the time and for lots of different reasons. Sometimes people don't realize that what they are saying is offensive. I'm not really sure what i'm trying to say here, but I guess my point is that you are more than likely going to run into this at varying degrees wherever you go. It's up to you whether you let it get under your skin and ruin the game for you.
  8. ok. that crystal is used to open the doors if the maintenance shaft according to your link. I am already well past that and at the actual door to the datacron.
  9. Ive done this maybe a dozen times and have never had to have anything to get through the actual datacron door. Can someone else confirm this? Even that guide does not say that.
  10. You enjoy protecting people... Awesome. Roll tank to do that. Dps is for damage. You already get taunts to protect.
  11. We are NOT saying nerf guard. We are saying leave guard to tank spec ONLY and get rid of the skank tank. If a ranked match ends up 4v4 all dps and one of those dps can change spec and become a defacto tank, that is a potentially HUGE advantage.
  12. I'm at the door to the datacron, not trying to get in at the museum. You don't need anything for that. You click the door, you go into a cut-scene, BOOM GG all. You've never needed the chrystal to get into that door.
  13. You are all so ungrateful. When someone sh*ts on your head, you are supposed to say "Thanks for the hat!"
  14. I see a lot of this on my list as well.
  15. I recently levelled a Sage to 56 during 12x XP and i was going through collecting datacrons. I got a group together for the Fleet datacron and waited until last to get mine since i was pulling. I run to the door and.....ACCESS DENIED. I submitted a ticket in game ref #19219345 and i was informed that this is a bug and would have to submit as a bug report. I will do so in game as well, but i figured i would post here too.
  16. Guess that answers the question of "hey, remember when everyone was rah rah let's all go to Shadowlands? *** happened to those people?"
  17. Me on a madness sorc grouped with friends in an arena (PT tank and sorc heals). rando sorc pugs in with PvE gear on... PT says "rip 47K sorc". Healer says "seriously pvp gear is so cheap right now". Rando sorc gets a bit grumpy. brags about how he pulls good numbers. Round 1 rando sorc has guard and healer up his butt keeping him alive while I am trying to kite a fury mara with a MM sniper free casting on me. Once all cooldowns are blown I'm pretty much dead in the water. My damage numbers aren't great. Rondo out damages me (he was alive twice as long) and immediately proceeds to talk mad sh*t. My tank says ya we were trying to keep you alive... this time we won't bother. Rd 2 rando sorc is globallolololololed. GG Rando sorc accuses us of hacking.... not sure the correlation, but it was funny.
  18. HO: I think he is talking about PTs with the speed buff. Yes, the speed increase applies out of combat. Phase walk doesn't have that long of a cool down nor should it. Also... sorcs are getting wat? that's a troll, ya?
  19. Go home, Kre'a. You're drunk.
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