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Everything posted by Shibata

  1. I have not yet canceleld my sub, but I am really thinking I should, short story of my experience with the game so far: I like to PvE, started on a decent pop server and all was good. In a matter of 3-4 weeks, the guild had been left with about 20 active members out of more than 40. Our server had started to become more and more empty. Guild leader and officers started a discussion about moving to a more populated realm. We did that. Leveled to 50 again on a different class, hoping that at some point I will be able to unite my 50's from both servers. I / We still have no idea if that will be possible or how it will be done. Lack of communication about transfers will make me unsub as I do not want to have my 50's separated. If and only if I will know that they can play on the high pop server I am currently in, then I will maybe stay. I will NOT pay money to transfer my char from the dead server to the high pop one, I'd rather change the game I play before I do that. After we transfered we started to focus on PvP as PvE become way too boring, so bugged and so little to do other than farm OPS, no thank you. So now I am in a good PvP guild but ... there is no world PvP, gear is a big fat grind fest, there is no reward for being skilled, even people who constantly loose are full BM gear and have a few War Hero pieces. How is that logical? Conclusion: PvP is a grindfest and everyone gets rewarded be it good or bad. On top of everything, we cannot queue with 8 nor do we have rated as was promised, and there is NO clue to when it will come. We were lied to so people resubscribe and people did. Now they will not come back anymore because they feel really cheated, me included potentially. TL;DR: 1. Population issues on servers. Ok, it will be addressed with transfers soon-ish (maybe), but there are too many unknowns at this point. I'd rather cancel now and wait to see if they implement the free transfers properly. I will not pay for their incompetence. 2. Boring PvE content. Nothing innovative, same scripted crap again, same "moar Dot's, he will enrage, moar dps !!11". 3. PvP is a joke, a grindfest for gear, no rewards for being good (or better than most) other than a little faster grind for the gear that everyone will eventually get, some faster than others. Also: THERE IS NO WORLD PVP ! 4. I will never forget the 1.2 rated Wz fiasco. It all looks like a publicity stunt to me, got a lot of people to come back and then gave them the shaft. There is still no word on when it will arrive, nor can we at least queue 8 man for normal, give us at least this. 5. Overall I have no people to play with from the ones I started to. Literally everyone I know quit the game, being alone in what is starting to feel like a payed beta is not something I enjoy. Even my current guild, the PvP guild, has most players in Tera, not sure how many will ever come back.
  2. Did the developer team in this game ever say they actually play it? I strongly think they should if they do not, it would be a wake call maybe for mane of them: managers, developers, whatever. They will understand why they will have little to no players very soon ...
  3. So true. Hence the waves of people truly disappointed with a lot of things and features that are implemented badly or not at all. I'm in my second guild already because my first disbanded due to people quitting. Joined a bigger one on a more populated server. More than 30 active players are now playing another game and most cancelled TOR. All very disappointed with a lot of things, these vain promises that never happened being the main reason for most. How much more do you think the rest of us that try to hang on are going to take?
  4. This is one of the least important problems that this game has at the moment my friend. It's so insignificant compared to other huge issues (population on servers, bugs, lack of content etc etc etc) that It doesn't even deserve mentioning at this point. Maybe keep it for a later date.
  5. Started on Uthar Wynn, Empire side. we started to see the signs of the population taking a downfall so we re-rolled to TOFN almost 3 months ago. While the new server has a pretty healthy population pool, I am scared of what the future will bring. Left a fully geared (at the time) PvP and PvE Bounty Hunter on Uthar. I will probably NOT be able to transfer the BH for free on TOFN (speculation by ME, not facts, be aware of this please). IF that happens, this game is over for me. Was a patient man so far ... let's see how BW handles the crappy situation that THEY themselves created population wise. BW, please note that people are not happy. Very few people come on these boards and post or even read. That does NOT mean that people are happy. I see people writing crap like: "people don't come here on the forum as they are too busy enjoying the game". What a bunch of horse manure. A LOT of people are upset but do not come moaning here, they are simply not happy and leave without saying a word to you people. I see it in my guild (original guild on Uthar had about 40-50 active members, after 1 month of being on our new server, we had about 10 left, the rest quit the game). I see it on general chat. Solutions are going to be here, but they will come way too late for many of us. Hope others will take our place so the game does not die. I really do.
  6. hahaha owned. OT: good for you man, glad at least some people are having fun in this game.
  7. Ok, so you know how to use it i take it. Then we are talking about a different aspect here: the resolve system works as intended, but is not a very good system. People may want a system similar or the same with diminishing returns. What the problem on forums and in discussions is: a lot of people think and post that resolve is broken (yet they do not know hot to properly use it) and keep saying it over and over and confuse even more people. The discussion should be: change the system or improve the times you are actually immune after properly using your CC breaker after resolve bar fills up.
  8. One question please: how do you think the resolve bar is working (meaning what do you think the mechanics are)? Can you describe what you understand from the resolve bar and how you use is to your advantage?
  9. This has been addressed a lot before in other topics similar to this. It is simply a big NO to this topic from my part. Your AC is the class that is present in other MMO's, you can't just change class. Besides the horrid balance issues this would cause and fotm switching, I can't immagine the difficulty it would present in actual game implementations from a dev point of view. A very unrealistic option that must never be tried imo.
  10. The guy above named them, also the patch note quotes, read them again please. Wz's have taken a fix, a step in the right direction imo.
  11. Seems like this is not working as intended in my book. The decision to end the game like ours ended makes perfect sense to me. It's obvious who won the game, but also reward them properly for their efforts please. All these bugs or whatever, are starting to get on a lot of people's nerves ...
  12. True, but this seemed like a bug to me, trying to figure out if it is or not.
  13. Not me I'm afraid, but again: we did not stay there for a short time, 10 minutes is pretty long, other matches are won a lot faster and with better rewards (ex: Civil War)
  14. Well how could we? the game automatically ended when we got the first bomb off. Why are we being punished basically for a clean win? Is this not a pretty big design flaw, aka bug?
  15. Well, we are all entitled to opinions, let's not take the discussion in that direction, I really am curious about what is happening with the reward system at least.
  16. Well, we didn't exactly steamrolled them, we stood for the entire 1st Round and a bit of Round 2, total of about 10 minutes. Not exactly a steam-roll, but a clean and nice win overall, yet the rewards were really poor. Is there something not wrong here?
  17. Hello fellow PvP-ers and not only, I get it that the PvP system as a whole changed, maybe it needed drastic changes, maybe it needed smaller scale changes, maybe it needed proper testing (!!!). I don't really know what to say about it at the moment, it does however feel poorly tested, but implemented on us to test, while paying for it. Rant over, to the main subject now: I get that the loosing team is being rewarded with a lot less stuff (Xp if pre-50, money if any level, valor, comms). The thing where it was said that if you work hard enough to get the objectives done but you loose - you get a decent amount. Sometimes this happens, yes, maybe it is for the better overall, the devs made a decision, we will have to stick with it. However, my problem today is with WINNING. Yes, winning a WZ. And because a picture is worth 1000 words, there is a little link to a beauty of a win and the rewards for it: http://i.imgur.com/8M2Y8.jpg The story there is as follows: Voidstar match, random group. We start by defending our doors and we do so properly without letting them plant, end of round 1 without a plant from the other team. Round 2 starts, we plant decently fast, bomb goes off, game is over (not letting us complete, over with 1-0 for us). After all that work in Round 1, we get a friggin 62 Wz comms (usually when the team wins, we get 90-ish comms and 3k-ish valor) and ~2.4k valor. What is happening with the PvP and when will we get some answers please? TLDR: Won a match, got loads of medals (8 minimum but I personally got a lot more and others as well), yet the rewards were like at a lost game. Weird or what?
  18. Just canceled sub today. Operative healer. The patch notes made it look like we got a healing buff, when in reality, everyone else simply got a "stay-alive" nerf ... Not sure how to really describe what is going on. I am not a bad player, nor am I a great one, probably decent in-between, more than casual. PvP is what I like to do and it is impossible to heal anymore. If anyone notices me healing, even 1 player is enough to kill me (full BM gear minus 3 armor pieces that are champion). Sitting at almost 1k expertise, yet i can't stay alive if anyone, any class, comes after me. I am not an expert in the changes, I don't know the math behind 1.2 changes but I notice that something is REALLY wrong here. This has been the last drop, it is not the nerfs or whatever that bother me, it is the overall feeling that this game is handled by amateurs that is driving me away. There have been too many blunders so far with this game for me to accept the state of SwTOR. I was patient, I was hopefull, loved the game a while back, yet now I can't delete it fast enough from my drive. Good luck to you all.
  19. I really want to believe that, but this is not the first time this happens, it's been going on since before the launch of the game: empty promises, never to be delivered, over-marketing etc. I'm sorry, but it is really hard to believe anything positive at this point.
  20. Hyping (marketing) rated WZ's = a lot of ppl re-subbed just for these type of features. Telling people 8 hours before the patch hits live means they grabbed a month worth of subscription from a lot of people before having to make the announcement. If you did not realize that this was all calculated, then you fail at basic life (I don't mean YOU, I mean any person that think sthis was all a big coincidence...).
  21. Please watch it again, you will understand things a lot better. This whole cancellation of such a big part of the patch, a few hours before it hits live servers is wrong on so many levels, I don't know where to start ...
  22. Pointless thread, Rotworms are loosing it ...
  23. Ok, I have nothing against fixes and taking the servers down ... but every time they do it, why does it have to be during prime time? And could you Bioware people at least tell us ahead about the REASON why? so: 1. Could you stop taking the servers down when people just got home from work/school whatever (prime time EU) pls? 2. Can you tell us what is so important to do it now?
  24. Dear Lord, whining about this OP, unbelievable. Complaining that the pixels on the screen will not happen for some 8 hours, like that actually matters. Maintenance is always going to happen (in every MMO probably). How about deal with it?
  25. BH's have quite a few AoE abilities, if they use them right, they do a lot of damage if they catch people standing around them. Is it a Bh's fault that the other teams stand like rabbits in the same spot, waiting to be hit by one BH's AoE? Do you, in PvE, stand together with your raid mates in a OPS when the boss does some kind of AoE and all get hit by it? See where this is going?
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