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Everything posted by Zilkin

  1. Agreed. I WANT to support BioWare so bring on microtransactions!
  2. You realize that something like which set looks best is just matter of taste and can't be argued. I happen to like the smuggler set a lot and don't want to see it changed.
  3. You can keybind everything except choosing which spot to move to move in SC2.
  4. Yes they did and many times. Here is one direct link for you to these very forums. In case you didn't know Q1 is January-March. Edit: And here is another link. Check the last answer and you will see James Ohlen saying 1.2 coming in March.
  5. I don't care if you bind or click but I do love seeing people who aren't using mouse to move in PvP. So easy kills.
  6. So if I create something no-one is allowed to criticize it. Are you still in kindergarden?
  7. Well funny you should say that because I personally found the consular story to be a lot better than the inquisitor story. Basically for me inq story starts really strong then becomes pretty poor before picking up again just before the end. Consular story just keeps getting better and better once you get started. That is just a personal opinion of course but I wanted to point out that inq story being better is not an undeniable fact.
  8. I actually found it to be really good. I loved all the lore tidbits it had and well it was exactly what I was expecting jedi consular would be doing. Yes act1, makes more sense for a sage, but both sage and shadow still needed to learn the ritual so it's not like you healed them with some sage spells. Anyway I played as shadow tank and I felt the storyline fit the class just fine. I can understand why some people might not like it but I think if you want to know the "whole story" about different planets and what is generally going on, then the consular story will be perfect you.
  9. I don't think BioWare/EA invested 200 million in a MMO hoping it would just "survive". They are going to be for the mass appeal and if you don't like that might as well leave now because the direction isn't going to change.
  10. You act like that was some wide spread phenomenon when it wasn't, sure there were people who did it but it was no where as common as you imply. I for example never ran into plate user needing cloth, of course that is just anecdotal evidence as is your experience, but it does prove it definitely wasn't something you ran into into in every second group
  11. I think they should give triple the stats if you find them with one hand tied behind your back!
  12. I'm afraid your graphics card is indeed pretty bad, but I don't know if getting a better one would do much since I have no idea what the rest of your PC is like. I think your processor is even more important to SWTOR performance than your graphics card. Plus good graphics card can't really perform without a good processor to feed it with.
  13. Could you explain why adding DS would cause you to quit the game? I don't mean to say you can't do that or anything silly like that, just curious.
  14. Nice to see BioWare came to their senses. Proper automated cross-server LFD is badly needed.
  15. When will we get proper automated LFG tool that preferably draws from a large pool of players ie. is cross-server?
  16. Yea he is as far from average as can be.
  17. How the hell you got 4 lvl 50s already?
  18. Sure is some new discovery there...
  19. This is all you something you made up in your head. I read the all the same BioWare marketing info about CE, DDE, etc. and never got that impression. Went and bought SE for 45 euros and now I can pay for about a year of subscription with the money I saved from not getting the CE.
  20. This thread is pretty funny because lot of the comments here have been said about TOR too and people have flocked to call those commenters haters and trolls. Double standards much?
  21. Dude stop trying to break up the great community SWTOR has. How would you like if you went to fleet and saw nothing in the channels? Now we have to communicate with each other, and learn to understand and overcome our differences like civilized people. I know plenty of people love this feeling of connectednes BioWare has designed into this great game, if you don't maybe you should go back to something else...
  22. I did that quest at lvl 28-29 on my assassin and it was before the buffs the class has gotten.
  23. Enrage timers are there to have skill/gear check for the DPS'ers and also to prevent you from just stacking healers. If you think that is arbitary then I don't know what to say.
  24. No thanks. Already hate how much annyoing repetetive poop you need to do to get to the juicy parts.
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