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Everything posted by Pirana

  1. Simply because people are visual creatures, especially males. And the there's a large percentage of males interested in Star Wars. Me personally. You couldn't pay me to read a book, I'd rather be in the gym or doing something productive outdoors when not nerding out to this game.
  2. Couldn't agree more, not impressed.
  3. Eight years old and still remember it vividly. What I remember more is in 1980, our friends had a chance to see Empire before we did, and once they returned home, informed us who Vader really was. Talk about a spoiler. Needless to say, we had to see it to believe it. Good times.
  4. Character name: Cafe Legacy name: Latte Hence: Cafe Latte Corny as hell, but with the non stop pop ups I was receiving every time I zoned in regarding a Legacy name, couldn't think of anything, looked at my cup of coffee, and poof!
  5. Couldn't agree more. I originally gave TOR a 3-4 year life span, it may not make it that long. Although, I really do hope I'm wrong, as this is the only Star Wars mmo on the market. Regarding the thread topic, the adage apples and oranges comes to mind.
  6. The more cushion for the pushin' buttocks comes to mind.
  7. Pirana / Meddman / Dionysia Bria and Starsider respectively.
  8. Tatooine in a heartbeat. I'm an outdoors enthusiast when not nerding out and playing this. Tat's all about the warm climate and sun.
  9. SWG without question. And this coming from a person who canceled their sub early last year before the shutdown was announced. The above post pretty much nails it. I don't read the books or watch the cartoons, but I did grow up watching the original movies, including seeing Star Wars in '77. So having that put to a video game was fairly epic, regardless of the timeline and bugs. Thoroughly enjoyed KOTOR I and II, but there was only so much to do in those games, and after beating them a few times, it became tedious. Although, I could probably pick it up today and still enjoy it. Never played Forced Unleashed, can't comment. SWTOR has a long way to go, and might possibly replace SWG's enormity. But currently, this game can't hold SWG's jock, and shouldn't have to. The game has been released just over two months, while SWG had eight years of development. Short answer: SWG
  10. Too many to list, but here's a few that come to mind: 1) Orbital Stations 2) UI 3) Planet peripherals
  11. The following video gives you a basic idea. There were a few mods used, but overall, pretty much spot on, and probably the best film for, or of the game. I played five years myself and was there until the end. I won't give any of my own viewpoints as most have already been made by others in this thread. Anyway, if you haven't watched it, it's worth the view, even for those that never had the opportunity to play SWG.
  12. No. Played RIFT for three months. This game is very similar, only with a Sci-Fi skin. More than likely canceling after my three month sub is up, unless something drastically changes.
  13. Dude, I almost hurled my oatmeal when I read that. Made my morning. lol
  14. My guess is that I will be there as you mentioned, only because this is the only time, and the only thing that I geek out on. It being Star Wars. But, I can assure you, I won't be eating popcorn or whatever it is they serve there. Unlike most gamers, I care about my health. Regarding the 3D, from my point of view, it wasn't impressive whatsoever. The most impressive aspect, and this isn't hyperbole, were the subtitles. But, if others enjoy it, that's great.
  15. I have a few. Although I was Rebel, I enjoyed the Imperial deco more: http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv22/dmacr/screenShot0178.jpg http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv22/dmacr/screenShot0177.jpg And a random one: http://i666.photobucket.com/albums/vv22/dmacr/screenShot0173.jpg
  16. Simple answer. No, I would not play SWG. I had already canceled early last year, got word the game was ending and stuck it out til its closure in December. I thoroughly enjoyed my five years in the SWG, but there wasn't anything in the game that remotely interested me that I hadn't already done. Still the best mmo I've played to date though. @Jenel - Arch Mesa. Visited there a number of times, as Bria was my server of choice for a number of years. Good times.
  17. I responded to a similar thread yesterday with nearly the same criticism as the above post. If you're going into this expecting to see the same 3D style movie with today's standards, Phantom likely won't pacify you. Oddly enough, the three people I saw it with yesterday all agreed, the subtitles were the highlight of the 3D. A lot of what you might be hoping to view in 3D, quite simply isn't, that's all I'll mention without giving to much away. If and when they do release Clones in 3D, unless there's massive improvement, I'll more than likely pass. One last note, I've seen all six movies in the theaters, dating back to '77 and did enjoy Phantom, so it's not a knock on the film, I just wasn't impressed with the 3D.
  18. Saw it today, wasn't impressed. If you're comparing it to current 3D movies on the market, you'll more than likely be disappointed, but it wasn't horrible either. I won't give anything away as to what was and what wasn't in 3D, but I won't be seeing Clones if and when it's released in 3D. I actually saw the original three in the theaters in the 70's and 80's, and did enjoy the last three, so this isn't a bash regarding the last three movies, I just wasn't impressed with the 3D that was added.
  19. You mentioned you've never healed in an mmo before. With that, I would definitely level as a Healer. As mentioned above, it'll help you learn the basics. And the most important aspect is to learn your abilities, when to use them, and where the buttons are. Last thing you'll want is a wandering eye and start glaring at your keyboard/mouse buttons searching for the correct ability to use, those should be second nature. In addition, leveling as a Healer in this game is fairly easy, the Tanking and dps your companions have is more than sufficient. Good Luck!
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