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Everything posted by MMornard

  1. They have dollars. Bioware wants dollars. Bioware thinks they can get more dollars by doing this. Any questions?
  2. Hey! I, er..... um... eeeehhh.... hmmm..... .... B00bies!
  3. Don't worry, you'll feel differently after puberty.
  4. Today's learning point, children, is that "stuff I pulled out of my butt" does NOT equal "facts."
  5. This is where the disagreements come in; for me, the situation described above is not "fun," but rather a workable analog for Hell.
  6. That is simply not true. Go study the concept of "non-zero-sum" games.
  7. To quote Obi-Wan Kenobi from a line that ended up on the cutting room floor in 1977... "You understand the true nature of the Force as little as a spoon understands the taste of food."
  8. Dang. I rolled my eyes so hard one came out and the cat batted it under the sofa. I hate when that happens.
  9. I would totally buy a game called "Nuns with Guns!" Just sayin'.
  10. So what if you "outlevel" the quests? Eventually it'll level out anyway, so do what's fun.
  11. Yeah, because the cyborg Vader was SO much better with a lightsaber than his merely human son...
  12. Mesa be likin this idea! Mesa want to play Jedi Gungan muy muy bombad!
  13. Hilarious. There are more of us than of you. You will be assimilated. Also, this whole idea that playing a stupid computer game makes you somehow "hardcore" makes me laugh so hard I fart. Waaaahahahahahahha *POOOOOT!*
  14. Yeah, I'd love to be able to do a Qui-Gon type hairstyle.
  15. I'm not bored with this game, but I'm bored with people complaining that they're bored with this game...
  16. What happened to "real" gamers? They hit puberty.
  17. We got the point. It's just that we didn't think it was funny.
  18. No. Absolutely, utterly, not. I hate PVP with the fierce, burning light of ten billion suns, and the more PVPers hate this game, the happier I am.
  19. I am intrigued by your views and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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