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Everything posted by Kolbenito

  1. Kolbenito


    Some people don't know macros work. I gather that people who aren't familiar with them think you turn multiple key presses into pressing the key once. A good macro system does not allow you to do this. If the action takes 2 or 3 "clicks" the macro does too, it is just more efficient. Here is a well known example from another game. #showtooltip Spell Reflection /cast [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Spell Reflection; [stance:3] Defensive Stance /stopmacro [equipped: Shields] /stopcasting /equip Vicious Gladiator's Slicer /equip Vicious Gladiator's Shield Wall What this does - Stop casting other spells immediately - Equip a shield and 1 hand weapon (required for this spell to work) - Check your stance and either cast the spell or change your stance I can do this almost as fast manually, the macro is just slightly faster and more efficient - F1 Battle Stance, Middle Mouse weapon Swap, G for Spell Reflect ........................... When people hear "macro" I think they are under the impression that i hit a key like "5" and it does action A then action B then action C then action D ... action F I realize this is how macros work in some other games. Typically when I see people asking for them on these forums they are talking something like the first half of my post.
  2. All Juggs are tanks like all Inquisitors/Operatives are Healers. Different talent trees are different.
  3. There are a few pretty obvious problems with the pvp right now, most could be fixed. 1. no rated pvp to keep the geared players occupied and out of random warzones. 2. world pvp rewards that favor the zerg faction. 3. no "easy mode" warzone you can mindlessly queue for to farm valor, example alterac valley. These problems kind of add up for the new 50.
  4. It's not a bad try at it. I think for myself it doesn't quantify what a class can do which would be hard, I wouldn't know how or where to begin. Example: Juggernaut and I want to control a caster for a little bit, maybe a healer or something Charge -> Scream -> Ravage -> Choke -> Force Push -> Charge -> Disruption In real PVP there is give and take as we exchange stuns/gap closers/gap openers but you get the point. It was an interesting read though.
  5. That would be really frustrating. Seem to be a number of issues like these that affect some people and not others. I don't have this particular problem, would be the most annoying one.
  6. Shows complete lack of understanding of what arena actually is Check
  7. You get to pick your fights, have escape and can dish out a health deficit during stuns that is borderline retarded. I'm not seeing what the problem is. Play something else maybe so you can appreciate what you have?
  8. Why the 70s was the best decade.... So swtor must be like the new hangout for all you DAoC people since you don't have a game to play anymore. I'm curious why nobody ever made a DAoC-clone
  9. I cringe when I see people talking about how things work in WoW because they are almost always wrong or intentionally wrong to make some rabid fanboy point. First of all, people who get chain CC'd a lot in WoW are bad. Here is how Dimishing Returns work. Each type of CC is split into a type, if any CC of that type lands on you again in less than 18 seconds DR starts to kick in. So the first time you get stunned it lasts full duration (6 seconds), the next stun is half duration (3 seconds), the next after that is 1/4 duration (1.5 seconds) after that you are IMMUNE. A full 18 seconds must pass before that type of CC can be used again. Part of the "skill" in using CC in WoW is that you can't just unload whatever you have on people and have it work. You have to pay attention to DR so that your CC is not wasted. Another important thing is that most of the CC in WoW can be dispelled. Several types of CC can be avoided completely either through playing well or through game/class mechanics such as grounding totem. The game also has things like Termor Totem, Grounding Totem, Berserker Rage, Fear Ward, Spell Reflect, Dark Simulacrum, Hand of Sacrifice, Divine Shield, Iceblock, Animal Forms, Disarm and so on. CC effects like Hibernate and Scare Beast can be totally outplayed. Ring of Frost is 100% avoidable. There are like a half dozen ways to break blind, sap, repent, eat hunter traps depending on class and team mates classes. .... The game is still new but this is one aspect of skilled play that is missing. I'm seeing the same thing from SWTOR mechanics that I saw in Warhammer. No penalty for just mindlessly spamming your **** cause something random someone did is going to lock the person down and kill them. What interesting ways are there to outplay CC in this game besides LOS? Again, new game lots to learn so I'm not writing the possibility off completely. Resolve could be okay, but it needs a lot of work. Some serious QA at the very least.
  10. I can't even tell what point you are making with this post. This isn't the first and it won't be the last time that someone did something in an MMO and it was made easier/cheaper/faster for someone else. Get over it.
  11. A lot of times people are doing this hoping you will get on your 50 or call in some friends to get some world pvp going. Working as intended to increase PVP on a PVP server.
  12. Nobody should be able to play with friends because you don't? That is literally what you are saying, think about it.
  13. Very short version: Raiders Rewards Longer version: MMOs subscriptions are based heavily on keeping you around by giving you things to do and ways to get and upgrade your stuff. There is no "beat the game" in this genre, it's beat what is available and wait for the next stuff. A classic carrot and stick incentive if you prefer. Keep players playing indefinitely through new things to do, see and acquire. Raid content typically increases in difficulty as it is implemented, the reward for beating harder content is better gear. Over time this creates a large gear difference between people who raid and those who don't. The answer to that has been to implement a similar level of progression in gear obtainable solely through PVP. The idea is to keep PVP gear better for PVP, so that Raiders do not have a massive gear advantage. The "gear imbalance" in the PVP gear is mostly caused by the fact that not everyone has got the gear yet. There is nothing elite, or special or even exclusive about the gear; it is meant for everyone to obtain. The game is just very new and many people are not at that point yet. Some people are also trying to PVP as a new level 50 in leveling/quest gear instead of getting as many upgrades as possible first, which just doesn't work in MMOs.
  14. It's the difference between people who prefer large scale zerg fights with equal numbers and those who prefer small scale skill fights. Neither is wrong, both are fun. I would like to see 4v4, but not without the testing I referred to in my previous post. If the engine could handle 48v48 or something that would be fun too. Main mistake to avoid is providing the best rewards from a single source of PVP. If you have several ways to PVP and they are all equal then players can choose what they find fun.
  15. I'm not against Arena combat, does anyone really think the game is polished enough yet for any kind of Arena to not just generate a flood of it's own QQ? Once you have Arena in the game it becomes all about what crazy thing Sorc/Op/Assasin (example, chill) can do and players will go an extra mile to call anything challenging OP and beg for nerfs. If there are ANY bugs with the maps or ways to cheese, these forums will explode. Biggest problem with Arena, is most players are bad. In their head they are pro and can't understand why they lose, but they expect to win by tunneling and overpowering people with big damage CDs. When it doesn't work and they can't figure out how to counter something they will bust the damn on QQ river. Arena frustrates people because it exposes everything they aren't good at whether that is communication, focus, interrupts or anything else. I say do it, but it needs to be really tight and polished before it ever hits live servers. PTS for 3 months with ability to create BM geared 50s at a minimum so people can test it.
  16. Yes. I enjoy seeing the same people on both sides and the rivalries amd friendships that result from it. Wow used to have this, it was the best the game has ever been for community. Cross server is great for queue times at thr expense of any sense of server or community.
  17. All I have heard on GW2 is that there are supposed to be three ways to get gear and the gear is roughly equal. Crafting, PVE and PVP. Games have a way of making claims to draw attention that turn out to a little different once they are live. This may or may not be one of those. in wow at the present new raid content and rated pvp seasons coincide with each other. Each new season has a very easy to get pvp set and a set that comes from rated pvp (and doing non-rated games just at a slower pace). The difference between a player in the starter set and one on the rated set is fairly small. In the wow pvp world we laugh at pvp that has gear imbalances and don't consider it anything but skill-less garbage. The only pvp that matters to us is rated games against good players in good gear. Wow used to be people who raided outgearing everyone and flexing epeen, but that was before arena, several years ago. Wow started the seperate gear from pvp specifically to keep pvpers up to date on gear so this wouldn't happen. powerful pve items are still a problem towards the end of expansions, it is difficult to provide these kinds of things without them showing up in pvp. this game may see similar things down the road. Can't change the opinions of haters but it is at least worth knowing the real story.
  18. Not that it matters but pretty sure "Zerg" comes from Starcraft. Specifically zerglings a unit of the Zerg which are cheap and you can produce in mass numbers. My nerd is showing, ahem. Twitch doesn't work in MMOs because of the GCD (Global Cooldown). Where "skill" in MMO PVP comes from is knowing your opponents class and abilities. "He can't use his sprint for XX more seconds so I'm going to do ....". "Skilled" PVP in this genre is absolutely about controlling the enemy and capitalizing on mistakes in cooldown usage and at the very highest levels it means leading them to a point where they are out of cooldowns so you can use yours. Movement doesn't matter half as much as knowing what to interrupt, what to LOS, what to CC, when to burst etc. Moving well is obviously important but it's like a fraction of your skill cap. "I want to make him use his trinket on X so I can CC him full duration with Y". There really isn't anything that translates between FPS and MMOs because these games are all about knowing when and why to do something. Swtor isn't mature enough to see this yet, but someday you will probably get to watch some Warzones with actual pro caliber players and see great examples of this. Gear... Whole other topic. Aside from a horrible RNG bag system nothing really prevents anyone from getting full battlemasters but time and effort. It's something anyone can achieve so besides the extreme aggravation of not getting what you need form bags I'm not seeing the point of the debate. ANYONE can get the gear, we just need Bioware to put in a loot system that doesn't suck all the fun of PVP away while getting it.
  19. Very familiar with it. They should have considered leaving the TR up full time as an option for the Arena community. Maybe swtor will consider doing the same if it gets to that level. It's fair to do this on Tournament Server because it's only purpose is Arena. There is no leveling, no PVE, no battlegrounds, no crafting, no auction house, no world PVP nada. Just dueling and Arena. Not sure how you could possibly do this on a retail live server though with so much else going on. The economy and a bunch of other stuff would just be fubar.
  20. Fair enough. They still have 10 million people "paying" to play the game. I don't actually recall what the original comment was but it said something like only half the people who play wow actually pay for it or something which is not the same thing as this article is saying.
  21. It's not a bad idea I think the problem is how do they do this. Your gear would literally swap out or something when entering anywhere that PVP could possibly happen? The best idea so far that I have heard was Blizzard's latest hinting around at something they are working on for Mists of Pandaria. It sounds like Resilience, the stat that reduces all player damage by a significant amount (anti-burst stat) might just become a base character stat. The way I imagine it is that everyone would have say 45% damage reduction base stat and they could tweak it if burst gets too high.. which it seems to do about halfway through every expansion. There would still be SOME imbalance between a new player and a player who raids/pvps competitively but not a massive one. You might face someone who does more damage than you but there shouldn't be any gibing of the helpless going on. Then again, Blizzard has promised to lower burst damage every expansion and make fights take longer - and every expansion they eat crow when people get their hands on some PVE gear.
  22. Nope Then again you don't have too many 2200+ people trolling randoms either because those people have somewhere better to use their skill.
  23. You are the first person I have ever seen make this claim. Maybe you are right. Again, do you have a link or something to back these numbers up?
  24. Blizzard talks about allowing players to do whatever they want with whatever they have in the next expansion of WoW. I assume they mean raid in PVP gear if that is how you want to do it, or PVP in raid gear. They probably plan to do something with base character stats or something they really haven't said what they mean yet. All of this comes down to how hard or how easy it is to get the gear. If it was mailed to you when you ding 50 that would be a bit ridiculous. If it takes weeks of warzones and complete luck that is ridiculous too. If it took you two weeks to get your BM set playing 12 hours a week with a 50% win ratio that would not be too much of a grind. That is really what needs to happen so the game can move on to more meaningful PVP. I have a feeling that Rated Warzones will bring a change like this since nobody will give a **** about it if it's just geared vs. ungeared slaughters. For anyone to take it seriously the gear will have to be obtainable to anyone who wants to participate... Blizzard finally realized this after some bad calls over a few arena season.
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