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Everything posted by Maegi

  1. I'm glad yous guys are back. Maybe this forum will be interesting again SQUEEEE
  2. I'm fairly certain "nice charge" was a back-handed coment. I guess not knowing that would change the tone of the OP to something i had not considered. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but i think you were getting trolled.
  3. ok, aside from the complete snark that fills your entire post, let's talk a bit about this. Did you bother doing ANY research before you just decided to pvp? it's not a prerequisite, no, but there is a ton of information about gearing and the different war zones and how to counter this or that. But, as you said, you don't really care to learn it anyway. Do you raid in grean gear too? Not bother avoiding red circles. Ignoring mechanics? Put the shoe on the other foot and ask yourself if PvEers wouldn't act the same way after 5 wipes. You are not FORCED to PvP. You made a choice to do it. Either learn something about what you are doing or be prepared for people to be rude. We have been dealing with the "Piercers" since KotFE came out and it gets really tiresome. So before you cry toxic community, try looking in the mirror.
  4. Chasso, I want OFF the hugs list too many hugs have left me depressed and hating life
  5. It gets better in midbies and at 65 it's even more frequent, but pub side pops can get kind of spotty on SL.
  6. TEH, not SL for Reps, unless you are taking a LOT of buddies with you. or if you only play 2-3 hours a night in prime time.
  7. OH! i LOVE madlibs!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Not entirely true. RBL and Jeddit aren't imp alts. They HAVE imp alts, but they are all pub focused. You just have to be around when they are on. At that point it evens out a LOT.
  9. I'm glad you all survived your harrowing ordeal. #cadilacproblems
  10. I seriously LOLed at this one. Domi, look at Republic Bowling League on pub side and The Darkness Reborn, HEL, The Greased Hutts on imp side. There are a few others, but as far as i know they are pretty closed or tight knit groups that aren't usually actively recruiting. As far as the state of PvP on SL, I would say it's getting better again from the Pierce/MK-X debacle. Sometimes you get a bad group and you want to wait a bit before you reque. Charley hit the mark with his comments as well.
  11. I'm just glad we CAN do it again. I don't care how much of a PITA it is, it's still better than your comms being stuck on the toon that earned them.
  12. Just sayin'... You are name dropping quite a bit. INB4 I know I'm bad. I just like to ahit stir. Please continue... Also... Are we really letting that guy get away with that meme? Where's the community? Ya we all talk long sh*t, but come on, we are all pvpers....
  13. Wait... I know there's a word... Nonono don't tell me.... Allanis Morrisette.... Something something raaaaaiiiiin. Pots and kettles....
  14. So are we gonna Fatedd this guy and his meme or what? Kill count bounty? Anyone know who he is?
  15. I got really excited when Kreia suggested this and SL was picked last time. This time I am jaded. It didn't work. People spent less than 2 weeks on Sl and then crawled back in their holes (IF they even showed). WZs were really great for that little while, but it didn't last long enough to mean anything.
  16. The upgraded mods you are talking about ARE exemplar gear mods. (I think) and you can't buy the armorings by themselves so you will never be able to have better gear han exemplar without buying the exemplar gear.
  17. he usually hugs me with tracer missle
  18. That is what YOU are doing LMAO! you want a PvP companion and you DON'T want to pvp to get it. It gains affection for every PvP win...... also Domi was saying you have to run ops and fps and dailys to get the comms to buy the gifts NOT that you have to run ops to get a companion.
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