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Everything posted by Maegi

  1. I'm not sure if he still plays, but find Gaytastic. He would be the one who would probably know more about it than anyone. Imp side toon. Pretty sure most of the veterans on our server know the guy or know OF him.
  2. Unless they give out a different mount for the players who actually earned it I won't be equipping my nexu. I wouldn't feel right about it, having not earned it. Yes, I know that it was a legit mistake bank error in my favor, but it was supposed to be an exclusive reward for the better players of which I am not lol.
  3. except lolresist resist resist resist. I even saw Krei'a complaining about this in SL gen chat last night. Other than the constant resisting i like the change.
  4. If you think Shadowlands is pub dominated you have obviously never been to Shadowlands.
  5. I hear this all of the time on SL. "You're in a group so you need to que group ranked". What if i just don't WANT to do that? I'm not in a group in regs because i want to stomp on pugs, I'm in a group because I have more fun in a group of people that i like to play with. Win or lose. Also, there is NO 8v8 objective ranked anymore. What if I don't WANT to death-match all the time? Stop whining about people grouping up. It's not a ToS violation. It's not an unfair advantage. It's not a guaranteed win/loss. I que solo and I win and I lose. I que with a premade and I win and I lose. Such is life.
  6. Maegi


    I freely admit that I am bad ALL of the time. All day err day.
  7. I find it ironic that your group of "premades ruin pvp" followers are trying to steamroll the solo guy who says premades aren't the problem. Your whiner premade too stronk. Only one person per opinion pls.
  8. I think having a separate que for reg arenas would be a good thing for 4s teams who want to practice in the exact same conditions as ranked without the ratings loss. That's really the only benefit i can see that would be a legitimate reason to do this. Obj....death match.... I don't prefer one over the other really. The arenas are short, so it's not like you're having to endure them for such a long time. anyway, as i said, it would be nice to have that for 4s practice.
  9. that there is a WHOLE section for guild recruitment at the top of these forums?
  10. That's quite an exaggeration. All of that stuff existed WAY before transfers. Are there more people doing it? yes. but do you want i nicey nicey server or do you want a larger population so you can do more things more often? the more people the more trolls potentially. You make it seem like if you play on SL you're going to end up with PTSD afterward.
  11. maybe i'm mistaken. don't know for sure. There are others who we just never see anymore for various reasons. Perhaps the forums will liven up some once the new transfers decide to forum with us.
  12. Honestly... I have no idea why this thread exists. Toxic gen chat is toxic. It was that way before and it continues to be regardless of an influx of new people. People transferring here did not make it better or worse; there's just more of it. It reminds me of people who come to the midwest from the coast thinking that it was some fairy land where everyone is nice and crime doesn't exist. If you notice, this thread was STARTED by a transfer . Pls. we don't need you to protect us from the big bad PoT5ers. The only reason you haven't been shouted down already is because the loudest of us got banned cuz rude. rip venkman rip frequencyz rip kirito rip eavn rip zenod (i know you're not banned, but you're less talkative since all the banning #modsnerfedforumpvp) i really do miss seeing the vibrant **** talking on the forums even if most of you guys hate my guts. And now i leave you with a video i made of me in pvp
  13. TDR is still active. Whether you can call us a "pvp" guild is up for debate though. We do a LOT of pvp, yes, but i've seen the focus shift more towards conquest since we first started. We are a more laid back group in pvp.
  14. Looking forward to seeing the influx of new blood soon P.S. I am bad and only want to live. Please don't embarrass me more than i already do myself.
  15. I'm on SL and i have NEVER.....EVER had to wait that long for a warzone. Are you sure you didn't que ranked? That would make sense. 70 minutes for a reg. wz though?
  16. Also the new books that have been coming out for a few months now
  17. Dat date doe! He uploaded it from teh future!
  18. I don't know if i didn't get enough games in (i lost count), but i didn't get any CCs. Did they already give them out?
  19. I haven't seen them around for a while. I think they imploded, but that is unsubstantiated.
  20. Also the guild recruitment section is up there ^^^^
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