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Everything posted by MMornard

  1. I save my dickian creativity for my wife, thank you very much.
  2. I don't want to play Dark Side. For that matter, I'm not all that interested in Trooper or Smuggler. I want to play a Jedi. Also, even though the class quests are different, there is still a lot of overlap. I have a trooper up to L45 and I'm dreading moving forward, frankly.
  3. Yes, I know it takes time. However, the fora are filled with people whining for more "end game" junk. I wanted to enter a counterpoint and whine for something for maximum level characters to do that isn't traditional "end game" garbage.
  4. As a hardcore PvP hater, I hope they never do anything remotely like this. I wish I had real, reliable statistics on what people actually do in games. Put development money into what most people do.
  5. I hate PvP, I will not do raiding, I loathe flashpoints. Please, more story. I don't need to go up levels, or to get more "leet gear," but as a casual player who likes Star Wars, give me something to do that continues the fun I had getting here. There is a whole galaxy to explore and save. Let us have more of it.
  6. I know! I know!! They should make it so you can have a double bladed lightsaber in one hand and a double bladed lightsaber in the other hand and then you have a hundred double bladed lightsabers floating around you like Death Knight boners and you have a double bladed lightsaber with your wiener tied around the middle and you hold another double bladed lightsaber in your teeth and you have a single bladed lightsaber up your butt! That would be SO cool!
  7. Safe word? We don't need no stinking safe word...
  8. There's a reason I've never created a character on a PvP server. It's just that simple -- if you don't like it, don't do it.
  9. Unless you're heavily into PvP, it's utterly irrelevant. I don't PvP at all, and I manage just fine in PvE without worrying about stuff like that. Like most games, you don't have to be perfectly optimized to be successful and have fun.
  10. Furthermore, Kreia and her Dancing Lightsabers was the ultimate stupidity in a thoroughly stupid game. I actually laughed out loud, it was so idiotic.
  11. So, trolling on an internet game forum is worth $15 a month to you?
  12. What keeps me playing? The hopes that all PVP players will leave, and that everyone else will leave my server, and I can play KOTOR3 with continually expanding content.
  13. Newsflash! This game is not SWG, thank the Force. I played it both before and after, and it stunk worse than three feet up Jabba the Hutt's butt.* *Many Bothans died to bring us this information.
  14. When all the haters are gone, the game and the community will be so much more pleasant. And no, I don't group -- I hate playing with other people. I wanted KOTOR3, and that's mostly what I got. Happy me.
  15. 57 here. Star Wars fan since May 1977. I love this game. I don't do "raids" or "end game content" or PVP, so this game suits me just fine. I'm eagerly waiting for further expansions for my Jedi Knight, though. And reflexes do matter in a group. I tried playing with a friend's 17 year old son. I had no idea what was happening, he just moved too fast. But I can solo this game just fine. Last night I soloed two heroic-4s at green level.
  16. People would complain if Bioware gave away free money. Welcome to Earth.
  17. My system has a dual-core Athlon and 4G of memory, Win XP. My wife's has a dual-core Pentium, Win 7, and 8 G. The game runs just fine on both of these. What motherboard do you have? We could give you more help if we knew. You can download "Belarc Advisor" for free and it will give you complete data on your system, if you don't know. Newegg has great prices. I updated my motherboard, processor, RAM, and video card for under $250.
  18. In The Other Game I probably joined ten to twelve different guilds with various characters. ONE guild was better than being stuffed head-first into Jabba the Hutt's toilet. The odds are not good.
  19. I thought a "recruiting tool" was a guy who kept spamming invites on General to join his guild?
  20. This. I prefer to play alone, if my wife is available we play together. The game works just fine solo... what are you having difficulty with? If we knew more about your needs, we could give better answers.
  21. Well, my Jedi Knight, Dahail Sunfire, has been my Jedi character since Star Wars RPG by West End Games in 1987. Other than that, I use the random name generator.
  22. The only single solitary reason I'm playing this game is because it's Star Wars. I hate PVP and wish it didn't exist.
  23. Ironically, it's easy as a male Jedi Knight to have Kira drop you in the "friend zone". Though it's a shame, this goes all the way back to KOTOR 1. The only way to romance Bastila is to basically ignore "no".
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