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Everything posted by GratuaCuun

  1. -hands anti-flame asbestos umbrella- Yer gonna need this man... *climbs into bunker*
  2. I have to agree that the coding requirements for such a system would be highly daunting... but I'd really like a way to send stuff to my alts without typing in the wrong name/title and not noticing until it's already been sent ><
  3. -puts on short-sighted badge- could we at least lose the caps in the topic title?? I may be short-sighted but that's still annoying
  4. It's difficult to be innovative when the majority of the masses WANT more of the same. Like it or not, TOR, LOTRO, WoW and Everquest ARE popular your millage may vary on how popular they are depending on the status of your fanboi meter Innovation means risk... and with the way the world is right now, risk is not really economically viable. Possibly - POSSIBLY - this huge... overbloated... open-world... super-space-combat... completely unique... never-done-before drool-inducing 'insert your desired feature here' mmo-fest that everyone wants out of this game COULD have worked... it might even have been successful But that's a gamble on long odds, and with the way companies work very rarely will they take a risk of that magnitude even if the profits might have been incredibly tempting. Because that's what these companies are... businesses. Businesses with people trying to make a living - some of them doing something they love... but most of them just ordinary people trying to earn a living to pay bills. As long as people keep enjoying the 'standards' (it's not REALLY as dirty a word as people want to make it) then the standards are what we're going to get... instead of pushing for breaking the standard - Instead of arguing on whether or not the standards work (games like this wouldn't be around if the standards didn't) why not try actually thinking of realistic fixes for this game? Not 'moar open worlds!!!' or 'faction-hopping mega-rp funniness!!!' or 'huge space mining eve-clone combats!!!' but actual ATTAINABLE improvements that you yourself believe would improve the status of this 'soon to collapse' standard that we call SWTOR
  5. In the past eight months we've had a new planet, several new flashpoints, two new events, a new companion, two new areas and in the next few weeks we'll be getting arenas, a new planet, two new ops and a bunch of additional content... And out of all that, not only are we not satisfied and willing to at least attempt to be patient until the next round of class quests comes out... but we're going to come up with a petition and advertise it ALL IN CAPS BECAUSE EVERYONE KNOWS, A POST IS TAKEN MORE SERIOUSLY WHEN IT'S IN CAPS!!!!1111!!1!1 FTW!11! BIOWARE/EA/TOR/PUGS/INSERT NAME SUX!111!!1! SWG AND WOW FTW!!1!!1! -shakes head- Call me a fanboi or too willing to accept what I'm given or a sheeple or whatever... but this not only seems greedy to me... it seems ungrateful AND most importantly, concerning the topic title Annoying
  6. Technically they've not made Sion's KOTOR II armor... they've made Sion's TFU armor... well, hybridized it anyway... Which is understandable, Sion was made for KOTOR II which was done by Obsidian - Bioware is just trying to include the version of Sion they made for the Force Unleashed to please TFU fans as well as KOTOR II fans I happen to be a fan of both ^^
  7. -mutters to self- this game is not Skyrim. This game is not SWG... the closest you'll EVER get to 'open world' is Ilum (and perhaps Oricon when it's finished) this game is NOT open-world... asking for something that is contrary to the build (not to mention the engine) is as foolish as asking for story-driven content in a game like EVE!
  8. What I'm excited about is this http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/swtor-deadly-foe_thumb.jpg TOR Grievous for the win ^^
  9. When animals are domesticated IRL they often end up smaller or more compact. Granted, Boga and the other Varactyls we saw in ROTS weren't compact but they seemed more 'free ranged' than the one's we get in this game. Perhaps the mount is smaller because it's took so much breeding to get the docile result the breeders wanted... Or, quite simply, the danged critters take up too much space as it is and we all have to get over it they're big enough as is without taking up the whole walk-way on the fleet
  10. The Revan Armor is IMMENSELY better than the version you got in KOTOR... I think Mandalore, Mira and Bastila's armor are all much improved over the original versions. Jolee's armor is awesome no matter what version you play I just wish they'd hurry up and make a Mission Vao version armor ^^ my little Twi'lek companion needs that set bad Also, I like how they hybridized the Darth Sion design from TFU AND KOTOR II (neither of them games that Bioware worked on) to create such awesome armor... which my lovely companion Jaesa is currently rocking ^^
  11. -scratches head- SWTOR failed? *thinks about the MILLIONS of people who just bought billions of packs to get Varactyls* uh... okay... how? I mean... did I miss something? When did SWTOR fail or die or whatever? I was just sitting here, minding my own business, stomping HK-47 for the second time... and the game is failing? Dang... now I'll have to find something else to play... or just ignore 'critics' like this one
  12. Not to mention that if you have the crystal, you can pay cartel coins (like sixty or so) to unlock the crystal unlimitedly for all the characters on your account
  13. -shrug- I like the 'blood red' crystal... looks like the red you get when a scab dries
  14. I'll pass on 'life-size' Boga's thank you very much... the little bastards already take up enough room on the fleet as it is!
  15. In other words, I've been playing MMO's longer than the rest of you and so you should listen to me... Your opinion is just that, your opinion... and I gotta tell ya, LOTRO has very little (if ANYTHING) to teach this game <<
  16. Please see my signature /thread SWG was an open-ended story-limited no-holds-barred sandbox... see EVE TOR is a story-guided action-packed cut-scene enriched theme park... see WoW, Everquest, They have NOTHING in common (not even the same era) I'm sorry that you don't feel 'threatened' enough on your current server... maybe switch to PVP for the unmitigated gank-fest that that is but seriously, the things you're looking for will NEVER be in this type of game It just doesn't mesh with the environment or the style of the game itself... it's like asking for faction-switch at endgame *rolls eyes* and the total bork-fest that would cause
  17. ... six dollars is the shipping price the card itself is 72 dollars...
  18. You do realize that if this game was 'more like the movies' the Jedi class would be ALL anyone would play, the Bounty Hunter would have one level that involves dying in some comical way and the Smuggler quest would be nothing but flirting with stuck-up princesses Your idea of changing 'health' to 'defense' wouldn't really solve the problem - if you want Lightsabers to be 'auto-kill' sticks then they'd still destroy the 'defense' with one blow... This is a different era of Star Wars, every soldier, droid, warrior, sith, jedi and even some senators in this era have cortosis and phrik (lightsaber resistant material) woven into their armor and weapons... materials and ores that had been heavily exploited by the time of the movies and were almost completely gone (one of the reasons new strikes in the unknown regions and wild space were so heavily fought over) thus lightsabers being 'one-hit-wonders'
  19. In certain area's of the game (not all classes, but some) there are missions where ALL of your companions are used (the Trooper class story for instance has two missions where all of your companions fight and the Sith Warrior has one on Taris where everyone has a different mission assignment) like a small merc army... I was thinking, since we've got Arena's now, a neat idea for solo-players would be certain end-game areas where you could lead your 'army' of companions against waves of enemies to accomplish certain goals or fight certain enemies. Granted, the rewards for these missions shouldn't be en par with arena's or PVP zones, but I still think it'd be fun to see HK-51 and Treek gunning down enemies while Quinn provides health and support and you coordinate them all Maybe even take it a step further in a sort of pets vs. pets area where other players can gang up their pets/compainons against other players pets/companions
  20. So because you're personally sick of it... obviously we need new armor why not try some of the other medium armor sets like for the agent or bounty hunter? Or what about the various adaptive armors that can be found on the GTN? My Smuggler is currently rocking the whole 'Cad Bane' look (complete with rocket boots and yes the trenchcoat) even though he only uses one blaster pistol...
  21. Sorry about the title, I have a short attention span ANYWAY!!! So far now, that derned Gree ship seems to have come back just about every other month - not that I mind, having that ship pop up for random XP and gear is always a boon though I personally had no idea it would be so fixated on my characters But what about re-running the Grand Acquisition Race? Or the Rhakgoul Pandemic? Both were utterly AWESOME tests for the much bigger Gree event, major congrats but those two events (maybe scaled to lvl 55 with additional cool gear and mounts) would be awesome to play again... especially since my comp went down during the Pandemic and I missed the last part of the armor for both sides
  22. Interesting... a planet from around the time period of the original Old Republic-era comics with Ulic and Exar Kun... yet it's ONLY mentioned in one story (a role-play template) even though it played it's part in the Great Sith War... Lots of Lore potential there -is curious now-
  23. -blinks- bioweapons... WHY does that ALWAYS make me nervous New weapons from BIO-Ware :lol:
  24. yes yes yes irrelevant and all that rather than reporting this in a new thread, I'm just popping in here to ask - is there any report on fixing the dye modules not working during companion convo's?
  25. /signed I'm generally satisfied with what's been added, but I don't give a flying fig about the jawagrams >< if we HAVE to have them, at least make them sellable - and if nothing else lower them to the useless junk rating... I'd rather have more companion relationship booster or crafting junk than MORE jawagrams ><
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